I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 361 Cleanup after the war

Volcanic terrain.

The youth trainees were gathered together for a final rest before leaving.

This war was quite anticlimactic, but on the whole, everyone gained more or less.

The most important thing is that participating in this war not only gave me a vote for my future, but also truly broadened my horizons and learned about the existence of legendary elves.

Although the youth training camp has issued a hush-hush order to everyone, everyone who can communicate is also a witness to the legendary elf.

So whether to seal it or not is not that important.

Just like this scene before me.

One of the youth trainees asked the instructor next to him: "In the previous battle, I noticed that the two legendary elves did not use too many skills. Most of the time they were the explosion of attribute energy. Is this Why?"

The instructor was obviously puzzled by the question, and he was also thinking about it seriously.

At this time, Dean Taishi and You Yun happened to pass by and stopped because of the youth trainee's question.

Dean Taishi asked: "Student You, do you know the answer to this question?"

You Yun nodded and immediately replied:

"I'm not sure if it's right, but you can ask the dean, instructors and classmates to taste it together."

"I think an elf with that level of strength is like a swordsman who reaches the top in a novel. He no longer sticks to the texture and type of the sword in his hand. He can move as he pleases, and he can win without using any moves."

"The skills of the elves are like martial arts moves. When they are weak, they can increase their combat effectiveness, but when they become strong enough, they may become a constraint."

You Yun looked at Dean Taishi: "Of course, this is just my humble opinion."

Dean Taishi couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "I think this is a very insightful insight, enough to provide some inspiration for our study of elves."

You Yun smiled and said: "In terms of inspiration, I think the dean can take the students to look around the Langqi Special Economic Zone."

Dean Taishi asked: "You are a native of Langqi, why don't you introduce to us what places are worth visiting here?"

"For example, the Fruit Research Park, the Langqi Breeding Farm, the Comprehensive Treatment Plant, the Elf Research Institute, the Institute of Paleontology and Poseidon Village."

"It's a pity that this is the first Poseidon Festival. You may not be able to participate." You Yun said with a slight regret.

"Poseidon Festival?"

"What activity is that?"

"Sounds like fun!"

"Dean Taishi, let's go and participate too, to open our eyes?"

The youth trainees surrounding him were talking a lot, and even the instructors were ready to make a move.

"Students, please be patient."

Dean Taishi raised his voice to ensure that the surrounding youth trainees could hear clearly: "The youth training camp is mainly aimed at the tacit understanding between everyone and their respective elves to increase everyone's combat effectiveness, but..."

The youth trainees were eagerly waiting for Dean Taishi's "nothing".

"However, this war has brought great improvement to everyone. As the general director of the youth training camp, I am happy to announce to everyone that our mission has been completed ahead of schedule!"

Dean Taishi continued: "So I decided to temporarily increase the youth training program for youth trainees!"

Everyone understood the voice of Dean Taishi's words, and the scene suddenly burst into joy.

"Of course, some actual training is inevitable. Everyone must be prepared. After all, our youth training assessments are always going on."

Dean Taishi's words did not cool down the joy. Everyone was still very yearning for many of the places You Yun had mentioned before.

"Wenren Head of State and District Chief Chen are here!"

At this moment, someone with sharp eyes noticed that Chen Xizhou and his two men had returned to the volcanic zone, and immediately loudly informed the other youth trainees.

When the youth trainees were greeting the two, Dean Taishi came up to them.

Although he was the person in charge of the youth training camp, Wenren Xuesong, as the head of state, and Chen Xizhou, as the leader of the venue, had to inform them no matter what.

it's necessary.

Dean Taishi greeted the two of them first, and then reported the changes in the content of youth training to Wenren Xuesong.

"The purpose of organizing the youth training camp is to improve the students' various qualities. As Dean Taishi, as the person in charge, he can just implement any good ideas he has."

Wenren Xuesong emphasized: “On behalf of the headquarters, I would like to express my unconditional support for your work.”

Chen Xizhou also added: "On behalf of the Langqi Special Administrative Region, I also express my unconditional cooperation with the work of Dean Taishi."

After receiving the final confirmation from the leader, the youth trainees became excited again.

Wenren Xuesong and the others looked at the youthful and high-spirited youth trainees in front of them, showing expressions of relief in tacit understanding.

Strong young people make the country strong!

With such a group of energetic youth trainees, the Eastland League will not have to worry about it for decades to come.

After chatting for a few more words, Dean Taishi asked the instructors to lead the youth trainees in their respective responsibilities and begin to evacuate the volcanic area.

"Head of State, District Chief Chen, the battlefield has been cleared."

Lin Yong stepped forward to report the results: "We annihilated a total of 1,322 Night Thief Salamanders, including 521 subdued and 801 killed. We also annihilated 213 duck-billed fire lizards, including 12 subdued and 201 killed. We also annihilated 82 other groups. , of which 21 were captured and 61 were killed.”

"Because the youth trainees took action, the captives and corpses were taken away by the youth training camp."

"What about casualties? How are our casualties?"

Lin Yong reported: "The Haiyong Army had 3 serious injuries and 21 minor injuries, 12 basket toads were seriously injured, 96 were slightly injured, and the rest were uninjured. All members of the youth training camp were uninjured, and the law enforcement troops did not count."

"Such a result can be called a complete victory!"

Wenren Xuesong couldn't help but praise: "Haiyong Army, good job!"

Lin Yong didn't dare to take credit: "It's mainly because of District Chief Chen's attributes: the air force and a dozen toad kings are too strong , otherwise we wouldn't have won so easily. "

Wenren Xuesong asked: "Xizhou, what should we do with these captured Salamanders and Duck-billed Fire Beasts?"

Chen Xizhou thought for a moment and replied: "Throw the Salamanders into the magma pool and let this matter pass. As for the Duck-billed Fire Beasts, you can do whatever you want."

Wenren Xuesong nodded: "Just do as you say."

Although Lin Yong was confused, he still followed the order very firmly and asked the soldiers to throw all 521 Poké Balls containing Salamanders into the steaming magma pool nearby.

By the edge of the magma pool, the flames flickered.

The boiling magma was rolling, emitting bursts of terrifying breath.

One by one, the Poké Balls were thrown into the magma mercilessly.

In an instant, the Poké Balls were surrounded by the rising heat waves, and the spheres began to crack. The Pokémons in the spheres were directly submerged by the magma and died without any struggle.

In such a terrifying high-temperature furnace, I am afraid that only the extremely powerful Fire Pokémons have a chance to survive.

A soldier of the Haiyong Army came hurriedly: "Report to the commander, a large number of wild elves are approaching!"

Wenren Xuesong and Lin Yong looked around vigilantly and found that there were indeed a large number of elves similar to crocodiles approaching. Just as they were about to give orders, they were stopped by Chen Xizhou.

"They are considered our own people, don't worry."

The bone pattern giant voice crocodile jumped out of the tribe and brought two scorching crocodiles to greet Chen Xizhou.

Since seeing the power of the silver companion war beast, the bone pattern giant voice crocodile began to change the way it gets along with humans.

In the original kindness, a trace of awe was added.

This is respect for the strong.

"This time, I really trouble you to collect intelligence." Chen Xizhou spoke first and expressed his gratitude.

The bone pattern giant voice crocodile shook his head and did not respond to Chen Xizhou's thanks.

This action is ultimately mutually beneficial. The stupid fire crocodile clan helped humans collect intelligence. While humans defeated the night thief fire lizard clan, they also helped the stupid fire crocodile clan regain their habitat.

In the final analysis, the stupid fire crocodile clan took a big advantage.

How to compensate humans?

The brain capacity of the bone pattern giant crocodile is not large, so it is not as fast as other fire-type elves in thinking.

But I still thought of something good for it.


The bone pattern giant crocodile signaled Chen Xizhou to follow it. Its goal is the original habitat of the stupid fire crocodile clan.

This is a lush fruit forest.

Upon closer inspection, the fruit trees are full of red chocolate fruits, each of which is brightly colored and exudes an attractive aroma.

In addition to fire-type elves, the spicy and slightly sweet chocolate fruits are also quite suitable for human taste.

Under the chocolate fruit tree, there are also many elf eggs without elves guarding them. I think they should be elf eggs of the night thief fire lizard clan.

Regarding these elf eggs, Chen Xizhou plans to give them to the flame queen lizard a.

Although he hates the night thief fire lizard clan's atrocities against Youjia Village, Chen Xizhou will not take his anger out on these unborn night thief fire lizards.

What's more, pheromone perfume is also Chen Xizhou's goal... (End of this chapter)

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