I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 305: Angry Parrot's Rescue Operation

The stalemate on the top of the rocky mountain soon ushered in a turning point.

The green-feathered angry parrot was furious when he heard the news. He could not control his emotions and flapped his wings to send gathering signals.

Not long after, all the four-color angry parrots gathered together.

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The furious green-feathered angry parrot leader launched a tribe war mobilization.

No matter what kind of personality each tribe member has, as long as they are a member of the angry parrot tribe, they must always be ready to fight for their tribe members and territory.

In order to rescue the white-feathered angry parrot, the entire angry parrot tribe went out.

The noisy parrot cry mixed with anger seemed to tear the entire sky apart. No matter which color the angry parrot was, their eyes were full of amazing determination and courage.

After confirming the enemy's position, the green-feathered angry parrot, as the leader of the tribe, took the lead in launching an attack, and the rest of the angry parrots followed closely.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides officially exchanged fire.

The average height of the Angry Parrot is only 1.5m higher than that of the Warrior Eagle, and the wingspan is more than 3m. Judging from the size alone, the two sides are not of the same level.

However, the elves do not judge the victory or defeat entirely by size, not to mention that the number of Angry Parrots is dozens of times that of Warrior Eagles and Vultures.

As raptor elves, Warrior Eagles and Vultures will naturally not retreat.

The brave and proud Warrior Eagle overlooked everything, stretched out its powerful wings, and suddenly flapped its wings to rush towards the oncoming group of Angry Parrots. The more shrewd Vultures flexibly avoided the attacks of the group of Angry Parrots and launched attacks from time to time.

The Angry Parrots chased their targets in groups, rushed into the opponent fearlessly, and attacked with their own bodies.

The scene of the battle was quite tragic.

Both sides were bird elves who were good at fighting. Sharp claws and sharp beaks were the main means of fighting for both sides. Every collision could bring flying feathers and dripping blood.

At the top of the rocky mountain, the two forgotten people lay on the edge of the cliff and watched the battle.

Mu Xiaoyao tilted his head and pushed his best friend, saying with some doubt: "Have you noticed that their battles are different from those in the game, and they don't use many skills?"

"Don't worry about that for now."

Because of the noisy bird, Mu Zhiyun didn't have the heart to observe these, but took the outdoor rope: "I'm responsible for rock degradation to save the white-feathered parrot, and you are responsible for covering me!"

Although Mu Xiaoyao was puzzled about where the professional rope in his best friend's hand came from, he still knew the priorities and helped to fix one end of the main rope to the protection point on the rock wall, and simply tested the safety.

"Good brother, I'm going down!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Zhiyun kicked and jumped off the cliff.

The difficulty of the first rock rappel seemed to exceed Mu Zhiyun's original idea.

He kept standing tight and balancing his body steadily. His palms and soles were sweating because of nervousness, and various gravels between the cracks of the rock wall were constantly falling.

The big mouth bat also provided help from time to time to protect Mu Zhiyun's safety as much as possible.

After gaining some experience, Mu Zhiyun continued to descend the cliff, slowly adapting to the passage of time and the load on his body, and his movements became more and more skilled.

The Warrior Eagle and Vulture Na both found a thief who wanted to invade the nest, but they could not go to rescue him because the Angry Parrots also saw Mu Zhiyun's actions.

Under the leadership of the leader Green Feather Angry Parrot, the Angry Parrots launched a more fierce siege.

The cover of the Angry Parrots was by no means a long-term solution. Mu Zhiyun, who was as clear as a mirror, chose to speed up the descent and successfully arrived at a rock wall protruding halfway up the cliff after five minutes.

He found a huge bird's nest and saw a shocking scene.

There were corpses everywhere near the nest of the raptor elf, mostly the bones of various animals and elves.

Fortunately, this nest was at the end of the southwest wind, and the whistling mountain wind took away the fishy smell that should have existed, keeping it extremely comfortable and refreshing.

The first impression when entering the nest was cleanliness.

In addition to a few elf eggs, there are some claws and beaks piled in the corner, as well as the target of Mu Zhiyun's trip, the White-Feathered Angry Parrot and a group of fledgling elves.

There are two types of fledgling elves.

One is the hairy-headed eagle, which is very similar to the Warrior Eagle, and the other is the vulture girl, which is very similar to the vulture Na.

The blue-skinned hairy-headed eagle has white feathers, and a crown feather with a red tail on the top of its head, which looks like the dress of some chiefs of the African Union.

The vulture girl has a strange appearance.

This weirdness is not only reflected in the "sky-high bun" made of feathers on the top of the head, but also in the fact that the eggshell protecting the buttocks looks like a diaper.

"What is the relationship between these two elves?"

After Mu Zhiyun muttered, he turned over and climbed into the nest of the raptor elves. He wanted to speed up to rescue the White-Feathered Angry Parrot.

However, the situation in the nest is a little different from what Mu Zhiyun imagined.

Not only does the White-Feathered Angry Parrot look harmless, but it also plays with the group of fledgling elves?

What is going on?

Seeing Mu Zhiyun suddenly intruding, the white-feathered parrot looked a little scared, and the two little eagles immediately protected the white-feathered parrot and the vulture girl behind them.

Seeing this, Mu Zhiyun shrugged helplessly, thinking to himself: This is a big misunderstanding.

On the edge of the cliff of the rocky mountain.

Seeing that Mu Zhiyun successfully found the landing point, Mu Xiaoyao, who was always paying attention, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's take a break first."

Mu Xiaoyao retracted his head, lying on his back on the rock, silently looking at the blue sky and white clouds.

Although this action is very comfortable, it is not friendly to the blue jay. Just when it wanted to take a rest, it found that it could not find a place and could only land on Mu Xiaoyao's chest.

The weight of more than 30 kilograms almost made Mu Xiaoyao suffocate.


Just then, a small sound came from the crack of the rock beside him.

Mu Xiaoyao, who had recovered, turned his head and saw a pair of bright eyes, with a hint of curiosity in his cowardice.

Is this the cub of the warrior eagle?

This is a dark-skinned hairy eagle. Its light brown hair makes it look a little sloppy. There is a crown feather with a pink tail on its head.

"Little sloppy?"


"Are you the child of those raptor elves?"


Although it got a positive answer, the hairy eagle did not look happy.

Mu Xiaoyao noticed the other party's unhappiness, moved the blue jay away from his chest, walked carefully to the crevice, squatted down and kept a closer height to the other party.

The little eagle wanted to escape, but turned around and found that the crevice was a dead end.

"Are you hungry?"

A gentle voice came, and the little eagle turned around and found that it was this strange human who was talking to him.

Regardless of whether the other party was hungry or not, Mu Xiaoyao took out a small bag from his pocket.

The small bag contained beef-flavored elf rations that Mu Xiaoyao had repacked to meet the needs of going out. One bag was just enough for a blue jay.

Mu Xiaoyao poured some grains on his hand, and then slowly reached out to the little eagle. He did not realize that such behavior was actually very dangerous.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the little eagle in the crevice was a little afraid and a little expectant.

Although it was not his favorite fresh meat, the tempting aroma had already come to his nose. The little eagle couldn't help but finally poked his head out and pecked a few grains of rations.

Unbearable pain spread all over his body, and Mu Xiaoyao trembled a little, but he still insisted on letting the eagle eat the remaining food.

Curling his palm slightly, Mu Xiaoyao found that two blood holes were pecked out of his palm.

Although the eagle is only a cub, it is essentially a bird of prey, and its beak is as sharp as that of the evolved warrior eagle.

Mu Xiaoyao believes that this should be the result of the opponent's restraint. If he really launches an attack, his palm will probably be pecked out of two holes by the bird's beak.

How can the eagle, who often eats fresh meat, not smell the smell of blood.

Following the direction of the bloody smell, the eagle found the injury on Mu Xiaoyao's palm and immediately let out a whine, which seemed to be self-blame, like an apology, or both.

"It's okay, Blue Jay often hurts me by mistake." Mu Xiaoyao pointed to the Blue Jay behind him.

Blue Jay, who was inexplicably carrying a big pot, was tilting his head and looking at his trainer at this time. It was also in self-blame, and the confusion in its eyes became more and more serious.

It was recalling when it had accidentally injured Mu Xiaoyao.

What the blue jay didn't know was that the accidental injury was just an excuse Mu Xiaoyao came up with temporarily to reduce the young eagle's sense of guilt.

This unfaithful man who had a new bird and forgot about the old one!

"Will you live with me in the future?"

Pour the remaining food in the small bag in front of the young eagle, Mu Xiaoyao made an invitation for some unknown reason...

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