I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 184: stand alone

Peter Parker was woken up by the oncoming strong wind. He opened his eyes in a daze and found that he was still flying in the air. Didn't he just fall into the lake?

Peter Parker turned his head and saw that he was flying in the air by Tony Stark's steel armor.

"Oh, Mr. Stark, thank you for saving me," Peter Parker said to the Iron Warframe.

The steel armor took Peter Parker to a small park by the lake. Peter Parker sat on a park fitness facility and told the steel armor about his experience.

"Then he slammed down like a monster, grabbed my feet and dragged me to the sky, flew me high, and threw me down! How did you find me? You were with me Is there a tracker on my new suit?" Peter Parker asked, looking at the steel suit.

"I put everything on your suit, including this heater." Tony Stark just finished speaking, the heater on Peter Parker's suit was turned on, instantly drying all the moisture on Peter Parker's body .

"Oh... it's much more comfortable, thank you!" Peter Parker said, looking at the steel armor.

"Why didn't you tell me to act secretly?" Tony Stark's voice came from the steel armor.

"The winged man is clearly the source of the energy weapon, and I have to catch him!" Peter Parker said.

"You almost died, do you know? You can inform me in the future when you encounter such a dangerous situation, and I will arrange someone to solve it." Tony Stark looked at Peter Parker and said.

"I can deal with him, Mr. Stark, you don't have to come all the way, I'm fine!" Peter Parker said looking at the steel armor.

"I didn't come, I'm in the Atlantis base now, please don't act on your own! Although you are as big as Arthur, your ability is not enough to stand on your own." The steel armor helmet suddenly opened, inside Empty, Tony Stark sat next to Dr. Banner in the lab of the Atlantis Avenger, remotely controlling the Iron Warframe.

"Why? I didn't get hurt when I dealt with those steel robots in Wakanda. I can do what Arthur can do, please believe me!" Peter Parker said firmly looking at the steel armor.

"Are you sure you can solve it by yourself?" Tony Stark asked earnestly looking at Peter Parker on the monitor through the wireless network.

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Peter Parker assured, patting his chest.

"...Then, I wish you good luck!" The steel armor was silent for a while, but nodded and flew away into the air.

Peter Parker really wanted to give himself a slap when he looked at the steel armor that went away, what a cool thing to pretend to be, in order to prove that he was also a real Avenger, he boasted that he could solve it by himself. I paid the price for my hilarity...

Atlantis Undersea Avengers Base

"Do you really trust him to deal with the bad guy with the energy weapon alone?" Dr. Banner asked, looking at Tony Stark.

"Peter Parker is twenty-two years old like Arthur, and he is no longer a child. Although he has gone through the battle of Wakanda, he is still not mature enough. If he wants to be on his own, he must go through trials." Tony Stark was operating Speaking to Dr. Banner while using the computer.

"Yeah, how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain. Arthur, who is as big as him, is already the main member of the Avengers." Dr. Banner sighed.

"I'm angry when I mention Arthur. What this guy said to prevent Thanos from getting the gems in advance, and then he leaves the earth and disappears. It's like this every time! Do whatever you want." Tony has a headache when he thinks of Arthur, After Arthur handed over the improvement of Atlantis weapons to Tony Stark, he went to Xandar, leaving Tony Stark alone to deal with Atlantis.

"No way, he's always so busy, and the reasons are irrefutable." Dr. Banner said with a smile.

"Forget it, don't miss him, let's see how the shark laser cannon I designed..." Tony Stark took out his computer and said to Dr. Banner, and the two discussed the weapon design of the Atlantis. up.


Peter Parker walked back on his way, muttering as he walked.

"Being alone? What did he say, why can't I be alone?" Peter Parker was walking and suddenly saw the energy weapon that had just fallen out of the white man's hand during his entanglement with the van.

It was an energy gun glowing purple, but only half of it was damaged, and it lay quietly on the side of the road.

Just then, Peter Parker's phone rang again, and it was Ned, who answered the call: "Hey, Ned, why are you calling me several times a night?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm home already, and Aunt May didn't find out about your going out, so we'll see you at school tomorrow." Ned hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Peter Parker put away the phone and picked up the half of the energy weapon from the ground. Although the energy weapon was damaged, its core was still intact, lying quietly in the center of the weapon, emitting a faint purple light.

The next day, Peter Parker hit the half of the energy weapon with a hammer in the school fitter's workshop, trying to remove the purple energy core.

"Why did you come here alone, I'm looking for you everywhere, you know?" Ned asked Peter Parker, appearing behind him.

"Sorry, I have something to do suddenly," Peter Parker said to Ned.

"What's this?" Ned asked, looking at Peter Parker's purple-glowing remains of an energy weapon in his vise.

"I don't know, someone tried to vaporize me with it," Peter Parker said, dismantling it.

"Really?" Ned asked.

"Yes," Peter Parker replied.

"That's awesome!" Ned exclaimed, and Peter Parker turned to look at Ned.

"No, I mean that guy is going too far, it's scary." Ned immediately changed his mind when he saw Peter Parker's bad eyes.

"Yeah, I think it's an energy source," Peter Parker said, cocking hard.

"Yes, but it's hooked up to various microprocessors, and it's the inductive charging pad that I use to charge my electric toothbrush," Ned said, pointing to the chip connected to the purple core.

"The people who made these weapons obviously combined alien and human technology," Peter Parker said.

"That's the coolest sentence ever, I just want to thank you for letting me join you on your journey into this amazing..." Peter Parker slammed the purple core on it before Ned finished speaking Fly out, startling Ned.

The two looked around to see if anyone noticed their abnormality. As a result, the other students did their own thing, wearing headphones so as not to interfere with each other.

"Don't send your fingers to the blade!" The studio teacher sitting on the side looked at a book fascinatedly and shouted, and he didn't notice the difference in Peter Parker.

"I have to find out what this thing is and who made it." Peter Parker said, looking at the purple crystals glowing faintly on the table.

"Then let's go to the lab and do some tests after class," Ned said.

"Okay!" Peter Parker agreed with Ned, shaking his hand.


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