I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 311 The first day in the youth training building

The dormitories for the youth trainees are very large.

Each dormitory is configured with two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom, two small rooms used as bedrooms, a living room used as an activity area, and an independent bathroom.

The living room has air conditioning, a sofa, a TV, and even a small refrigerator.

Youyun's dormitory was assigned to the eighth floor.

Originally, the person in charge, Ke Yan, planned to arrange a relationship for this guy and let him have a dormitory by himself, but You Yun refused. He chose to live with his college roommate, Feng Shifei, whose name was a bit awkward.

"It turns out that you really didn't lie to me, the treatment here is really good!" Feng Shifei looked extremely excited.

He touched here and there and found that it was extremely clean and tidy, without even a trace of dust. It was no different from a five-star hotel.

No wonder Feng Shifei was making such a fuss.

Because whether it was his high school or college, the desks, chairs, cabinets, and under the bed boards in the dormitory were filled with unbearable dust.

Even the dormitory at Kyoto Spirit Academy couldn't be as good as this one.

However, I heard that the college is planning to build two new dormitories. I think the dormitories with youth training camps will raise the standards a lot.

"Don't tell me, even the bathroom is very well-equipped." Feng Shifei walked out of the bathroom, "Not to mention toiletries, even the washing machine and clothes drying rack are neatly prepared."

You Yun said proudly: "That's right, we don't even know who prepared it."

"It's you?"

"of course not!"

You Yun replied with a black line on his head: "It was prepared by our charming sister Ke Yan. She is the head of the elf relations department and is responsible for handling relations with elves."

"But...can you clean?"

"Is there no cleaning here?"

"I mean if." You Yun smiled, "If there is no cleaning, will you clean it?"

"Don't underestimate me!"

Feng Shifei said angrily on the spot that there was something wrong with You Yun's words: "I have no problem with sweeping the floor and wiping the table."

"That's okay, you have to remember what you said." You Yun showed a strange expression.

The fact is as Feng Shifei said, there is no cleaning in this youth training camp. The hygiene of each dormitory needs to be done by oneself, and it will also be counted in the assessment score.

In addition to the final youth training competition, the ranking of assessment scores is also crucial.

Only youth training teachers and a small group of people know these evaluation criteria, and Youyun happens to be one of these small groups of people.

After a brief tidying up, You Yun and Feng Shifei went downstairs together, preparing to buy some things for the dormitory.

In addition to the Elf Cafeteria on the fourth floor of the youth training building, there is also a convenience store.

This convenience store is very large. In addition to selling items normally sold in convenience stores outside, it also sells elf products such as elf balls, elf milk, and tree fruits.

When the two entered the convenience store, many youth trainees were already shopping inside.

"I've wanted to taste Moo Moo Milk for a long time, but unfortunately I never had the chance. I didn't expect it to be sold here!" Feng Shifei stuffed the elf milk on the shelf into the shopping cart.

“I really bought what I should buy!”

Youyun took a quilt and pillow made of horse lamb wool.

"I know, I know!"

Feng Shifei felt that he needed to buy more things, so he changed the shopping basket into a shopping cart with a larger capacity.

In addition to daily necessities, the two also bought a lot of fresh and frozen food. They planned to run a small stove in the dormitory in their free time. Anyway, there was a refrigerator for storage.

After paying the bill, the two returned to the dormitory on the eighth floor. After tidying up again, it was already evening.

Have dinner in the cafeteria!

Feng Shifei said very generously that Master Feng would pay for the first meal at the youth training camp!

"Brother You, are you also a youth trainee?"

The cook in the cafeteria looked at the young man in front of him in surprise, and couldn't help but scoop up two more spoons of food.

You Yun also didn't expect that it was the mayor of Bailu Village who personally presided over the Elf Canteen, and he quickly expressed his gratitude to Bai Pingjiang politely.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a small group on the first day." Feng Shifei's eyes scanned the entire cafeteria while enjoying the delicious food, "My youngest, do you think we should also recruit some people?"

You Yun was also observing the situation in the cafeteria.

Hearing Feng Shifei's words, You Yun shook his head and said: "There is no big use in small groups. Everyone is a competitor in the end. If you have this spare time, it is better to train more of your own elves. Improving your strength is the last word."

Feng Shifei knew that You Yun had his own news channel, so he slapped his mouth and continued to fuck hard.

After dinner, the two returned to the dormitory and started preparing dinner for their respective elves.

After Youyun finished the dinner of the three elves in his small bedroom, only the hyperape, the circle bear and attribute: Kong were left as his trump cards, which he put into the elf ball.

A night without words...

Early the next morning, the wake-up bell rang.

After briefly tidying up the bedding and washing up, the two of them went to the small playground outside the building to gather as instructed on the radio.

At this time, there were almost a hundred youth trainees present, and everyone seemed to know Feng Shifei, and they all got to know this "social butterfly".

On the contrary, it is Youyun. Because of his strong strength and not making many friends, everyone keeps a respectful distance from him.

"Big nephew! Here!" Jiang Xiwu greeted Youyun excitedly.

You Yun took two steps at a time and wanted to leave quickly, but was unexpectedly stopped by Feng Shifei: "Hey, hey, hey, youngest, when did you recognize the squad leader as your aunt?"

"Nonsense! No way! Let me go!" You Yun was a little furious.

You Yun couldn't help but be anxious. Jiang Xiwu was walking towards him with people at this time, and the eyes of the surrounding youth trainees gathered around him.

Finished! It's so embarrassing!

At the most critical moment, someone rescued You Yun.

Seeing that the stipulated time had passed, the instructor standing on the platform blew the whistle: "Everyone, assemble--!!!"

The instructor shouted: "Now, with my position as the central axis, line up left and right, front and back! Line up!"

"Youngest, do you feel that this is similar to military training?" Feng Shifei stood in the front position and couldn't help turning his head to say to You Yun behind him.

You Yun didn't answer, but stood silently in his position.

Even if it was real military training, it didn't matter much, because the youth training camp trained not only Pokémon, but also trainers.

Two minutes later, the instructor on the stage began to introduce himself:

"Hello, my name is Guan Weizhong, the chief instructor of the youth training camp, you can call me instructor Guan! In the next month, I will be responsible for all your training. If you don't understand or need help, you can come to me."

As soon as Guan Weizhong finished speaking, someone asked questions impatiently.

However, Guan Weizhong ignored them, but yelled at everyone: "Now is the lecture period. If you speak without permission during the lecture, you will be punished. If you have any questions, report them. You can only speak after I allow you."

As he said, Guan Weizhong's eyes were like torches, and he pointed at the man and said coldly: "Now, 50 push-ups as punishment!"

"Is it a show of power?" Some people seemed to be dissatisfied with Guan Weizhong's punishment.

Guan Weizhong quickly found the man, and his deep voice was cold: "You too, 50 push-ups as punishment!"

"I won't accept it unless you beat me!"

Everyone didn't expect that there would be a good show on the first day of the official start, and they all turned their eyes to the young trainee who challenged the instructor Guan Weizhong.

The young trainee was fashionable, wearing sunglasses, and his face was full of arrogance.

His words revealed confidence and an arrogant attitude, as if the whole world should be honored for everything he did.

When everyone saw him, their first reaction was: Is this guy here to play?

He is simply an arrogant person.

"My name is Zhang Shida, and my Pokémon are Nidoking and Nidoqueen! Please teach me more!"

As he said this, Zhang Shida threw two Poké Balls forward, and two Pokémon about 1.5m tall appeared from them. Although they were not tall, they looked extremely strong and powerful overall.

Nidoking is a purple drill Pokémon with no spots on its body, only the chest and abdomen are white.

It has stone-hard skin and long poisonous horns. There is a row of thick spikes on its back from the neck to the tail, and an extremely thick tail.

The appearance of Nidoqueen with blue skin is not much different from Nidoking.

It also has a thick tail and mouse-like ears, very strong forelimbs, and a row of poisonous horns along the spine from the forehead to the tail.

"So it's this guy..." (End of this chapter)

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