I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 324 Salamander Rock Concert

I thought I needed to choreograph a dance for the beautiful flower, but I didn't expect that the other party actually had its own dance.

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I can only say that it is worthy of being a southern dancer.

"It is said that the dance performed by the beautiful flower is considered a ritual to call the sun." Chen Xizhou thought of the entry introduction of the beautiful flower, "What do you think, naming the beautiful flower dance team as the Sun Dance Group?"

The Langqi Song and Dance Group can only be regarded as a general term. In the future, more and more elves will join, and naturally a name needs to be thought of for each group.

"It is worthy of being the district head. Even the naming is admirable." Comrade Xiao Wang flattered casually.

"Speak human language."

"Very appropriate!"

Chen Xizhou temporarily settled the Sun Dance Group composed of 33 beautiful flowers in the back mountain of the alliance building, in the ecological park under construction.

As for why there is one more, it is because the leader of the beautiful flower was deeply attracted by the sun flower dance and took the initiative to join the Sun Dance Group as the leader.

There is a very peculiar phenomenon about the little elves of the beautiful flower, that is, as their strength grows, they will become more and more beautiful and more and more charming.

The powerful beautiful flower leader is naturally more beautiful than these 32 beautiful flowers.

Especially when all the beautiful flowers stand together for comparison, this "more beautiful" is particularly obvious.

Chen Xizhou is naturally very happy to have such a beautiful, powerful and prestigious beautiful flower leader as the leader of the Sun Dance Group.

With singing and dancing, music is naturally needed.

After settling the Sun Dance Group, Chen Xizhou took Comrade Xiao Wang to the industrial park. Their target was the electric music baby tribe living in the comprehensive treatment plant.

Among the elves, the two types of tremolo salamanders, the evolution of the electric music baby, must be the best.

To be honest, Chen Xizhou originally set his sights on the quacking bird with long notes on its head of Mu Zhiyun, but this guy really has nothing to do with music, and his duck voice is particularly unpleasant.

It can only be said that this quacking bird is top-notch above the head.

I don't know if it's just an exception or if all the noisy birds are like this.

When Chen Xizhou and his companions arrived at the General Treatment Plant, there was a chaotic scene.

Three bad-tempered electronic babies paralyzed the circuit in the plant, and the staff were carrying out emergency repairs. Li Jiaxing, who came upon hearing the news, was also directing his curly ears to chase the naughty electronic babies.

The three electronic babies fled in three locations, and one of them found the right time to return to the sewage pool and prepare to complain to the trembling salamander.

Unexpectedly, the one in the sewage pool at this time was D trembling salamander.

(ps: Due to the length of the word, the high-profile trembling salamander will be referred to as G trembling salamander, and the low-key trembling salamander will be referred to as D trembling salamander.)

The trembling salamander, who was afraid of trouble, kicked the naughty electronic baby out of the sewage pool: You should deal with the trouble you caused yourself!

When Chen Xizhou and Xiao Wang entered the main processing plant, one of the electric sound babies bumped into Xiao Wang.

The huge impact force made Xiao Wang retreat again and again, and he almost fainted.

The electric sound baby was also confused and dizzy as if it had been hit by something, and was easily taken down by the curled ears who arrived later.

After expressing his gratitude, the curled ears gave the electric sound baby another headbutt, and then brought it to Li Jiaxing.

"The physical strength of the electric sound baby comes from the electricity in its body." Chen Xizhou said to Li Jiaxing, "So my suggestion is that you can borrow a few small magnetic monsters from the wind power plant. They feed on electricity and can deal with these little naughty ones."

"I'll borrow them later."

Li Jiaxing pushed his glasses and looked at the two electric sound babies in front of him who were already pressed by the stinky mud but were still struggling.

This group of willful and arrogant guys, who can't be beaten or scolded, is really a headache. Now that Chen Xizhou has spoken personally, he can punish them in the future regardless of whether Magneto is useful or not.

"Are the two tremolo salamander leaders in the sewage pool?"

"The high-profile leader is on the roof of the factory building, and the low-key leader is in the sewage pool."

Chen Xizhou saw that Juanjuan'er had caught the last electric music baby, and he didn't intend to disturb Li Jiaxing. After getting the other party's answer, he went to find G tremolo salamander by himself.

Although both tremolo salamander leaders can make music when generating electricity, the timbre of the music is different due to their different forms.

When D tremolo salamander generates electricity, it will make a sound like an electric bass.

This timbre is more suitable for rock music performance. It may be used in a concert in the future, but it is not suitable for the dance of the Sun Dance Group.

When G tremolo salamander generates electricity, it will sound like a guitar performance.

Such a timbre can be matched with any dance. When combined with the flower dance of the Sun Dance Group, it can quickly improve the skills of both parties and add color to the Sun Flower Dance.

The high-voltage electric shock released by the tremolo salamander when playing can become the finishing touch of the Sun Flower Dance.

As Li Jiaxing said, the G tremolo salamander is on the roof of the factory building at this time, giving a rock concert of salamanders to the gas bombs floating near the chimney!

While playing, the G tremolo salamander used the whip formed by the electric current to whip the elf rations at his feet.

The gas bombs all surrounded the G tremolo salamander, enjoying the wonderful punk music while enjoying the delicious seafood-flavored elf rations.

Speaking of which, they should be the first gas bombs in the world to taste seafood.

Seeing this scene, Comrade Xiao Wang curled his lips. He leaned close to Chen Xizhou's ear and whispered, "Why do I feel that this group of gas bombs came here not because they like to listen to punk music, but because they like to eat rations?"


Although the sound was very good, the hearing of the elves was so sharp that the G-vibrant salamander whipped Comrade Xiao Wang with an electric whip, and his unruly eyes threatened.

Comrade Xiao Wang saw that his words were heard by the elves in question, and he couldn't help scratching his head and laughing to cover up his embarrassment.

Seeing that Chen Xizhou was there, the G-vibrant salamander retracted the electric whip. It could be dissatisfied with Comrade Xiao Wang, but it could not be dissatisfied with Chen Xizhou, the breadwinner.

Thinking back to the beginning, under the oppression of that legendary elf, he kept supplying electricity to it, working hard all day and still not being full. In the end, he had no choice but to cover for it to attack the human power plant.

The other party disappeared after eating and drinking, leaving behind this group of pitiful soldiers.

Such a life is really worse than that of Little Rada.

It is different now.

Since joining the Langqi Special Zone, the electronic music baby tribe not only has a comfortable environment, a constant supply of sewage and delicious food, but also a salary.

The most important thing is that without the pressure of life, I can do what I want.

Such a life is too comfortable.

So for G Tremolo, as long as it does not involve the survival of the tribe, I will not have any disloyalty to Chen Xizhou anyway, even for the sake of the tribe.

In the elf tribe with a strict hierarchy, loyalty is particularly important.

Seeing Chen Xizhou coming towards him, G Tremolo stopped his own salamander rock concert, distributed all the remaining rations, and waited for Chen Xizhou to arrive.

"Tremolo, I came here today to ask you for a favor." Chen Xizhou said.

G Tremolo howled, patted his chest and promised that he would help no matter what, and signaled Chen Xizhou not to be so polite, just tell him what to do.

G Tremolo's appearance was completely different from when he threatened Comrade Xiao Wang before.

"Before that, I wonder if it would be convenient for me to appreciate your performance?"

Comrade Xiao Wang has more experience with this kind of thing, so he is more professional. Chen Xizhou wants him to help listen to whether the timbre of G Tremolo is suitable.

For the high-profile G Tremolo, it is of course a blessing for someone to listen to his music.

G Tremolo immediately adjusted his state and began to pluck the six strings on his chest with both hands. These six strings are the key to playing guitar music.

The performance started soon.

G Tremolo played very seriously and enjoyed it very much. It can guarantee that this performance is definitely the best one since its evolution.

Comrade Xiao Wang frowned throughout the whole process, and finally gave a comment: "It's very chaotic and out of tune."

Such a comment almost made G Tremolo go crazy.

The electric whip crackled. If Chen Xizhou hadn't been there, G Tremolo would have let Comrade Xiao Wang try out what the Punk Elf was like.

In fact, it wasn't just Comrade Xiao Wang who had the same idea. Chen Xizhou also had the same idea.

But for the sake of G Tremolo's self-esteem, Chen Xizhou didn't say anything...

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