I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 306: The clan war achieved a tragic victory

Miserable cries were heard in the air, and the battle between the Raptor Elf and the Angry Parrot Clan was coming to an end.

Although the individual strength of the Warrior Eagles was outstanding, the Angry Parrot Clan had an overwhelming advantage in numbers, and they had already forced the two Warrior Eagles into a desperate situation.

As for the Vulture Na, she had already been shot down.


As the last Warrior Eagle fell from the sky, the Angry Parrot Clan won the clan war.

Unfortunately, this was a tragic victory. The number of Angry Parrots that still had strength was less than one-fifth of the original number, and the rest fell to the ground like the Raptor Elf.

The Angry Parrots trembled in the cheers.

On the surface, it was not worth it to let the clan suffer such a heavy blow in order to save a member of the clan, but in the long run, this clan war was enough to bring stability and peace to the Angry Parrot Clan.

At least for a long time in the future, in this sparse forest and rocky mountain area, the Angry Parrot Clan will be an existence that cannot be provoked.

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White Feather Angry Parrot was rescued.

"So, they are actually your saviors?"

In the raptor nest, Mu Zhiyun poked his head out slightly and looked at the miserable situation on the ground. He opened his mouth but couldn't utter a word.

According to the story of the White Feather Angry Parrot, it was indeed attacked by a strange elf on the way back to the tribe, and was injured and could not continue to fly.

Two passing warrior eagles helped, rescued the White Feather Angry Parrot, and took it back to the nest to recuperate.

This made the four vultures, who were his wives, very dissatisfied.

The vultures thought that the warrior eagle was bringing the mistress back to the nest, preparing to occupy the magpie's nest and remarry, which led to the scene that Mu Zhiyun saw at the beginning.

The misunderstanding of the Angry Parrot clan was something that the proud warrior eagle disdained to explain.

His wrong information led to this tragic clan war.

Half an hour later, with the help of the parrot brothers, Mu Zhiyun landed smoothly from the cliffs, and the little eagle and the vulture girls were also brought to the ground.

The next step is how to deal with the aftermath.

Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao first talked to Chen Xizhou on the phone and briefly told him what happened. After receiving instructions, they found the green-feathered parrot brother and held an impromptu meeting.

"The district chief means that we will provide necessary help."

At present, these seriously injured elves are facing two difficulties.

One is that if they rely on self-healing ability alone, it will take a long time to recover their mobility; the other is that they are seriously injured and cannot go out hunting for food.

Chen Xizhou's instructions are that the Langqi Special District will help and solve the problems of treatment and food for the injured elves before they recover.

"The alliance's rescue truck is on the way, wait patiently..."


All the injured bird elves were sent to the fossil forest.

During the handover, Chen Xizhou saw the ashamed Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao, and also saw the miserable bird elves.

Chen Xizhou could feel the fierceness of the clan war just by looking at the appearance of the raptor elf.

[Warrior Eagle! ]

[Warrior Eagle: Brave Elf]

[Warrior Eagle has a brave character that is not afraid of death, and is a brave and proud elf. ]

[Warrior Eagle will fight for its partners regardless of danger, and will not give up fighting no matter how much it is injured, and will be proud of it. ]

[The more wounds a warrior eagle has on the front, the braver it is, and the more respected it will be by its partners, while those with more wounds on the back will be despised in the group. ]

[Warrior Eagle is a brave and courageous sky warrior. ]

[It is said that humans once threatened the habitat of warrior eagles, and they united to resist. Therefore, they are called "Warriors of the Sky" by humans and respected. ]

[The heroic posture of the warrior eagle makes it a popular subject for people to design emblems. ]

[Although the warrior eagle is extremely strong and can grab a car and fly in the sky, its character is rough and hot-blooded, so it is not suitable for jobs like transporters. 】

【There are only male Warrior Eagles, and the female Pokémon corresponding to it is Vulture Nana. 】

Keywords: Brave, Proud, Sky Warrior

This is the second Pokémon of different genders that Chen Xizhou has seen, the first being Kentaro and Miltank.

Since there are no males in the Happiny clan so far, Chen Xizhou suspects that this may also be the case for their clan.

“No Vulture Nana?”

“They’re in the car behind.”

Speaking of the devil, the truck carrying Vulture Nana has just arrived.

【Vulture Nana! 】

【Vulture Nana: Bone Eagle Pokémon】

【Vulture Nana has been looking for food for Vulture Girl. 】

【Vulture Nana will fly in circles in the sky, observing the ground from the air, and sometimes she will be shot down by Garagara from the sky with a boomerang-like bone. 】

【Vulture Nana will attack once she finds weak prey, grab it with her claws and bring it back to the bone nest lightly. 】

【Vulture Na has the habit of decorating her body with bones, and there seems to be a trend in the shape of bones. 】

【Vulture Na is only female, and its male counterpart is the Warrior Eagle. It is said that Vulture Na's gorgeous decoration with bones is to attract the Warrior Eagle. 】

【Although Vulture Na has a rough temperament, if she encounters a lost vulture girl, she will take good care of it until it grows up and leaves the nest. 】

Entry keywords: rough, maternal love

Vulture Na is definitely an elf with great contrasts.

It has a weird appearance and a rough temperament, but it possesses overwhelming and deep maternal love, which is very similar to the vultures in the animal world.

The four vultures were quickly sent to the medical tent.

Soon, three more trucks stopped.

What got off the first truck were the cubs of the raptor elves, the eaglets and the vultures. They were taken to a temporary gathering place where there was a large supply of food.

What came out of the second and third trucks were hundreds of seriously injured angry parrots.

"Hey! Wife, you will definitely get better!"

"Hey! Don't worry, wife, I will always be by your side to accompany you."

"Hey! I feel really sorry to see my wife injured. I hope you can recover quickly."


The noisy bird is indeed a noisy bird.

Occupying a stretcher alone for the white-feathered angry parrot, it chattered endlessly and kept saying tiresome love words. This behavior seriously affected the mood of all the singles present.

It attracted a lot of hatred, and even said hello to its trainer when passing by Mu Zhiyun.

It is said that the elf will become more and more similar when getting along with the trainer. This behavior perfectly completed the transfer of hatred, and Mu Zhiyun unfortunately became the scapegoat of Noisy Bird.

Looking at the unkind eyes of his colleagues, Mu Zhiyun smiled awkwardly, and then involuntarily approached Chen Xizhou for comfort.

"There are so many injured angry parrots?"

After learning that these were the "masterpieces" of six raptor elves, Chen Xizhou was shocked: "How can these raptor elves have such strong fighting power?"

"Actually, there are only two warrior eagles who are the main attackers, and the four vultures are just assisting and sneak attacks." Mu Xiaoyao added.

The beginning of Mu Zhiyunyan's descent was the beginning of the clan war between the two sides. Mu Xiaoyao, who was condescending, witnessed the battle process with his own eyes. He had the best say in this matter.

Until the end, Chen Xizhou did not find the leader of the Angry Green Parrot among the wounded. Not to mention the leader of the green-feathered angry parrots, he didn't even see a healthy angry parrot.

Chen Xizhou looked at Mu Zhiyun: "Where is the leader of the Angry Green Parrots? Don't they come here to take a rest?"

Mu Zhiyun didn't know where to start. It couldn't be said that the Green Feathered Angry Parrot took his people to earn a certificate for the tribe to join the Langqi Special Zone, right?

This is a bit fanciful.

But Green Feather Angry Parrot does think so.

If it were the beginning, it would certainly be able to bring the Angry Parrot clan to join the Langqi Special Zone without any worries.

But something like this happened before joining. The leader of Green Feather Angry Parrot, who has a strong self-esteem, is naturally unwilling to accept the rescue of Langqi Special Zone for no reason, so he is ready to do something big...

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