I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 370 Grouping on the Icecrown Snowfield

On the Icecrown Snowfield,

snowflakes fell one after another.

They spun in the air and then covered the entire snowfield.

Led by the brother and sister Vaporeon and Ice Elf, four figures continued to move forward in the flying snow.

Their goal was the Snow Ridge a few kilometers away.

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The Snow Ridge is the home of many ice-type elves in the Icecrown Snowfield.

The Ice Elves that everyone needs to visit today live in that snow ridge.

At this moment,

Vaporeon and Ice Elf suddenly stopped,

they looked solemnly in the direction of advance and gave everyone a warning.


He Yunxi was the first to react and stopped her companions who did not notice the warning.

"Maybe some creature is approaching."

Lu Chenxi and the other two girls were a little confused.

They did not have the physical strength of He Yunxi. They were already very tired at this moment. Coupled with the interference of the blizzard, they had no idea what was going on.

The elves gave them answers.

Riolu was the first to react, and he did a front flip and jumped in front of Lin Yiyi.

Then, the purple fat man Gengar also half appeared from Lu Chenxi's shadow, with an inexplicable cunning in his eyes.

Although Kirlia didn't make any moves,

her eyes had already glowed with a beautiful pink light, which was a manifestation of superpower accumulation.

What kind of elf could it be?

"Here it comes!"

He Yunxi shouted.

Sure enough, a huge figure was slowly walking towards them.

Every step made the ground tremble terribly.

Until it was less than ten meters away from the four girls, the huge figure finally stopped.


The low and powerful sound was particularly prominent on the ice cap snowfield.

As the snowflakes waved, it produced an echo, giving people a deep and mysterious feeling.

This was a behemoth several meters high.

Like a land-walking whale with four limbs, in addition to the muscles that looked very strong, there were five thick and hard horns on its back.

As the Amphibian whale stopped, the other four Amphibian whales following behind it also stopped.

The five Great Whales did not react to the humans blocking their way, but stood quietly in place, as if waiting for something.

"I may have information about this group of elves!"

"It seems to be in the elf information sorted out by my elder brother!"

Ning Yuxi seemed to have thought of something, and immediately took off her backpack and took out a stack of cards to search.

Soon, she got something.

"Got it! Great Whale!"

[Great Whale! ]

[Great Whale: Amphibian elf]

[The physical attack of the Great Whale with its huge body has extremely high power. ]

[The Great Whale will migrate in the ice and snow zone under the protection of thick subcutaneous fat. ]

[The horns on the upper palate of the Great Whale can concentrate the energy of ice and become super low temperature, so as to freeze its surroundings. ]

Item Keywords: Amphibian Whale, Attack, Defense

There are not many records on the cards about the temper, character and living habits of the Great Whale.

But it was still somewhat helpful.

He Yunxi pointed at the word "migration" on the card: "Do you think we are blocking their way?"

What is migration?

Migration refers to some animals in the ocean (mainly fish) that migrate back and forth regularly along a certain route due to spawning, foraging or seasonal changes.

Although the Great Whale is a land-walking whale, it is still a whale after all.

If the other party is really migrating, then they are indeed blocking their way.

"What should we do? Let's get out of the way?" Ning Yuxi asked cautiously.

She was waiting for her sisters to make a decision.

As the youngest of the girls, she was still used to following her sisters.

"Let's get out of the way!"

As the eldest sister, He Yunxi made the decision.

Sure enough!

After the four girls made way, the extremely large Great Whales started slowly for two minutes and then continued to move forward in the original direction.

The process of moving forward was silent, but it brought about the shaking of the earth.

Five huge whales moved forward like five small mountains, giving people a deep sense of shock.

"Why don't we follow them and see?" Lin Yiyi looked at everyone and asked.

The curiosity in her beautiful eyes almost strangled Schrödinger's cat to death on the spot.

"I only have one day off, and I have to take Vaporeon back to see its old father, so I may not be able to go with you." He Yunxi refused.

Lin Yiyi was a little disappointed, but still expressed her understanding of He Yunxi.

She had a deep understanding of accidents.

Because when they first came to Icecrown Snowfield, several people stayed here for a night because of an accident.


Ning Yuxi hesitated for a moment, and still said to Lin Yiyi and Lu Chenxi: "I want to go to the Snow Ridge with Sister Xiao He, Xiaoxue also misses her father."

Xiaoxue is Ning Yuxi's Ice Vulpix.

While talking, Ning Yuxi squatted down and rubbed the Ice Vulpix at her feet.

As the lover of Glaceon, Glaceon Vulpix said that he hadn't seen his father for a long time and now couldn't wait to go back to Snow Ridge to see him.

Seeing the figure of the Great Whale gradually disappear in the wind and snow,

After a brief discussion, Lin Yiyi and Lu Chenxi's tribe followed the Great Whale to explore, while He Yunxi and Ning Yuxi's tribe continued to visit relatives in Xueling.

After being divided into groups,

Lin Yiyi and Lu Chenxi set off first and caught up with the Great Whales who had just left.

"Goddess, what do you think about me taming a Great Whale?"

Lin Yiyi's words puzzled Lu Chen: "Aren't you going to tame all the waveguide Pokémon? Do Pokémon like the Great Whale also have waveguides?"

Lu Chenxi was somewhat envious of Lin Yiyi's waveguide ability.

This ability not only allows Lin Yiyi to communicate directly with Pokémon that also have waveguides, but also allows her to sense the mood of the Pokémon and communicate with them better.

It can be said that it is a special ability that is extremely suitable for trainers.

The Great Whales, who were originally moving well, suddenly stopped and began to stand still again.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, go up and take a look."

Although Lu Chenxi was a three-no girl in front of others, she spoke significantly more in front of Lin Yiyi.

Under the protection of the purple fat man Gengar and Riolu, Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi passed the huge whales and came to the place in front of them where something strange happened.

It turned out that there was a conflict!

This was a small-scale tribe fight.

One side was a square ice block with four legs, with angular bodies and purple and yellow eyes.

The other side was a blue dragon-like elf cub.

On their stomachs, there were white patterns of varying sizes connected together, and there was a long yellow strip on the back of their hands.

"The ice block is Bingbao!"

Lin Yiyi looked through a stack of cards in her hand and found Bingbao's information.

[Bingbao! ]

[Bingbao: Ice elf]

[Bingbao lives in extremely cold areas in the mountains covered with snow for thousands of years. It will freeze its feet on the back of the ice monster to fix it. ]

[Bingbao occasionally rides on the back of the ice monster to cross the sea and change its residence. ]

[Bingbao will freeze the enemy with cold air at minus 100 degrees. 】

【The ice covering the body of Bingbao can resist the enemy's attack, and even if it is broken, it can immediately freeze with cold air. 】

【If it encounters a cold-backed dragon, it will fight. 】

Keywords of the entry: solid ice

Seeing Lu Chenxi looking at her in surprise, Lin Yiyi explained: "Just before leaving, Xiao Yuxi gave it to me, saying that it would be convenient for us to understand the elves we don't know."

"Although I can't find the other party's information, I guess its name is this."

Lin Yiyi pointed to the three words "cold-backed dragon" on the card. They look like Bingbao's mortal enemy.

Bingbao and the cold-backed dragons look very motivated.

The cold-backed dragon has sharp teeth and claws, and with a more flexible body, it looks more aggressive.

The body of the Bingbao cub is harder. Although its attack power is not as good as the opponent, its defense power is enough to make up for its lack of attack power. They keep hitting the opponent without fear.

Such a fighting scene is very interesting.

It was like two different groups of children playing together. They had just mastered the weapons and were now trying to learn how to use them on each other.

The movements looked clumsy but cute.

Although there was no real danger for both sides, the fight was very intense.

The cubs' roars and shouts were full of energy. Their small bodies ran back and forth in the snow, and a lot of snowflakes were splashed during the fight, which was very beautiful.

"Should we stop them?"

Lin Yiyi was melted by the movements of both sides and didn't want them to fight like this anymore.

Lu Chenxi looked at the "boastful" girl in front of him expressionlessly, holding 36D in his arms to signal the other party to go on his own... (End of this chapter)

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