I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 323 Flower Dance at the Fruit Research Institute

"The rarity is enough, but I always feel that it is not good enough.

After reading the information provided by Chen Xizhou, Comrade Xiao Wang put forward his own opinions.

"What does "not good enough" mean? "

"For example, the lambs on the mounts are not only rare enough, but also can be used as good riding elves. This is very good." Comrade Xiao Wang explained.

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Isn't this a combination of rarity and practicality?

"Angry Parrot can speak human language."

"What! "

Comrade Xiao Wang jumped up on the spot after hearing Chen Xizhou's words.

Among all the elves in the Langqi Special Zone, the one that everyone wants the most is Slow King. Rare superpowers and powerful strength are only one aspect. What everyone desires the most is Slow King's ability to communicate with elves for humans.

In this era with elves as the future, mastering the ability to communicate with elves can definitely give you a greater advantage in the competition.

As we all know, the disadvantages in the early stage are much more difficult to endure than the disadvantages in the middle stage.

If you can have such an elf that can act as a translator, it will definitely give the owner a considerable advantage in the early stage.

Chen Xizhou saw Comrade Xiao Wang's shock and deliberately repeated: "How about an elf like Angry Parrot?"

"Perfect! Too perfect! It fully meets all the conditions to become a commended elf! "

Comrade Xiao Wang was very excited, wishing he could have a parrot that could speak human language right away.

In fact, the Yongjila that had been following Comrade Xiao Wang to protect him also had the ability to communicate between humans and elves, but it had always been aloof and had never given Comrade Xiao Wang a good look, let alone being his attentive translator.

"Okay, let's wait until this disaster is over and the aftermath is completed before we proceed." Chen Xizhou interrupted Comrade Xiao Wang's fantasy.

It's always good to have something to look forward to. Comrade Xiao Wang's previous fatigue had been swept away, and he was ready to go to the Fruit Research Garden with Chen Xizhou. Their target was the Walking Grass Clan there.

"Take this with you. "Chen Xizhou pointed at the suitcase and said.

Comrade Xiao Wang immediately stepped forward to pick up the suitcase and followed Chen Xizhou out the door.

After more than a year of reproduction, the number of the walking grass tribe has exceeded 500.

In addition to the leader couple, the Queen Flower and the Beautiful Flower, there are more than 80 stinky flowers and more than 400 walking grasses. What Chen Xizhou is looking for are these more than 80 stinky flowers.

However, there are only more than 50 stinky flowers in the fruit research garden, and the rest have all been rented out.

Although Comrade Xiao Wang couldn't figure it out, Chen Xizhou brought him to find these stinky elves. What to do, but past experience tells him that there is definitely a deep meaning in this.

If he can't figure it out, just wait quietly for Chen Xizhou's arrangement.

Chen Xizhou first finds the leader of the beautiful flower.

The leader of the beautiful flower has two bright red flowers on his head, and green and yellow leaves like a skirt. It seems that he has no feet, but uses leaves like a grass skirt as a substitute for his feet.

The round blue eyes and the blush on its cheeks reveal a hint of girlish playfulness.

This is a very beautiful elf.

"Leader of the beautiful flower, I want to form a song and dance troupe, so I need some stinky flowers to evolve into beautiful flowers. "Chen Xizhou expressed his demands.

The Stink Flower is a kind of elf that is disliked by all species.

Why do you say that?

Because not only humans and other elves, but also the tribesmen of the Stink Flower, and even the same Stink Flower, will dislike each other's unbearable smell.

At the beginning, except for themselves.

Just like the bad breath of humans, except for themselves, they will not feel it, and other people will find it unbearable to smell it.

But it is this kind of bad smell that Chen Xizhou needs the most.

Because in the introduction of the Stink Flower, there is an entry: the more smelly the Stink Flower is before evolution, the more likely it is to evolve into a beautiful flower with beautiful flowers.

Perhaps this is the opposite of the opposite, and good things will come after bad things.

If you want a more beautiful beautiful flower, you need to find a Stink Flower with a stinkier smell.

Chen Xizhou pointed behind him: "I have prepared the Sun Stone, a total of 32 pieces. As long as the Stink Flower is in place, they can evolve into beautiful flowers immediately. "

Comrade Xiao Wang then realized that the suitcase in his hand contained 32 pieces of Sun Stone.

Of course, this is nothing.

The evolutionary path of Stinky Flower using Sun Stone to evolve into Belleflower is more important to Xiao Wang.

In this era of knowledge payment, any knowledge related to elves is very valuable. Even if you can't use it, you can get a generous reward by reporting it to the elf center.

And Comrade Xiao Wang's biggest gain today is, of course, knowing that Chen Xizhou didn't treat him as an outsider. After all, such important news, the other party still didn't guard against him. .

The leader of the beautiful flowers was very cooperative with what Chen Xizhou wanted to do.

It quickly summoned all the stinky flowers and put on an attitude of waiting for you to choose.

The smell of one stinky flower might be tolerable, but when dozens of stinky flowers gathered together, Chen Xizhou found that he had overestimated his tolerance.

The smell was not enough to describe it as unbearable.

In just a few seconds, Chen Xizhou felt suffocated.

Chen Xizhou resisted the nausea and said to Comrade Xiao Wang beside him: "It's up to you. Select the 32 stinkiest stinky flowers."

Chen Xizhou, who thought he would be rejected, was stunned. He never expected that Comrade Xiao Wang would not react to the smell of the stinky flower and could face the biological weapon in front of him calmly and freely.

"Actually, my nose is blocked because of a cold..."

Halfway through the words, Comrade Xiao Wang fainted on the ground with a "bang" because he breathed through his mouth and inhaled a lot of odor. This reaction made Chen Xizhou dumbfounded.

Chen Xizhou said with disdain: "I thought you really had this ability, but I didn't expect it to be a silver-plated gun head."

In the entry introduction of the stinky flower, there is an entry: The stinky flower is extremely smelly! Even so, there will always be one person in a thousand who likes to smell this smell.

Chen Xizhou originally thought that Comrade Xiao Wang would be one of the thousand people, but who knew it would be such a result.

Things always have to continue.

After dealing with Comrade Xiao Wang, Chen Xizhou asked the leader of the beautiful flower to help choose.

Although the stinkier stinky flowers will be more beautiful after evolution, Chen Xizhou still asked the beautiful flower leader to uphold the principle of voluntariness and select those stinky flowers that are willing to evolve into beautiful flowers.

There are many reasons for voluntariness.

For example, you don't want to stay in the fruit research garden and want to see the outside world; for example, you can't stand being disliked by your tribe and humans and want to evolve into another form; for example, you have a yearning for beautiful flowers, etc.

The beautiful flower leader is very efficient and quickly gathered 32 stinky flowers for Chen Xizhou.

At the same time, Comrade Xiao Wang also woke up in time.

In order to watch the rare scene of collective evolution, Comrade Xiao Wang sent a piece of Sun Stone to each stinky flower.

As soon as the stinky flower touched the Sun Stone, its body burst into dazzling light, and the light instantly submerged the stinky flower, and then the stinky flowers one by one entered their own evolution state.

Although it was not the first time to watch evolution, it still fascinated Chen Xizhou, especially the spectacular scene of collective evolution.

As the light faded away one by one, the stinky flowers completed their long-cherished evolution, and the amazing beautiful flowers were displayed in this warm world under the sun.

Perhaps because of the sufficient light, the petals of the beautiful flowers soon became more colorful, and the leaves also rotated in circles.

The fruit research garden gradually became gorgeous, because a group of beautiful flowers were dancing gorgeously here.

These colorful beautiful flowers started dancing in the fruit forest, touching each other's petals, singing charming and beautiful songs, and making pleasant sounds.

As the beautiful songs sounded, the beautiful flowers danced a delicate flower dance, graceful and elegant.

Not only Chen Xizhou and Comrade Xiao Wang, but also the researchers of the Elf Plant Research Institute were all captured by this scene, and their eyes stopped here and couldn't extricate themselves.

The beautiful flowers' graceful movements, smooth body language and the scene like a sea of ​​flowers attracted everyone who saw it.

Everyone couldn't help but be intoxicated in this amazing flower dance.

Although time passed quickly, everyone still watched this beautiful moment silently, maintaining a quiet emotion, as if this beautiful flower dance would continue forever.

Comrade Xiao Wang murmured: "It turns out that the world of elves also has such beautiful scenery..."

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