I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 151: see you again

the next morning

"Beep...beep...hey, Natasha? Do you have anything to do with me?" Arthur's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Arthur! You've been gone for more than a year and you're still asking me if I have anything to do with you? Do you want to quit the Avengers?" Natasha didn't expect the phone to get through, and when she heard Arthur's voice, her chest suddenly twitched. A nameless fire burst out and roared loudly.

"Calm, calm... This time I have successfully protected the safety of the earth in Hong Kong, and it can be regarded as a contribution to the Avengers. I am not greedy for enjoyment." Arthur explained to Natasha.

"Hong Kong? What happened in Hong Kong, why don't we know, can you explain in detail." Natasha didn't believe Arthur's words.

"I can't tell on the phone. I'll come directly in a while and call everyone who is there. Let's have a drink at noon." Arthur said.

"Well, if you don't give a reasonable explanation for a while, you can wait for me to arrange unlimited tasks for you." Natasha threatened Arthur, then hung up the phone.

"Beep...beep..." Arthur was holding the phone for no reason. Natasha is not such a violent person. What's the matter, is he going too far? No.

"What's the matter, being scolded?" Wanda asked, standing behind Arthur in a white shirt with bare thighs, she could hear Natasha's loud voice on the phone.

Arthur saw Wanda's clothes, turned around and hugged her into his arms, and said, "Why don't you sleep for a while? Natasha doesn't know what medicine she took. She is so angry today."

"You deserve it, who told you to never contact the Avengers base actively, just explain it later." Wanda said.

"Should we continue to go to sleep for a while?" Arthur hugged Wanda with a bad smile.

"Get up, I'm going to take a shower, and we'll go to the Avengers base in a while." Wanda pushed Arthur away and said.

"Take a shower? Together!" Arthur chased Wanda and prepared to go into the bathroom with her.

"Go away!!" Wanda slammed the bathroom door shut and locked Arthur out.

Arthur shrugged, Wanda was thin-skinned and couldn't help it, he went to prepare breakfast for Wanda.


Arthur brought Wanda to the Washington Avengers base in his transformed Quinjet.

After the two left the tarmac, they walked towards the Avengers Base Building.

"Hi, good morning!"

"Hi, long time no see!"

Arthur took care of him when he saw acquaintances. Everyone who saw Arthur was very surprised. What kind of wind was blowing him today. The last time I saw Arthur was at the celebration banquet of the Battle of Wakanda.

In the conference room, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha, Sam, Bucky, Barton and Rhodes looked at Arthur with bad eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, look at me as embarrassed, what about the others?" Arthur asked.

"Dr. Banner hasn't come to this base since Ross became Secretary of State, Scott Lang went back to deal with Dr. Pym, Thor also said something has left Earth, and Peter Parker is in school." Steve Rogers explained to Arthur.

"Aren't you going to explain what you've been doing this year?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Arthur.

"Okay, my year..." Arthur told a few people about this year's experience.

"What? Dormammu invaded Earth?"

"Kama Taj has a mage organization?"

"You went to the earth in another world? And we also exist there?" Several people were stunned when they heard Arthur's experience. They didn't expect Arthur's experience this year to be so rich, and they couldn't be easily Confidentiality to let others know.

"You mean that the Avengers of that world have been completely disbanded? Because what agreement was proposed by King Wakanda uniting 115 countries?" Tony Stark asked.

"Yes, that's the way it is. Our world is fine, and King T'Challa of Wakanda still supports me and us!" Arthur replied.

"In fact, our situation is not optimistic. Now many countries have protested against me, accusing us of violating the territory of other countries and causing economic losses and casualties to other countries." Steve Rogers said.

"Gossip sources say that more than 100 countries have communicated privately. It is estimated that we will also propose an agreement to supervise the Avengers." Natasha added on the side.

"When did this happen, why didn't I know?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Natasha.

"I only learned about it recently. I didn't tell you that you and Banner continued to conduct weapons research." Natasha replied.

"Then what should we do? Once the United Nations proposes an agreement and officially signs it, then if we do not agree, it will become an illegal action, and we may be arrested by the whole world!" Rhode asked worriedly.

"We absolutely cannot agree to such an agreement, once we agree that all the actions of our Avengers will be controlled by others! As long as there are people, there will be entanglements of interests, and our Avengers will become a weapon in the hands of others. !" Steve Rogers looked at everyone and said firmly.

"Then if we don't agree, we will be the enemy of the world? At that time, all our actions will become extremely difficult!" Tony Stark said.

Everyone also understands Tony's difficulties. All his property, even the people he likes, are in the United States. He is different from others, and he can't just leave.

"Then what should we do? We can only sign it obediently and wait to be supervised?" Sam asked while looking at the crowd.

"I have an idea!" Arthur said suddenly.

"What do you think? Come and listen!" Tony Stark said.

"It is impossible for us to sign this agreement. Our biggest problem now is that we are always in the clear. Everyone in the world knows the Avengers, and everyone knows that the Avengers are in the United States, so some countries or organizations have been against We are eyeing it," Arthur told everyone.

"So what to do?" Sam asked Arthur.

"We just need to get out of everyone's sight, move out of America, go to a place where no one else can find us, and then we move from light to dark, so that others can't know our pace, we want to be in everyone's heart Becoming a mysterious organization, our actions will not be known to anyone," Arthur continued.

"It works, but where are we going to move?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Wakanda, Atlantis and outer space are all three places," Arthur said.

"Wakanda is good, and Atlantis is also okay, but outer space is a bit too much." Natasha looked at Arthur and complained.

"I can build a teleportation array, and returning to Earth from outer space is an instant thing." Arthur replied.

"Okay! Let's do it like this, Natasha, go and contact King T'Challa to ask if we can go to Wakanda to build a base. As for the king of Atlantis, I believe it will be fine without his consent." Steve Rogers said.

"Then what do I do? I also move Stark Industries to Wakanda?" Tony Stark asked Steve Rogers, dumbfounded.

"When the time comes, we will announce the dissolution of the Avengers, and all the properties of the Avengers will be transferred to your name. When you continue to live in New York, I will build you a portal so that you can come to Wakan at any time. Just get to the base," Arthur explained to Tony Stark.

"Well, that's the only way to do it." Tony Stark replied helplessly.


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