I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 355 The beginning of a local war

Bone exposed in the wild!

What Lin Yong held in his hand was a human hand bone.

This was by no means an isolated case, because similar human bones were common on the road ahead.

Wenren Xuesong also rode up on a goat at this time.

"Do you need me to send someone to clean it up?"

Lin Yong knew that there was a team of young trainees following the troops, and he was willing to take care of this group of vigorous and courageous young people.

Wenren Xuesong and Chen Xizhou looked at each other and replied, "That's it, let them adapt in advance."

In fact, the soldiers of the Haiyong Army were not much older than the young trainees. Everyone was experiencing the elf field battle for the first time, so there was no need to take special care of anyone.


"Keep going, I won't participate in the next command."

Although Wenren Xuesong was the highest-ranking person among the people present, he still gave the lead to Chen Xizhou and Lin Yong for this war operation.

First, he was very confident in the two, second, he wanted to leave such an opportunity to young people, and third, he was not familiar with the elf war.

At this time, a law enforcement elf came out from nowhere.

It was Brother Houndoom!

"Awoo! Awoo!" (The vanguard has already fought with the Night Thief Salamanders.)

"Let everyone get ready, we have entered the territory of the Night Thief Salamanders."

Chen Xizhou reminded: "This tribe is different from other elf tribes. Without the order of the Flame Queen Lizard, they have no consciousness of resistance. Since they have already fought, it means that the Flame Queen Lizards have known our existence."

After receiving the battle report, Lin Yong immediately stepped forward and returned to the head of the Haiyong Army.

In the volcanic rock area in the distance, an extremely fierce battle was taking place.

The vertical pupils of the Night Thief Salamanders flashed with dangerous light. They were agile, covered with black scales on their bodies, and their tails kept swinging, as if they could attack at any time.

Led by Houndoom's sister, the Dalubi group faced the Night Thief Salamanders fearlessly.

Under the scorching sun.

The Dalubi rushed towards the fire lizards one by one, dodging the fire attacks of the night thief fire lizards nimbly while counterattacking with their sharp claws and teeth.

Seeing that the first wave of attacks did not work, the night thief fire lizards released flames to attack again.

Unexpectedly, under the arrangement of sister Harrow, the second wave of forward attacks were all Dalubi with the fire-starting property.

The Dalubi ignored the flames, broke through the flames, and dealt a heavy blow to the unsuspecting group of night thief fire lizards.

The number of night thief fire lizards exceeded 30, but without exception, they were all male night thief fire lizards.

Male night thief fire lizards lacked the smart brains of the flame queen lizards and female night thief fire lizards. They did not realize that the Dalubi in front of them could ignore fire skills.

Led by sister Harrow, the Dalubi kept finding the flaws of the night thief fire lizards, gradually forming an encirclement with three missing one.

At this time, there were bursts of dog barking in the distance.

It was a group of Caterpie!

They sensed the atmosphere of the battle and were rushing to support.

Compared with Dalubi, Catty Dogs are better at long-distance raids, and have better five senses and alertness. Their appearance brought new vitality to the battlefield.

The Catty Dogs barked and drove away the fleeing Night Thief Salamanders.

The purpose of doing this is to gather these scattered Night Thief Salamanders with the group in the encirclement, so as to facilitate the concentrated attack of the Dalubi group.

The battle lasted for a long time.

In the end, the Dalubi group and the Catty Dog group showed impeccable unity and cooperation, and successfully drove all the nearby Night Thief Salamanders to an open area.

The Catty Dog group also filled the last gap in the encirclement.

More than 50 Night Thief Salamanders were trapped in a depression and could not escape.

The battle became more and more intense, and it seemed that the Night Thief Salamanders had sensed something, and they also showed an increasingly fierce fire offensive.

The flames burned the body fluids produced in the poison sacs, generating poisonous gas with a sweet aroma, which finally caused a little trouble for the Dalubys.

Seeing this, Houndoom's sister immediately arranged for the main attacking Dalubys to go down and detoxify.

With the law enforcement police acting as logistics, there was no shortage of tree fruits such as peaches and oranges.

While the other Dalubys continued to attack, this group of Dalubys quickly used peaches to remove the poisoning state and used oranges to restore their strength.

Before going to the battlefield, the Dalubys put another peach fruit in their mouths.

The night thief fire lizards won because their attacks were more strange, and the poisonous gas attached to the flames was hard to defend against, so it was indeed not so easy to take them down.

However, at this time, more than half of the night thief fire lizards had been killed or injured.

And the remaining part that resisted stubbornly only needed another round of attacks from the fire thieves to take them down.

The battle finally came to an end, and the night thief fire lizards were successfully subdued.

Except for some that died in the battle, the rest of the Night Thief Salamanders were successfully subdued and locked up in the Poké Ball.

After a simple cleanup of the battlefield, Fang Ling discussed with the two leaders. In addition to leaving a few Dalubi to guard the bodies, the rest of the dog Pokémon continued to move forward to hunt.

According to the news sent back by the Dumb Fire Crocodile Clan: The Night Thief Salamanders have grown wildly during this period, and the current estimated number may reach thousands.

In order to reduce the pressure on the front battlefield of the Sea Warrior Army, as auxiliary forces, they must speed up their pace and pull out the small groups of Night Thief Salamanders scattered around one by one.

At the same time, the Haiyong Army finally encountered the main force of the Night Thief Salamander Clan.

The leader is none other than Flame Queen Lizard B.

"Array up!"

Lin Yong gave an order, and the Haiyong Army soldiers formed a formation to attack the enemy.

Even for the elf troops, hot-armed equipment is indispensable. The soldiers all hold submachine guns in their hands.

Although the blue toads don't know much about battle formations, they are very obedient and follow the selected Marine Corps soldiers in line.

Under the command of the Red Flower Toad King, the tumors on the heads of the blue toads are also constantly trembling, and they can increase the frequency at any time to produce terrifying resonant sound waves.

On both sides of the Haiyong Army battle formation were youth trainees with various moods.


A figure jumped out from behind the team.

"Brother the mayor, let me charge first with the attribute: empty?"

Youyun riding attributes: Kong came to Chen Xizhou, his eyes were very calm, but his words were a little crazy.

Chen Xizhou did not answer, but looked ahead solemnly.

The information sent back by the Bone Patterned Loud Crocodile was a bit late. He did not expect that the Night Thief Salamander clan would not only grow and expand the group during this period of time, but also conquer many groups.

The two huge fire turtles were the most conspicuous crowd.

The Flame Turtle is a large turtle-like elf.

Their noses are tubular, their flat heads and tortoise shells are in the shape of a six-pointed star, their backs are covered with spinous process-shaped explosives, and the star-shaped hollows on their chests are their weak points, so they always turn their backs to the enemy when fighting.

【Explosive Flame Turtle Beast! 】

[Explosive Turtle Beast: Explosive Turtle Elf]

[The Explosive Turtle lives in volcanoes. Due to eating sulfur and other materials near the crater, a layer of explosives with sulfur as the main component is formed in the carapace. If it is impacted, sparks will be scattered from the spines of the carapace and ignited, causing an explosion. 】

[The Explosive Turtle will spit out fire and poisonous gas from its nostrils. Its feces are explosives and have various uses. 】

[The Explosive Turtle will imitate the shape of the rocks near the volcano and wait for its prey. Once the prey climbs onto the carapace, it will see the right opportunity and use its tail to hit the carapace to explode it. 】

[Although the exploding carapace is a nuisance, it is afraid of moisture. On rainy days, the Explosive Turtle will stay quietly deep in the cave. 】

[The Blazing Turtle will release the blast caused by the explosion on its back from the hollow in its abdomen. This is the weak point of the Blazing Turtle. If it is hit, it will suffer heavy damage. 】

Entry keywords: explosion

"Your Langqi Special Zone really has all kinds of weird elves."

Wenren Xuesong was very confused and said incomprehensively: "Elves like the Explosive Turtle Beast generally live in the African Alliance, our Chinese Alliance, and even the entire Asian continent. Let alone seeing it, I have never heard of it. I thought I could see it here.”

"This battle is not easy to fight."

Hearing Chen Xizhou's words, Wenren Xuesong's expression became serious.

No matter whether it is the 500 Haiyong Army soldiers or the nearly 200 youth trainees, there is no room for failure.

If there were huge casualties due to this war, even the high-ranking Mingren Xuesong would not be able to bear such consequences.

You know, this was originally just a war to increase actual combat experience.

"Is there a way to retreat?"

"There is nothing we can do. The opponent's number originally exceeds ours, plus these elves are crowding around." Chen Xizhou paused, "With the IQ of that flame queen lizard, there is no way he would let us leave." (End of Chapter)

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