I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 297 Finalizing the purchase of the elf

How could Chen Xizhou not understand what the King of Dai Dai meant after spending so much time with him?

Obviously, there must be someone in this cage covered with black cloth that the King of Dai Dai cares about or values.

The King of Dai Dai's behavior made Chief Odbiao even happier. He didn't bother to let his men do it, and he took two steps at a time and personally stepped forward to pull down the black cloth.

A very special elf appeared in front of everyone.

This elf is similar to a white gorilla.

Its face and hands and feet are light gray, with a pattern similar to a four-pointed star on its forehead, and purple body hair like a cloak covering its back and hanging down its shoulders.

This elf, which looks like a white gorilla, holds a leaf fan made of purple hair and sits there motionless.

This is a general-type plus psychic-type Zhihui gorilla.

Why is it very special?

That's because Zhihui gorilla has a pair of eyes as wise as the King of Dai Dai.

The difference between the two is that the eyes of the Dai Dai King give people a feeling of looking down on others and being pure, while the eyes of the Zhi Hui Xing give people a feeling of seeing through the heart.

To put it simply, the eyes of the Dai Dai King make people feel that it looks down on you, while the eyes of the Zhi Hui Xing make people feel that they are stripped naked.

The feather fan and the scarf, coupled with this wise look, Chen Xizhou can't help but think of the prime minister a thousand years ago.

[Zhi Hui Xing! ]

[Zhi Hui Xing: The Sage Elf]

[Zhi Hui Xing lives a quiet life alone in the depths of the forest. He rarely moves around and meditates on the trees. He knows every corner of the forest. ]

[Zhi Hui Xing can command the elves at will by waving his fan. ]

[The way Zhi Hui Xing gave instructions to the elves in the forest one after another made people in the past think that Zhi Hui Xing was a human living in the depths of the forest, so he was called a forest man. ]

[The relationship between the same kind is very poor, and they always compete with each other to see who is smarter and more skilled. ]

[Speedy occasionally appears at the seaside, competing with Slowking to see who is smarter. ]

[Speedy can treat the Pokémon living in the forest gently. If a Pokémon is injured, it will go to find herbs to heal them and provide food to hungry Pokémon. ]

[Speedy is known for being very smart. It looks down on inexperienced trainers and is a Pokémon for experienced trainers. ]

[Speedy sometimes uses human props well. For trainers, it is a Pokémon with a difficult side. ]

Keywords: Sage, Wise Man

When seeing Speedy again, Chief Odebiao showed a constipated expression.

First, it is extremely difficult to capture Speedy.

Speedy can persuade and command other Pokémon to protect itself. Before approaching it, all the wild Pokémon it commands must be defeated before it is possible to capture this white-haired gorilla.

The Pokémon that needs to be defeated to capture this Speedy are the previous Throwing Monkeys.

Second, Speedy's eyes make people uncomfortable.

Every time he stood in front of Zhihuixing, Chief Odebiao felt very uncomfortable when he was exposed to the other's eyes. That feeling was like a woman who was stripped naked, without any secrets.

This is also the reason why Chief Odebiao must cover the iron cage with a black cloth.

If it wasn't for Dai Dai Wang wanting to see it, if it wasn't for Chen Xizhou's idea of ​​buying the elf, Chief Odebiao swore that he would never pull down the black cloth that could cover the secret.

The moment the black cloth fell, Zhihuixing was surprised.

Because it saw an unexpected and unwilling elf - Dai Dai Wang.

The battle of wisdom between Zhihuixing and Dai Dai Wang has a long history, and this memory engraved in the genes is directly awakened at this moment.

In addition to Chen Xizhou, the Zhihuixing in front of him is the only elf that Dai Dai Wang cares about. Although the other party is locked in an iron cage, Dai Dai Wang can clearly sense that the iron cage is useless to Zhihuixing.

So, why is this?

Dai Dai Wang turned his head slightly and looked at the group of throwing monkeys who were looking at Zhihuixing with piety.

Yes, it should be for the throwing monkeys.

The King of Dai Dai disappeared again and returned to Chen Xizhou. He whispered to Chen Xizhou and told him his guess.

When Chen Xizhou was observing Zhi Huixing, Zhi Huixing was also observing Chen Xizhou.

But in two glances, Zhi Huixing slightly fanned the green leaf purple feather fan in his hand, and a look of understanding appeared on his face.

"Save the throwing monkeys, I will serve you." A clear and bright voice, a lazy and confident voice suddenly rose from the bottom of Chen Xizhou's heart.

It's telepathy!

Chen Xizhou looked at the other party in surprise. Among so many elves present, I am afraid that except for the Zhi Huixing in front of him, no other elf can telepathize.

Even the King of Dai Dai can't.

The King of Dai Dai obviously noticed Zhi Huixing's little action, but before the other party showed hostility, it would not easily stop the other party from communicating with Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou nodded slightly, then looked at Chief Odebiao who was a little impatient: "Mr. Chief, how much is this gorilla and the throwing monkeys?"


Chief Odebiao hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and said: "This white-haired gorilla is a bit special. When we captured it, we lost a lot of manpower and equipment. The loss was too great, so..."

"So its price will be a little more expensive?" Chen Xizhou didn't care, "As long as it's within a reasonable range, I can accept it."

Seeing this, Chief Odebiao showed his white teeth again.

"There are 31 monkeys in total, one is also counted as 5 million alliance coins, and one gorilla is only counted as 15 million alliance coins. The total is..."

Chief Odebiao knew that he was not good at mathematics, so he learned the lesson and directly threw the calculation process to Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou smiled and said: "170 million alliance coins, plus the previous 280 million, a total of 50,000 alliance coins."

Although he often failed mathematics when he was studying, Chief Oudebiao thought he could do simple addition and subtraction. There was obviously something wrong with the price Chen Xizhou gave.

The honest Chief Odebiao said: The total price should be 450 million alliance coins, and Chen Xizhou calculated an extra 50 million alliance coins.

"No overcalculation."

Chen Xizhou explained sincerely, "The extra 50 million is used to entertain the distinguished guests from afar, my good brother Chief Odebiao. The price of elves belongs to the price of elves, and the price of friendship belongs to the price of friendship. If If you refuse this money, you are looking down on my brother."

The distribution of elves has a certain pattern.

Many elves living in the African Alliance, such as Mongoose Shao and Throwing Monkey, are not found in the Chinese Alliance.

This is the so-called regional law.

Chen Xizhou feels it is very worthwhile to use these 50 million alliance coins to build a solid relationship with Chief Odebiao so that he can continue to cooperate with him in the future.

There is no relationship that is more reliable than a relationship of interest. If there is, it must be more of a relationship of interest.

Facts have proved that Chen Xizhou was wrong.

Chief Odebiao believes that although he is greedy for money and lust, he only makes the money he deserves and will never cheat his good brothers.

"Good brother, I will accept these 50 million alliance coins, but I also have a gift for you!" Chief Odebiao pulled Chen Xizhou towards the deck on the spot.

The sun was crossing the zenith, shining on a vast sea.

On the deck of the container ship, bright red containers and silver-gray tower cranes are staggered, forming a unique picture.

The real situation is that these neatly arranged containers are basically empty. They are just to cover up the fact that Odebiao is smuggling elves.

"Here is the gift I want to give you!"

Chief Odebiao brought Chen Xizhou to two oversized containers, lit a cigar, and then motioned to his men to open the containers.

When the crew opened the container door, Chen Xizhou, Comrade Xiao Wang and others were shocked.

There were actually two elephants inside!

No, these are two terrifyingly huge elephant-like elves.

The bodies of these two elves were covered with dark green rust and had irregular bronze-colored patterns. There are several huge pieces of bronze on the head, which are also covered with rust, and only a few pieces of bronze without rust are exposed.

【King Bronze Elephant! 】

[King Bronze Elephant: Like a Bronze Elf]

[The King Bronze Elephant is an elf living in groups, with strong self-esteem and a tricky temper. 】

[The grip of the king's bronze elephant trunk is so strong that it can even crush large rocks. He is a strong man who can easily drag giant objects. 】

[The green skin of the King Bronze Elephant is very resistant to water. The brighter it is, the more respected it is by its companions. 】

[It is said that the King Bronze Elephant is a little afraid of electricity. 】

Entry keywords: huge, powerful, proud

To be continued... (End of this chapter)

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