I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 152: Atlantis

"I haven't taken you to Atlantis yet, do you want to come and see it with me?" Arthur asked Wanda.

"Okay, I also want to see what your hometown is like." Wanda nodded and agreed.

"Let's go then." Arthur opened a portal, and the two walked in hand in hand.

Arthur and Wanda went directly to the sea near Atlantis after passing through the portal. Arthur jumped into the sea with Wanda, and at the moment Wanda entered the water, a bubble was outside Wanda's body. Formed, encasing her, allowing her to move freely in the water.

Arthur glanced at Wanda, went up and hugged her, and instantly accelerated and rushed towards the deep sea bottom at a very fast speed.

Wanda had never moved at such a high speed in the sea before, she felt very excited, and Wanda was about to cry out in excitement.

Wanda is not an Atlantean and can't see things around in the deep sea. The yellow Mind Gem in Arthur's right hand emits a bright yellow light, illuminating the surrounding environment like a light bulb.

"What is that?" Wanda asked, pointing to the huge shadow swimming towards the two of them in the distance. She was a little bit of deep-sea phobia, afraid of encountering some huge unknown creature.

"Oh, that's a tiger shark, my friend." Arthur stopped and said, looking at the huge tiger shark swimming towards them.

After more than ten seconds, Wanda finally saw the huge tiger shark. This tiger shark is very exaggerated. Its body is as big as a whale, and the largest great white shark is like a small fish in front of it.

It has two rows of sharp teeth. Wanda didn't want to be bitten by such a giant in the sea. The tiger shark swam in front of the two, and Wanda's heart was lifted.

"Don't be nervous, it's very docile, it's just in charge of patrolling today." Arthur saw that Wanda was a little scared, reached out and touched the top of the tiger shark's head, comforting Wanda.

"Patrol?" Wanda asked suspiciously.

"Yes, they are all giant creatures that I brought out of the bottomless abyss. Now they have lived with the Atlantis, and they will protect the safety of Atlantis." Arthur pulled Wang Da's hand touched the tiger shark's skin and explained to her.

"Its skin is like sandpaper. It's really fun, so are we almost there?" Wanda was relieved, and asked Arthur, taking the initiative to stroke the tiger shark's skin.

"It's coming soon, let's go." Arthur took Wanda and swam forward.

Suddenly, a huge city appeared in front of the two of them. There were colorful and luminous creatures in the city. The huge gate and the two statues of Sea Kings holding tridents shocked Wanda.

"This is Atlantis? It's so beautiful!" said Wanda, looking at the city covered in colorful corals and this beautiful school of fish.

"Yeah, welcome to Atlantis, which may be our home in the future!" Arthur said to Wanda.

Arthur opened his hands, and countless schools of fish swam towards Arthur and Wanda, circling around them like their guards.

Wanda has completely fallen in love with this beautiful country under the sea, which is much more beautiful than Atlantis she imagined.

Arthur brought Wanda to the gate of Arthur Landis City. The two blue-skinned female guardsmen immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "Welcome home, Your Majesty!"

Wanda was taken aback by the reaction of the two, Arthur shook her hand to keep her from being surprised, and said, "Get up."

"Do we need to inform the Great Elder that His Majesty is back?" The two stood up and said.

"No, I'll go find the Great Elder in person." After Arthur finished speaking, he took Wanda into the city of Atlantis.

Compared with Arthur's last visit, Atlantis is much more prosperous. The damaged buildings have been repaired, and many Atlantis people have opened shops again. Now the whole main road seems to be prosperous again. spectacle.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

All Atlanteans who saw Arthur bowed their heads and saluted Arthur, and Arthur also saluted one by one.

"I didn't expect you to be quite popular in Atlantis." Wanda sighed looking at everyone's respect for Arthur.

"Of course, your husband is the king of Atlantis, and you will be the queen in the future." Arthur joked with Wanda.

"Who wants to be your queen, and I didn't promise to marry you..." Wanda snorted and said with a blushing face.

"Who else do you want to marry if you don't marry me? I think who dares to hit your mind?" Arthur said domineeringly.

"Okay, you're amazing! Take me around, I haven't visited such a magical store before." Wanda said, holding Arthur's arm.

"Okay, I've never shopped before." Arthur took Wanda to shop around, and the two were very interested.

The owner of the shop they went to asked Arthur what he liked, and the owner gave it directly to Arthur, making Arthur embarrassed to speak.

The two strolled around and didn't buy anything. They just tasted the seafood of Atlantis. The Atlanteans here eat fish and plants grown in the sea.

Just as Arthur and Wanda walked out of a shop, the elder Sartu brought a team of soldiers to find Arthur.

"My Majesty! Why didn't you send someone to notify me when you came back? I only heard from the guards that you came back, and you didn't go back to the palace. What are you doing on the street?" Great Elder Sartu looked at Arthur complained.

"I'll see how the life of the people of Atlantis is going. You are doing well, and the people's lives are on the right track." Arthur praised the management of Atlantis by the elders.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your praise, but Your Majesty, although you don't like to manage these things, you have to take the time to come back and see. You don't come back once in a few years. We don't know whether our king is dead or alive." Great Elder Sa Ertu complained to Arthur.

"Yes, yes, this time I came back to solve this problem, this time we are going to build a base here, so that members of our Avengers can come to live in Atlantis." Arthur told Saltu said.

"This... let humans come to live in our Atlantis, I'm afraid it's a bit unethical, right?" Old Sartu has not forgotten how his son died. Atlantis people still hate humans. Sartu looked at Wanda beside Arthur.

"By the way, this is my... girlfriend Wanda, this is the elder Sartu." Arthur introduced the two to each other.

"Hello! Great Elder Sartu!" Wanda heard Sartu's name a little familiar, as if the Atlantis in Sokovia used to be called Sartu.

"Hello!" Elder Sartu greeted Wanda expressionlessly, and it was difficult for the old human Sartu on land to give them a good face.

"Okay, don't mind so much, Wanda was once imprisoned in Sokovia's laboratory with General Sartu by Hydra. She was persecuted by Hydra since she was a child, and she was considered to be with Atlantis. There is a little connection." Arthur advised the elder Saltu.

"Have you been locked up with my son? Have you ever met him?" The elder immediately changed his face when he heard the news of his son.

"I've seen him a few times, he's a very respectable man, and he didn't bow his head to Hydra until the end of his life." Wanda remembered the man who was tortured and didn't reveal a bit about Atlantis. The secret man said with a heavy heart.

"Oh, my child, I'm sorry, you are also a good boy. Welcome to Atlantis as a guest." After hearing Wanda's words, the elder elder looked much better. For this girl who was persecuted by bad people like his own son , Old Sartu also changed his opinion of her.


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