I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 310: Regirock Rock Pillar

This is a dark green young Kiras.

The young Kiras opened his eyes. He was born with a look that looked down upon the world. However, at this moment, his eyes were full of ignorance and curiosity about the world.

To this magical world, the young Kiras was just a newly hatched young creature. Even so, he exuded a terrifying power that was born with him.

Perhaps, this was destined.

The young Kiras saw Chen Xizhou at first sight.

Although he had not yet learned how to see everything around him clearly, the young Kiras undoubtedly recognized Chen Xizhou's aura.

With his short legs, the young Kiras staggered in front of Chen Xizhou. He rubbed against Chen Xizhou's trouser legs, showing his intimacy with him.

This was the first meeting between the two parties in a real sense. Chen Xizhou did not expect that the connection between the young Kiras and himself was so deep.

Chen Xizhou squatted down and touched the rough rock skin of the young Kiras.

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Although I really want to pick up the other party for more intimate behavior, this little guy is too heavy and I really can't pick him up.

Wenren Xuesong also came up at this time. He looked at the little young Kiras in Chen Xizhou's arms curiously, and couldn't help but reach out to touch the little guy.

Little young Kiras didn't let Wenren Xuesong succeed, but tilted his head to avoid the other party's hand and growled at him threateningly.

Blunt angles, tear marks, red scales, and evolved cocoons, these external features alone are enough to prove that this family has grown extraordinary.

Not to mention that they have also experienced the energy irrigation of rock slabs, and the future little young Kiras will only be stronger.

"Young Kiras, this is my grandfather."

Chen Xizhou's words did not play much role. Although Wenren Xuesong touched the other party as he wished, little young Kiras still had a deep wariness of Wenren Xuesong.


A figure like a cannonball suddenly fell in front of little young Kiras, that was brother Shakiras.

It turned out that brother Shakiras's energy irrigation was over.

Although he had no hands and feet, Shakiras still wanted to get close to his brother. It might be because the young Kiras was taken care of by his brother before he hatched, so he had no resistance to Shakiras.

It was just not as close as Chen Xizhou.


The energy irrigation of Regilock was also over.

After moving his hands and feet a little, Regilock walked forward slowly with his three-meter-tall huge rock body, and every step could cause the cave to vibrate.

When he came to Wenren Xuesong, Regilock stretched out his rock fist and raised it in front of him.

Is this a fistfight?

Wenren Xuesong hesitated a little, but still stretched out his hand to try to fight with Regilock, but saw a gray-brown "H"-shaped mark from the rock fist to Wenren Xuesong's arm.

Just when Wenren Xuesong and Chen Xizhou were confused, Regilock introduced the mark.

This "H"-shaped mark is the core of Regilock. As long as a special rock can be found, the mark will be actively transferred to the rock to form a brand new Regilock.

"Brand new Regilock!" Wenren Xuesong and Chen Xizhou said in unison.

"Yes, a brand new Regilock."

Turning to look at the rock slab still floating in the air, Regilock said: "The strength of that adult is far beyond your imagination. His focus props are treasures for all elves. After the new Regilock is formed, you can bring it here."

Regilock no longer pays attention to the two, but controls the rock slab to fly to the rock altar.

Seeing that the orange dots on Regilock's body are extinguished, Wenren Xuesong knows that today should be the end. Although he paid a piece of rock slab, he got more than he expected.

"Let's go."

Shakiras and young Kiras were left in the underground world by Regilock, and they will receive Regilock's teachings here.

Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong returned to the ground smoothly.

"I will rush back to Kyoto tonight. Everything here is up to you." Wenren Xuesong emphasized, "Especially Regirock and the Youth Training Camp."

Although the plane has a certain flight schedule, with Wenren Xuesong's status, he can open up a route at any time if he wants to leave.

"If you have free time, don't forget about the elf troops." Wenren Xuesong patted Chen Xizhou on the shoulder, "In short, everything is up to you!"

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on everything." Chen Xizhou made his promise.

Wenren Xuesong laughed twice and went to the entrance of the fossil mine with the guards guarding the entrance.

The fossil mine is not worthy of its name now.

It's not that there are fewer elf fossils here, but the mine is no longer in existence due to the landslide caused by the earthquake.

"Let's call this the Mineral Rock Area."

Chen Xizhou and Dr. Luo Qunshan talked as they walked. The two had a brief exchange on the future safety of the Mineral Rock Area.

Although the mine is a restriction that affects the excavation work, because it has only one entrance, it can well resist the prying of some lawless elements.

The collapsed mountain turned the original high basin into a valley with access roads, and the fossil forest was completely exposed to the public.

Rebuilding the safety protection system at the fossil excavation site has become the key issue and main task now.

"The natural defense level is always higher than the artificial defense level, and the combination of the two is even more refined." Chen Xizhou said to Dr. Luo Qunshan, "I will find a way to deal with the natural defense, and your paleontological institute will be responsible for the artificial defense."

"No problem, I will take care of this matter."

After saying goodbye to Dr. Luo Qunshan, Chen Xizhou returned to the underground world, and he needed Regilock's help.

The young Kiras was very happy to see Chen Xizhou again.

Although Regilock and his brother Shakilas were here to accompany him, and there were a lot of heavy spirit ore to eat, it was obviously more like to stay with Chen Xizhou when it was just born.

Chen Xizhou could only try his best to comfort the young Kiras.

After the young Kiras agreed to stay here to receive instruction, Chen Xizhou explained to Regilock the reason for returning to the underground world.

One is to rebuild the natural defense of the fossil forest-the tall basin.

The existence of the tall basin is also good for Regilock himself, because it can prevent people from coming in to harass the underground world from time to time.

Another is the habitat of the sandbag snake clan.

Chen Xizhou told Regilock about the destruction of the sand, and said that if Regilock could not make the sand, he could rebuild it in other ways.

These things were just a piece of cake for Regilock now, and he agreed to Chen Xizhou's request without thinking.

It's better to do it now than to wait for a day.

Regilock relied on his recent recovery and decided to do it now.

The rocks pulsed, and the Rock God Pillar Regilock walked out of the underground world step by step and came to the ground to see the light again.

Across the fossil forest, what came into view was a mess that had been processed, and a deep gap turned the original basin into the current valley.

As the pulsation became stronger and stronger, a mysterious energy surged from Regilock, and the gray-brown light intertwined in the air, forming a powerful light column.

With the appearance of the light column, the Rock God Pillar Regilock began to release its power.

On the surrounding mountains, a strange huge rock rolled down the hillside and gathered on the messy pile of rocks.

The land at the gap was also shaking, and the rocks buried underground were also rising. With this mysterious power, they slowly rolled at the gap to form a hole.

The original power emitted by Regilock wrapped the rocks. These stones circled in the air and finally stopped at the gap, filling the entire gap and making the valley complete again.

The whole process lasted only a few minutes, and the valley was filled up.

Then the sand was rebuilt.

Regilock walked with heavy steps, and in the eyes of humans and elves with great awe, he walked towards the east of the fossil forest, which is the direction of the entrance to the underground world.

With every step Regilock took, the ground would shake once.

When Regilock arrived at the entrance to the underground world, the original rock land around him had been crushed by Regilock's power, forming a vast sand land.

The sandbag snake clan will become the guardian of the entrance to the underground world.

The sand is fine and soft, and it glows golden under the setting sun.

After Regirock returned to the underground world, the sand snake tribe, led by the leader of the sand snail python, began to move towards the golden sand.

They left footprints of varying depths on the sand, adding a bit of vitality to the place.

This was the first time that the Rock God Pillar Regirock officially appeared in front of the world... (End of this chapter)

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