I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 356 The War between Humans and Elves

There was a certain quantitative gap between the two sides at the beginning.

However, this gap is not within the scope of Chen Xizhou's consideration, because it is enough to make up for it with attribute restraint.

But now, with the addition of crowds and affiliated groups, the numerical gap has become large enough that it can no longer be made up by simple attribute restraint.

In addition to the two flame-exploding turtle beasts, there are also a large number of duck-billed fire beasts.

【Platypus! 】

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

[Platypus: Fire-breathing elf]

[The platypus was born in the crater and grew up there. 】

[The platypus is afraid of cold places and will spit out blazing flames to make the surroundings habitable. The hotter the place, the better its body will be and the more freely it will move. 】

[The body temperature of the platypus is as high as 1,200 degrees, and it will continuously generate flame heat waves like the sun on the surface of its body. 】

[After the platypus enters the battle, it will emit scorching flames upward from its body to intimidate its opponent, and use the flames to end the life of its prey. 】

[When the platypus feels tired, it jumps into the crater and soaks in the lava to relieve its body. When it is injured, it will soak in the lava like a hot spring to heal the injury. 】

Entry keywords: flame, lava

The two knobs on the head of the platypus have upward flames, and there are fire-like patterns on the abdomen. There are protruding red objects on the hands, and steel-like objects on the neck and ankles.

Just by looking at it, it looks very capable.

"So, what we have to face now are the Night Thief Salamander and the Platypus Fire Beast, as well as two Explosive Flame Turtle Beasts and some other scattered fire elves."

"You can definitely fight."

Chen Xizhou analyzed: "The opponent's combat power lies in the duck-billed fire beast, the flame turtle beast, and the flame queen lizard. As long as they are dealt with first, the remaining night thieves salamanders can be subdued by our flame queen lizards."

You Yun looked at Chen Xizhou, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Chen Xizhou knew what he meant and replied: "Don't worry, these night thieves will definitely get the fate they deserve in the end."

Only then did You Yun feel relieved.

"Is it okay to leave the two flame-exploding turtle beasts to you?" Chen Xizhou looked at You Yun.

You Yun's face lit up when he heard this, and he immediately agreed: "Don't worry, I will solve them as soon as possible."

Attributes: Sora is enough to deal with a circle bear in a burnt state, and with the help of a hyperkinetic ape, it can also deal with one. It is not difficult to deal with them with Youyun's current strength.

"Take a few classmates with you." Chen Xizhou still confessed.

"As for the flame queen lizards, let them solve it on their own."

Chen Xizhou glanced at Flame Queen Lizard A not far away, and the other party nodded towards Chen Xizhou.

For some reason, Chen Xizhou subconsciously glanced at the other side and found that the Flame Queen Lizard B was also looking at him.

"As for those duck-billed fire beasts, it's up to me and the Attribute: Kong clan to deal with them."

"The Night Thief Salamander is in charge of the Haiyong Army and the youth trainees."

After giving all the instructions, Chen Xizhou saw King Dude next to him: "I wish I had a small card to protect me. Please also pay attention to the battlefield at all times to prevent anyone from being directly attacked by the elf."

The trusted dog was very excited and his tail kept wagging.

King Daidai hesitated for a moment, but seeing Chen Xizhou's firm eyes and knowing that there was no room for rejection, he nodded and agreed.

Climbing first, trapping the enemy, beheading generals, and capturing the flag are the four major military merits of ancient Chinese wars.

This is a wild battle, so there is no one who gets the most credit first.

Climb first and then fall into battle.

The so-called trapping is to destroy the opponent's formation, tear open the opponent's gap, divide the enemy's military formation, break into the enemy's interior, put huge psychological pressure on the enemy and defeat the opponent.

Next, the Silver Companion Beast will lead the attribute: Sora into the formation and tear apart the opponent's defense line.


With the roar of the Silver Beast, the war was officially launched.

Attributes: Sora responded to the silver companion beast one after another, followed it, and began to charge towards the fire-type elves all over the mountains and plains.

The Silver Companion War Beast led the attribute: Sora and rushed towards the Platypus's defense line like a violent storm. The Platypus quickly released flames in an attempt to block it, but the fire wall that had formed a shocking fire was broken through like a thin film.

Attributes: The Sora ignored the flames and continued to charge, while the Platypus's defenses were torn apart like gossamer.

The Silver Beast, who was leading the charge, swung his ax violently and killed a duck-billed fire beast on the spot.

Attribute: The Sora followed suit one after another, and with the swing of the head axe, the platypus were knocked away one by one, damaging the Night Thief Salamander and setting off a puff of smoke.

The platypus fought back desperately.

I never thought that this was not a fight of the same magnitude.

After a slight stagnation, the silver beast opened its eyes angrily, and at the moment when white light flashed on its axe, it used its exclusive multi-attribute attack skill. The general energy was like thunder, hitting the most powerful duck-billed fire beast.

Another kill!

Attributes: Sora continue to charge.

Their offensive became more and more fierce, like destroying everything, directly breaking through the defense line of the duck-billed fire beasts, and even the night-thief salamanders were horribly affected.

Seeing this scene, Hai Yongjun and the youth trainees were excited.

They originally thought they would face a brutal battle today, but they didn't expect that the opponent was scattered by a single charge with attribute: empty.

Is the opponent so weak?

Just when the Attribute: Sora were about to cross the formation, a terrifying sound wave began to vibrate on the battlefield.

It’s a round of singing!

This is a general move that uses singing to attack the enemy.

If everyone sings together, they can use it one after another, and the power will be greatly improved.

Lin Yong found the right opportunity and commanded Hai Yong's army to launch an attack!

The Red Flower Toad King jumped with all his strength and flew more than twenty meters in an instant.

When approaching the enemy's position, the Red Flower Toad King first started the attack with a mud shot that was four times more restrained, and then brandished two big fists that glowed red to attack the Night Thief Salamander closest to him.

As the Red Flower Toad King rushed into the enemy camp, the leader of the Toad King, who was worried about his daughter, also followed with other Toad Kings.

Since the blue toads had no hands, they were unable to attack like the Toad King, so they took turns using carousels and mud shots to suppress the Night Thief Salamander.

The soldiers of the Haiyong Army did not use thermal weapons.

In addition to worrying about accidentally injuring one's own elves who rushed into the enemy's formation, they also wanted to take this opportunity to train the blue toad.

They are jealous of the powerful toad kings.

As the Haiyong Army pressed forward, the students from the youth training camp, under the leadership of their instructors, began to cut into the battlefield from the side and fought against the scattered Night Thieves Salamanders.

With the support of the youth training instructors and the Slow King, the youth trainees began to gradually gain the upper hand.

As the youth trainees got better and better, Wenren Xuesong, relieved, came to Chen Xizhou and watched the battle with him.

Wenren Xuesong asked curiously: "Why don't you use rain-seeking and water-based skills to coordinate?"

Chen Xizhou replied: "In the Pokemon game, there is a term called sunny day. It is the opposite of rainy day and can increase the power of fire Pokémon. This volcanic area is a natural sunny day. environment."

Chen Xizhou continued: "Even if we pray for rain, the impact on the environment will be very small, not to mention the increase in water elves. The investment and effort are completely disproportionate."

"Brother Mayor, I'm on board!"

When Chen Xizhou was communicating with Wenren Xuesong, You Yun finally got his chance.

The sharp knife troops headed by the leader of the Toad King have broken into the enemy's core square, where two flame-exploding turtle beasts are located.

"Go ahead and be careful."

"It's them who should be careful!"

Youyun responded with a ferocious smile.

Chen Xizhou was worried and reminded again: "Remember your mission."

You Yun did not speak anymore, but pulled the reins of Attribute: Kong. He snorted, stood up and began to rush into the battlefield.

This rein was specially customized by Youyun for Attribute: Kong, in order to be able to ride the opponent better.

Attributes: Kong was not disgusted by this, and the reins were kept on his body.

Wandering Cloud and Attributes: Empty and fast travel.

Not far away, two huge flame-exploding turtle beasts seemed to have noticed something, and they looked at You Yun who was rushing towards them.


The explosion will attribute: air force stops.

You Yun looked at the two flame-exploding turtle beasts and quickly threw two elf balls: "Be careful of the opponent's turtle shell and attack directly from the front!"

Ring Bears and Hyperkinetic Apes appear on the battlefield.

The Circle Bear has huge strength and a hard body, while the Hyperkinetic Ape is fast and flexible. They quickly wrapped around a Explosive Turtle Beast and began to attack together.

At this time, Youyun also jumped down from Attribute: Kong, and while giving the attack command, he also released some dolls to protect himself... (End of this chapter)

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