I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 371: Battle with the Snowfield Ice Dragon

No matter how cute the other person appears,

As long as there is a clan war between elves, it will be very intense.


Not to mention, the hatred between the two parties was verified by the elf information given by the district chief.

This means,

There may be a feud between Bingbao and Coololosaurus.

If this were the case, it would be even more impossible to stop the clan leaders from both sides.

Seeing this astonishing scene, Lin Yiyi didn't care to respond to Lu Chenxi at the moment, but just looked at Lu Chenxi with drooling eyes.

Because in her opinion, He Yunxi was simply too big.

It’s still the same dimension as our own Iceberg Goddess, and it feels just right.

Even though she was a young girl, Lu Chenxi was also shocked by Lin Yiyi's fiery eyes at this moment.

He took two steps back involuntarily.

The Bingbao and Coolosaurus who were fighting over there seemed to be aware that humans were nearby.

Reactions from various parties varied.

The Langqi Special Zone has an agreement with some elves in the Ice Crown Snowfield.

The ice rock monster clan living in the ice lake is one of the clans that signed the agreement.

The ice rock monster clan provides help for the Langqi Special Zone to cross the ice lake, and the Langqi Special Zone provides a certain share of food for the ice rock monster clan.

In fact, the ice rock monster family itself has no shortage of food.

Because whether it is lake water, ice, or rocks, they can all become food for ice rock monsters and ice treasures.

The reason for signing an agreement with humans,

Firstly, it is because the food provided by humans is more delicious, and secondly, because the food provided by humans is more nutritious and more beneficial to ice babies.

Seeing Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi,

Several ice treasures left the battlefield and ran to the two of them for help.

Riolu and Gengar did not stop the ice treasures and allowed them to approach Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi.

"Prin, pollin!"

Among them, the largest ice treasure kept feeding Lu Chenxi's calf, looking very anxious.

Lu Chenxi looked at Lin Yiyi, and Lin Yiyi looked at Riolu.

Currently, when communicating with elves who do not have the power of waveguide, Lin Yiyi needs to use Riolu's transformation to know the elf's true intentions.

Although this conversion is a bit troublesome, it is already more convenient than most trainers.

"Goddess, Bingbao means that the other party has captured one of their companions."

Lin Yiyi relayed what Bing Bao said to Lu Chenxi while taking Riolu to the battlefield to help.

"Riolu, use the metal claw!"


Riolu sprinted forward, his hands behind his back, and two silver lights covered them.

Its target is the largest Coololosaurus.

Hit the opponent with the best.

the other side,

Lu Chenxi looked at his purple fat man.

Purple Fat Gengar pointed to the wind and snow not far away, where there was a black shadow more than two meters high, like a line.

Lu Chenxi frowned.

Because she had vaguely seen the other party's appearance.

This is a tall bipedal dragon-shaped elf.

It is covered with cyan skin, with a rare white color on its face and the outside of its dorsal fin. It has hexagonal breastplate-like scales of different sizes on its knees and abdomen, and its hands have three bright red claws.

In addition, the part on the back that resembles a halberd also has a cold glow.

Just by looking at his appearance, you can tell that the other person is definitely not an easy elf to get along with.

Just when Lu Chenxi was still considering the next step, the black shadow in the wind and snow started to move.


Strange laughter sounded, and Gengar threw a shadow ball.


The red claws streaked across, and the shadow ball was directly scratched by the opponent.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chenxi didn't hesitate at all, turned around and hid at the feet of the huge whale.

She knew Gengar's temper.

Although Gengar usually behaves nonsensically and loves to be funny, he is also a very cautious and reliable guy.

During the period before settling in Langqi Special Administrative Region, he and Lin Yiyi relied on Geng Gui's experience to avoid danger many times.

Since Gengar took the initiative this time,

It means that this battle cannot be avoided no matter what.

The battle between Gengar and Styracosaurus begins immediately.

The green dragon body of Styracosaurus stands out in the wind and snow. It looks extremely tall and powerful.

Gengar was floating in the air, with a mysterious purple energy flowing around it.

Since he had suffered a shadow ball first, Styracosaurus took the lead in attacking, opening his mouth and shooting a freezing beam straight at Gengar.

Seeing this, Gengar floated up and down, and used strange movement skills to avoid the freezing beams.


Gengar dodged directly behind the Styrophysosaurus, and the black shadow claws scratched the tail of the Strypnotophosaurus.

It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting.

This could easily cause the Styracosaurus' will to waver.

The Styrophyllosaurus was extremely angry;

He drew out a wide-area destructive blow and swiped the opponent with his tough tail to attack.

Gengar still nimbly dodged the attack, and at the same time launched another surprise attack, hitting the tail of the Styracosaurus.

This time,

Gengar finally left three deep claw marks on the butt of the Styracosaurus.

Styrosophora is worthy of being a powerful ice dragon elf. It overcame the pain from erecting the dragon's hips and directly drove Gengar back with several huge ice picks dropped from the sky.

Gengar laughed and continued to use the Shadow Claw to attack.

This is a Gengar used to close combat.


Elves like Gengar are naturally not good at melee combat, and were once thrown into disarray by the smooth melee attack of the Stilkey Spinosaurus.

Just when the Styrophysosaurus was pressing down, condensing its energy, and preparing to use a foolhardy and sacrificial attack - a giant sword attack, Gengar's eyes flashed with purple light and entered the Styrosophosaurus' body.

This shocked the Styrophysosaurus' figure.

The ice and snow halberd on its back was less than one meter away from Gengar, but the Styrophosaurus just couldn't move.

It can clearly sense that once it knocks down this hateful purple fat man, it will also be severely damaged.


Geng Gui brushed off the falling snow on his body and backed away with a strange smile.

If the two sides really fight, this Styrophysosaurus may not be his opponent.

But there seemed to be a few Styracosaurus in the wind and snow.

Now after preliminary testing, and with the skill Tongming threatening the opponent at all times, Styracosaurus will definitely throw a rat weapon.

Although the Styracosaurus looked at him with very angry eyes, Gengar didn't care at all.

Who hasn't had their anus penetrated when they were young?

Geng Gui slowly drifted back to Lu Chenxi and gave him a reassuring look.

On the other side, the fierce battle between Riolu and Coolosaurus continues.

Riolu used various fighting moves in a meticulous manner, constantly attacking the Coolosposaurus. The Coolspine fought back with its powerful front claws and whip.

The two sides came and went, and the scene was very lively.

Riolu suddenly jumped and swept towards the Coolososaurus.

Coololosaurus had no intention of avoiding it.

It swung out the whip in its hand, faced Riolu's tail, and fought head-on with the opponent in mid-air.

"Riolu learned Iron Tail?"

Lin Yiyi turned around and saw that it was Lu Chenxi and Geng Gui.

"It's still almost interesting."

Lin Yiyi spread her hands helplessly: "Although it looks full of momentum every time, it is always not as powerful as it should be."

"I remember that in the game, the fighting type and steel type restrained the ice type."

Lu Chenxi spoke again.

Coololosaurus may not have dragon attributes, but it certainly seems to have ice attributes.

But why, even though Riolu masters both fighting and ice skills, he has no good way to deal with the opponent?

"I remember there seems to be a fitness gym opened in the city. You can take Riolu to try it."

Lu Chenxi gave his opinion.

The gym itself is nothing, but the owner of the gym is a trainer with a powerful fighting type elf.

Maybe he could help Riolu.

"You're talking about the gym called 'Fighting Dojo'?"

Lin Yiyi had obviously heard of the other party. She said to Lu Chenxi: "I plan to go. I heard that his boss has a fighting elf who also masters waveguides."

At this time, the battle between the two sides was nearing its end.

There were only two elves left on the battlefield, Riolu and Coololosaurus, and their battle continued.

In another collision, both parties were knocked back a few steps.

But the offensive immediately resumed.

Riolu continued to raise its fists, trying to hit the body of the Coolosophosaurus hard and cause damage to it, but the Coolosophosaurus used its ice energy to restrict Riolu's movements by exhaling cold air.

During a confrontation,

Riolu was unaware for a moment and was frozen in place by the Coolophobe, unable to move.

Seeing its enemy frozen, Coolosaurus sneered, drew its claws, and rushed towards Riolu.

Riolu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and used his tail to barely avoid the attack of the Lysolosaurus. At the same time, he took the opportunity to grab the waist of the Lysolosaurus and threw his opponent to the ground with a bow.

Coololosaurus was knocked dizzy.

But even so, Coololosaurus still sent a freezing beam to the opponent before falling unconscious.

Redeem one to one!

As the final battle comes to an end,

Three Styracosaurus appeared on the battlefield with more than a dozen Frozen Styracosaurus.

They didn't do anything,

He just watched quietly while waiting for the Coolosaurus to retreat.

At this time, a small ice baby unexpectedly appeared at the feet of one of the Styracosaurus.

The moment he saw his companion, Xiao Bingbao happily ran towards him.

Surprisingly, neither Styracosaurus nor Frozen Styracosaurus stopped Xiao Bingbao from leaving.

Seeing the little ice baby returning to the tribe,

The Halcyonosaurus that led the fight against Gengar disappeared into the wind and snow with its clansmen after a dragon roar.


Styrophysosaurus before leaving,

He took a deep look at Gengar, his cold eyes filled with fighting intent.

Gengar didn't give the other party any response.

At this time, it

He was working on making Lu Chenxi laugh with his funny faces.

As the Styracosaurus family retreated, Big Bingbao also brought the returning Little Bingbao to express his gratitude.

Xiao Bingbao also explained the misunderstanding to the two people and his own tribe.

It turned out to be a playful creature and accidentally fell into an ice crevice not far away.

The playing Coololosaurus discovered the plight of the little ice baby and rescued it from the ice crevice.

I just don’t know why, but the two sides started fighting like this... (End of chapter)

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