I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 333 The first round of elimination test

Seven fifty.

Night training is about to begin.

Youyun only hesitated for a moment before deciding to leave the circle bear in the training room to continue training.

After all, the youth training building is the base of the youth training camp, so it can still be trusted. What's more, after all, this is the territory of Langqi Special Economic Zone, and the staff are all nearby villagers, all of our own people.

Besides, the trap bear is perfectly capable of taking care of itself.


You Yun still has great trust in his great son.

Upon seeing this, Feng Shifei followed suit and kept Bibi Bird and told it to continue training.

Although after participating in the youth training camp, his future achievements will not be low no matter what, the elf is the foundation, and only with enough strength can he have the right to speak.

How can a man live in the world between heaven and earth and live in depression for a long time?

Compared to You Yun who is cautious about the safety of elves, Feng Shifei seems a little careless, which is related to his daily habits.

He often entrusted Bibi Bird to his elders for training, so he didn't have much thought about leaving the elf behind.

This also resulted in Bibi Bird becoming less close to his trainer.

You Yun has long been aware of this problem. As a roommate in the academy and youth training camp, he can only talk to Feng Shifei about it. As for whether the other party takes it seriously and corrects it, it has nothing to do with him.

Now it seems that the other party does not pay attention to it.

When You Yun saw this, he naturally pretended that he hadn't seen it. Out of sight, out of mind: I'm not your father, so why should I teach you to be good?

Soon, the two came to the big playground.

This is where the youth trainees have been training at night in recent days.

When You Yun and Feng Shifei arrived, many people had already arrived on the playground. They were sparsely gathered together, chatting with each other, or bragging and spanking, making it very lively.

Jiang Xiwu was also among them.

Seeing You Yun and Feng Shifei approaching, she hurriedly left her companions behind and went to meet them: "Where did you go just now? I went to your dormitory to look for you, but I couldn't find anyone."

Feng Shifei told Jiang Xiwu about the two going to the collective training room to train.

Jiang Xiwu curled her lips and said pitifully: "Why don't you take me with you? Do you dislike me? Woohoo..."

Seeing the other person's expression of pity, Feng Shifei couldn't stand it anymore. Just as he was about to step forward to comfort her, he was pulled back by You Yun: "This woman is just pretending."

Jiang Xiwu suddenly felt sad: "Brother Youyun, are you really so cruel?"


You Yun gave her a disgusted look: "Stop making trouble, the instructor is here."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiwu immediately changed his face: "I know, nephew, don't forget to call me next time you go to the training room!"


On the playground in front of the youth training building.

Two hundred boys and girls in youth training uniforms lined up neatly, their faces full of youth and high spirits.

You Yun is also among this group of young trainees.

Around this group of youth trainees, on the sideline of the playground, stood a dozen youth training instructors in red uniforms, and without exception, they were followed by a powerful force.

This group of youth training instructors had different expressions, but without exception, their eyes were full of seriousness and scrutiny.

At this time, guards wearing bright red uniforms appeared.

Surrounded by two youth training instructors, the three of them walked onto the hosting platform in the center of the playground, but Lieutenant General Guan Wei gave up the chair to the bald instructor on the left.

The bald instructor was tall and tall, with a hideous scar on his bald head.

He first glanced around indifferently, and after memorizing the expressions on each youth trainee's face, he showed a cruel smile.

The bald instructor said: "I am Bibby, just call me instructor Bi. We will conduct the first round of elimination tests later, and the scores will be included in the assessment."


Instructor Bi's words shocked all the youth trainees.

They didn't expect that this first round of testing would be so cruel.

"By the way, this round of assessment may be a little painful. If some people are not willing to bear such pain, then walk to the side of the playground and go to the youth training instructors. We allow abstention." Instructor Bi added.

Abstaining is allowed, but if you abstain and become a deserter, your whole life will be ruined.

The youth trainees present are the best youth trainers selected from various provinces and cities. The more outstanding ones will naturally pass such a test with ease.

No one abstained.

"Now, turn in your elves!"

There were more than a dozen youth training instructors present, holding plastic baskets and starting to collect the Poké Balls from the youth trainees.

"I emphasize again, don't leave any elf behind, otherwise it will be treated as a violation!"

Instructor Bi's words caused a commotion. Several youth trainees came out on their own initiative and handed over the elf balls hidden everywhere on their bodies, all of which contained elf.

The playground quickly returned to silence.

Instructor Bi spoke again: "Next, start enjoying the boundary between life and death. Only those who have been tempered between life and death are qualified to continue to participate in the youth training camp."

Instructor Bi's words made people confused, but everyone still looked at each other, trying to find reliable allies.

Along with the cruel and cold laughter of Instructor Bi coming from the radio, the other youth training instructors on the side of the playground threw elf balls one after another, and streaks of white light burst out from the opened elf balls and hit the ground.



After the white light faded, Dalupi appeared on the playground.

These Dalupi covered with black hair looked cute, but their barks were full of viciousness.

This was a group of dark elves.

Encountering such a group of Dalupi in such an environment was difficult for other elves or unarmed young trainees to resist.

The first round of test mentioned by Instructor Bi was obvious, which was to let the young trainees accept the attacks of Dalupi.

Not to mention these young trainees who were just starting out, even professionally trained strong soldiers would find it difficult to deal with a group of Dalupi without weapons.

These Dalupi with amazing bite force were now showing their sharp teeth and raising the hair on their tails to intimidate the prey in the middle of the playground. Their sharp claws had already been exposed and embedded in the soft soil.

It seemed that as long as Instructor Bi gave an order, these Dalupi who were ready to go would immediately pounce forward and tear the prey into pieces.

Fortunately, the other party should not really kill him, after all, this is the youth training camp that the whole world is watching.

"No matter life or death, if you die, the alliance will count you as a martyr!" Instructor Bi's timely words directly shattered the lucky mentality of the youth trainees.

It turns out that the elimination that Instructor Bi said is death!

Instructor Bi clapped his hands, and a live sheep was pulled in front of the Dailubi. With another whistle, the Dailubi rushed forward, biting the live sheep frantically and eating it alive.

In just a few minutes, a live sheep weighing at least 200kg was left with a pile of skeletons.

The cruel and bloody scenes constantly impacted the psychological defenses of the youth trainees.

It is one thing to imagine, and it is another to see it with your own eyes.

At this time, these helpless youth trainees on the playground were pale and trembling, and some even burst into tears.

Emotions are contagious. This feeling of despair soon spread. In addition to making the young trainees on the field more desperate, it also made the instructors watching the game on the sidelines more happy, and made the Dalubys who had been preparing for a long time more excited.

I don’t know whether it was the smell of the blood of the live sheep that made them excited, or the despair of the young trainees that made them excited.

“Fortunately, it was just Daluby. If it was Houndoom, there would be no chance at all.” Jiang Xiwu said secretly.

After Daluby evolved into Houndoom, his physical fitness alone had a qualitative leap, which was not comparable to before the evolution.

If the probability of dealing with Daluby was 10%, then the probability of dealing with Houndoom would drop directly to -10%. Not only would he die! He would also owe a life!

While feeling fortunate, Jiang Xiwu silently observed the surrounding situation.


One of the young trainees caught Jiang Xiwu’s attention.

That person was You Yun.

You Yun’s face was completely free of the nervousness of other young trainees. Instead, he looked at the group of Dalubys with a strange look on his face.

God have mercy on me!

It's not that You Yun doesn't know the occasion, but he is familiar with the group of fierce-looking Dailubi not far away. Not only familiar, he has even fed a few of them himself.

Aren't these the Dailubi tribe living in the volcanic cave?

Gradually, You Yun's facial expression became more and more weird. If he hadn't twisted his face into a ball and squinted his eyes, he would have laughed on the spot.

Who made the two Dailubi he was most familiar with wink at him.

Although they looked extremely fierce and creepy, You Yun, who had a certain understanding of Dailubi, knew that they were making faces.

Now You Yun has completely seen the real test questions of this first round of elimination test... (End of this chapter)

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