I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 362 Volcanic Zone Arrangement Plan

The Night Salamander is one of the elves with the most obvious difference between male and female.

However, both male and female Night Salamanders produce body fluids that emit a sweet aroma after burning.

However, this sweet aroma is toxic.

If you really use this body fluid to make perfume, you need to neutralize this toxicity during the production process.

Another smell comes from the pheromone gas produced by female Night Salamanders.

This pheromone gas has great attraction and temptation to human men and male elves, which can make them fascinated.

As long as this gas is diluted, you can make an excellent pheromone perfume.

The production of perfume still needs to be handed over to Hua Xi Ze to study.

Hua Xi Ze has recently been committed to the body fluid perfume research project of Stinky Flower and Venus Flower, and has developed more than ten perfumes of different flavors and concentrations for perfume companies.

It should not be difficult for him to study the perfume from plant elves to biological elves.

Of course, the most important thing is to reproduce the Night Salamander family again.

This requires the assistance of the Flame Queen Lizard.

Due to the damage caused by the Ancient Jade Fish, the Flame Queen Lizard was seriously injured. Now, together with Caterpie, she is receiving treatment from the Elf Doctor in the Youth Training Building.

"Commander Lin, please send someone to bring these Elf eggs back to the Youth Training Building for me."

"No problem, leave it to me."

Lin Yong waved his hand, and the Sea Warriors behind him came forward one by one, each holding two Elf eggs. After counting, a total of 13 Sea Warriors were used, which means 26 Elf eggs.

Add to that the Flame Queen Lizard's own 15 Night Thief Salamander servants, which means 41 Night Thief Salamanders.

When all these Elf eggs are hatched, although the Night Thief Salamander clan is not as large as it was in its heyday, it has begun to take shape.

The Bone Pattern Giant Voice Crocodile continued to shake its head, and two loud sonic attacks shook off the chocolate fruit on a chocolate fruit tree.


Chen Xizhou saw the action of the bone pattern giant crocodile and immediately understood what the other party meant, so he went forward to pick up three chocolate fruits, gave two to Wenren Xuesong and Lin Yong, and ate one for himself.

He took a bite and it was quite crisp.

The juice of the chocolate fruit burst in his mouth, and the spicy feeling immediately numbed his tongue. But in just two seconds, the sweetness began to respond to the exploration of the tongue, giving people a contrasting mellow taste.

"It's so spicy!"

"But it's sweet and refreshing."

"Leader of the bone pattern giant crocodile." Chen Xizhou looked at the red figure in front of him, "I wonder what the stupid fire crocodile clan thinks about what we discussed before?"

With the rapid development of various elf industries, more and more people have settled in Langqi Special Zone, and the economy of the special zone has gradually caught up.

While the financial pressure has been relieved, Chen Xizhou naturally hopes that more and more elf tribes will confirm their affiliation with Langqi Special Zone in order to seek common development between the two sides.

The bone pattern giant crocodile did not react much to this question.

In its opinion, whether to join the Langqi Special Zone is just a matter of fact. Could it be possible to ask the Fire Crocodile Clan to move out of the volcanic area?

"Roar?" (You won't ask us to move away, will you?)

The Bone Pattern Giant Voice Crocodile looked at Chen Xizhou with some trepidation in his eyes.

The strength of humans can easily defeat the Night Stealing Fire Lizard Clan, so it seems that beating the Fire Crocodile Clan is not a difficult task.

"Of course not, even if the Fire Crocodile Clan doesn't want to, this volcanic area is still your habitat, and we won't force you to do anything."

Chen Xizhou expressed his thoughts very sincerely.

To put it bluntly, the district elves are just a title, and the real decision is still made by the leader of the elf tribe.

As long as he has a good relationship with the leader of the Fire Crocodile Clan, that is, the Bone Pattern Giant Voice Crocodile, the title is irrelevant.

Although the Bone Pattern Giant Voice Crocodile's brain is not as fast as other fire elves, it also has its own unique talent, which is to perceive the other party's inner emotions.

Feeling Chen Xizhou's sincerity, the Bone Pattern Giant Voice Crocodile hesitated for a moment and agreed.

This hesitation is not a lack of trust in Chen Xizhou and Langqi Special Zone, but a necessary caution for it as the leader of the stupid fire crocodile tribe.

In addition to strength, the tribe leader's way of thinking has a great influence on the tribe.

If there is a slight mistake, the tribe will be destroyed because of a serious mistake, just like the night thief fire lizard tribe.

Even from the perspective of the elves, the destruction of the night thief fire lizard tribe is justified.

Since you led your tribe to destroy the human village and killed all the humans in the village, it is not unfair for you and your tribe to be destroyed by humans again.

Because even in the elf world, extermination of the tribe is something that all elves cannot tolerate.

This can be reflected from the events that the portable craftsman tribe drove away the arm tribe, the walking grass tribe was driven out of the original habitat, and the angry parrot tribe defeated the warrior eagle.

The winner left a glimmer of hope for the loser.

Seeing Chen Xizhou easily subdue another elf tribe, Wenren Xuesong and Lin Yong were amazed.

At a time when most people have difficulty taming a satisfactory wild Pokémon, you tamed a group of more than 500 wild Pokémon with just a few words?

Isn't this a bit too much?

Seeing that the Bone Patterned Giant Crocodile agreed, Chen Xizhou discussed the construction of the breeding building with him on the spot.

Even the fire-attributed chocolate trees need water to grow, so there must be a decent water source near this chocolate forest.

So it must be the most appropriate to build a breeding building next to the chocolate forest.


The bone-patterned giant crocodile didn't care about Chen Xizhou's transformation plan for the volcanic area at all. It was more concerned about when the various delicious foods that Chen Xizhou had promised would be delivered.

Chen Xizhou made a phone call in front of the bone-patterned giant crocodile and asked Ke Yan to transfer some food from the youth training camp to the volcanic area first.

"I will arrange for someone to contact you, the leader, for the rest of the things. Just wait patiently."

At this time.

The bone-patterned giant crocodile suddenly showed a look of surprise. While calling the two scorching crocodiles, it rushed to the distance, and its speed was so fast that it could be called a horse that was far ahead of the dust.

"Commander Lin, you lead the Haiyong Army to evacuate first. Xizhou and I will go to take a look." Wenren Xuesong immediately gave the order.

The soldiers of the Haiyong Army were already exhausted after a big battle, not to mention that there were a large number of injured and exhausted Pokémons, so it was necessary to let the troops rest.

Seeing Lin Yong hesitate, Chen Xizhou said: "Don't worry, if there is really a conflict, the Bone Pattern Giant Crocodile will not rush forward so noisily."

Speaking, Chen Xizhou also pointed to the attribute: air force not far away.

Indeed, if there is an attribute: air force, if there is really a conflict, the two leaders will not lack combat power.

Seeing this, Lin Yong ordered the Haiyong Army to begin to evacuate the volcanic area in an orderly manner.

Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong looked at each other, riding their respective Pokémons in the direction where the Bone Pattern Giant Crocodile left.

Both of them were very curious, what could make the Bone Pattern Giant Crocodile, who has always been a Buddhist, so excited?

Back in front of the magma pool where the Haiyong Army destroyed the Poké Balls, the Bone Pattern Giant Crocodile began to swing its giant tail and directly sucked the two scorching crocodiles into the magma pool.

This scene was seen by Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong who had just arrived, and they were shocked.

What happened?

Why did the bone pattern giant voice crocodile kill the scorching crocodile?

The bone pattern giant voice crocodile did not react much to the arrival of Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong. It stared at the magma pool without turning its head.

The wailing and splashing sounds were endless, and the two scorching crocodiles in the magma pool were struggling at this time.

The bone pattern giant voice crocodile showed a rare trace of heartache on its face, but it immediately became firm again. It opened its crocodile mouth and began to sing a strong and gentle song.

The song was filled with amazing vitality, which actually made the wailing of the two scorching crocodiles much smaller.

Not to mention the scorching crocodile, even Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong who were watching by the magma pool felt indescribable comfort from the song, as if the whole person was full of vitality all of a sudden.

"Evolution has begun!" Wenren Xuesong emphasized.

There seemed to be an inexplicable black gas floating out of the magma, which was constantly inhaled by the scorching crocodiles, and the mysterious light of evolution began to shine on their bodies.

As the black gas was continuously inhaled, the two scorching crocodiles grew larger and larger in the shining white light.

It stopped until there was no more black gas to inhale.

Evolution is complete!

Two brand new bone-patterned giant crocodiles jumped out of the magma, stirring up a large amount of magma.

Seeing this, the leader of the bone-patterned giant crocodiles quickly rushed to Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong, opened his crocodile mouth again, and spurted out a blazing flame like singing to block all the splashing magma.

The Dai Dai King also put up a protective shield in time to add a second layer of defense for the two... (End of this chapter)

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