I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 332 Elf Training Room on the Third Floor

The sea of ​​​​flowers in the upper reaches was brutally ravaged.

After venting his anger, Flame Queen Lizard A was not completely happy, and was still furious when he returned to Chen Xizhou.

"Hiss!" (I'll show you the way!)

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

Obviously, Flame Queen Lizard A intends to use human power to seek revenge from Flame Queen Lizard B.

"If the other party really attacks Youjia Village, I will not let go of all the elves, including the Night Thief Salamander." Chen Xizhou said solemnly.

Chen Xizhou felt that he needed to make it clear in advance that those night-thief fire lizards were the former tribesmen of the Flame Queen Lizard.

Even if the other party is unwilling to lead the way, it will not affect the Langqi Special Zone's revenge.

Now that he has identified the person who caused the disaster in Youjia Village and knows the general direction of where he lives, Chen Xizhou doesn't believe that he can't find these murderers.


The Flame Queen said he didn't care.

In the eyes of the Flame Queen Lizard, these night-stealing Salamander Lizards are servants, tools, and things that come and go at a moment's notice. Since they have committed serious crimes, they should be punished accordingly.


The Flame Queen Lizard also gave some suggestions for dealing with the Night Thieving Salamander Lizards.

As the former leader of the Night Thief Salamander clan, the Flame Queen Lizard naturally knows how to easily defeat the Night Thief Salamander.

First is the preparation of the elf.

The elves with these four attributes: ground, rock, water and super power, are a sufficient deterrent to the Night Thief Salamander clan. Especially the ground type elves are the nemesis of the Night Thief Salamander clan.

Then there’s the weather preparation.

As an elf with a combination of fire and poison attributes, the Night Thief Salamander is particularly afraid of rainy days, so if it rains, the Night Thief Salamander family will basically not leave their habitat.

At this time, the combat effectiveness of the Night Thief Salamanders is very low.

"One more thing." Chen Xizhou looked at the Flame Queen Lizard, "I will help you find a new place to live, so I hope you will leave this sea of ​​flowers."

Chen Xizhou pointed to a place not far away that was severely damaged by the Flame Queen Lizard.

The Flame Queen snorted and raised its proud lizard head, acquiescing to Chen Xizhou's arrangement.

Just when Chen Xizhou was about to continue saying something, a burst of monster laughter suddenly came from one side. Chen Xizhou turned his head and saw that the Bone Patterned Crocodile was snickering from the side.

Chen Xizhou was furious when he saw this guy.

Speaking of the damage to the flower sea upstream, the damage done by this guy and his tribe far exceeds the "masterpiece" of the Flame Queen Lizard. Not only does this guy not know it, he has no time to laugh at others.

"The Flame Queen Lizard and the Fire Crocodile clan also ask you to help bring them with you, and we will move them to the new habitat together after I make arrangements."

The Flame Queen lizard did not agree immediately, but asked about his concerns.

"You don't have to worry about food, we will provide you with sufficient food." Chen Xizhou changed the topic, "More importantly, please coexist peacefully with the elves there."

Chen Xizhou plans to place these fire elves in the volcano cave.

The Kati Dog clan are relatively decent elves, so Chen Xizhou is not too worried. He is worried that the Dailubi clan, which also has a bad temper, will conflict with the Flame Queen Lizard and Night Thief Salamander Lizard.

As for the fire crocodiles, Chen Xizhou could tell that they were born to be good gentlemen.

Before leaving, after giving a meaningful glance at the Bone Patterned Crocodile, Chen Xizhou turned to look at the Flame Queen Lizard and asked quietly: "The Bone Patterned Crocodile is also a female elf, between you two Why can we get married?"

After finishing speaking, the tropical dragon leader flapped his wings and carried Chen Xizhou to the Xinsheng Volcano.

Soon, bursts of explosions came from the sea of ​​flowers.

Chen Xizhou, who had not gone far, looked back, and then hearty laughter came from the air.

This is such a relief!

It’s just the suffering of the wild elves living in the sea of ​​flowers.

This ruined flower sea upstream is probably going to be even more riddled with holes.

On the way to the newly born volcano, Chen Xizhou looked down and discovered an extremely spectacular volcanic area.

In this flaming land, fire elves are everywhere. They flexibly shuttle between volcanic craters and heat waves, living freely.

Is this the volcanic area where the Night Thief Salamander Clan hides?

Chen Xizhou's eyes turned cold at some point...

More than half an hour later, the tropical dragon leader had flown to the boundary of the newly born volcano.

Currently, most of the elves in the special zone are under the management of Keyan, so Chen Xizhou plans to leave the job of accepting the flame queen lizard and fire crocodile clan to her.

Just as the Tropical Dragon leader was about to land, two Bibi birds took off from the roof of the building and greeted him.

The two Bibi birds have a triangular red scarf tied around their necks. The red scarf is embroidered with a five-pointed star, which is the logo of the youth training guard elves.

In addition to the two Bibi Birds, there were more than a dozen Haoli appearing on the playground, and they were watching the tropical dragon leader in the sky with vigilance.

These dozen Haoli are also tied with triangular red scarves. The difference is that the Haoli have triangular square scarves tied to their arms.

Soon, the tropical dragon leader landed safely.

"hold head high--"

"You want to find the clansman?"

"hold head high!"

The tropical dragon leader does not like the environment of the newborn volcano. It prefers the comfortable cotton fields.

"It was really hard on you just now."

After expressing his gratitude to the Tropical Dragon Chief, Chen Xizhou told him that the Special Zone was going to build a new wind power plant in the cotton field.

"So if possible, please temporarily move your tribe and the Kapok Ball tribe to the upstream flower field." Chen Xizhou added, "As compensation, we will provide enough food for both tribes during the construction period."

Most elves have no resistance to sufficient food, and this trick Chen Xizhou has tried and failed.

The materials needed for the new wind power plant have been prepared almost, and now they just need to wait for the construction team to make some repairs before they can start the construction of the new plant in early November.

There is still half a month before November, and Chen Xizhou took advantage of the honeymoon period with the Tropical Dragon Chief to inform him of this matter in advance.

The Tropical Dragon Chief is of course very willing to compensate with food.

However, the Tropical Dragon Chief expressed the hope that Chen Xizhou could provide more tree fruits, because everyone likes to eat tree fruits very much.

Chen Xizhou is of course not opposed to it.

On the surface, this arrangement is a win for the Tropical Dragon Clan and the Kapok Ball Clan, but when the new wind power plant is completed, these two clans, who are used to delicious food, will only be in the pocket of the Langqi Special Zone.

Soon, the Tropical Dragon leader left the newborn volcano.

Chen Xizhou also found Ke Yan and began to arrange the work of accepting the Flame Queen Lizard and the Dumb Fire Crocodile Clan.


After dinner.

You Yun first took a shower in the bathroom, then packed up his things, took the three elves, and prepared to go to the third floor for night training.

Feng Shifei just took out two bottles of Moo Moo Milk from the refrigerator and planned to give one to You Yun, but saw that the other party looked like he was going out, and was a little confused.

"Where are you going?"

"Night training, it's not good to waste so much time." You Yun answered while putting on his shoes.

After taking a sip of Moo Moo Milk, Feng Shifei suddenly remembered a golden sentence: People who are better than me are working hard, so what's the use of my efforts?

Feng Shifei immediately turned back to the room: "Wait for me, I'll go too!"

You Yun did not refuse.

A few minutes later, Feng Shifei put on the same clothes as Chen Xizhou, which were uniformly distributed by the youth training camp.

The two went to the training room on the third floor together.

There is a collective training room on the third floor, as well as a few private training rooms.

The collective training room is very large.

A row of bright lights hang above the entire training room, shining everything brightly.

In a corner of the training room, there are a large number of training equipment including weights, frisbees, and projectors, all of various sizes, shapes, and even colors.

They are neatly arranged.

After getting the general information from the staff at the door, the two walked into the training room and started training.

You Yun's Circle Bear and Hyperactive Ape are both melee-first Pokémon, so they choose to wear weights in training, and then use special fitness equipment to enhance their physical fitness.

Feng Shifei's Pokémon, Pidgeot, is chasing the frisbee shot out by the launcher and trying to shoot it down.

In addition to the flying disc, Pidgeot also needs to complete the aerial ring project.

The aerial ring is similar to the flying disc, both of which are shot out by the transmitter. The difference is that Pidgeot needs to be accurate and pass through the ring without affecting the flight of the ring.

These two trainings help improve Pidgeot's speed and dodge rate.

While Feng Shifei was training Pidgeot, he looked at Youyun's two elves with envy.

It is said that quality is more important than quantity, but why can't I beat any of the two elves when I only train one Pidgeot? (End of this chapter)

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