I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 296: The elf browsing the goods on board

Seeing that Chen Xizhou was really interested in Mongoose, Chief Odebiao was delighted.

In fact, after hearing the news that Liu Ziqing wanted to trade again, Chief Odebiao, as the channel party, had no hesitation at all.

The so-called "not allowing the same person to buy again" is actually just Chief Odebiao's fear of smuggling and privately selling the three starter Pokémons.

The Pokémon traded for the first time was just a Litten, which made him gain a huge fortune that he had never obtained before.

In this era of unified global currency, the purchasing power of 20 million Alliance coins in the African Union is far beyond the imagination of Chief Odebiao, who has lived a primitive life for many years.

If there is one, there will be two, there will be three.

Feeling the charm of money, Chief Odebiao, who has tasted the sweetness, naturally hopes to trade again.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Chief Odebiao is the leader of a large tribe and one of the directors of the African Union. He knows very well that if he wants to make more money, he must not take the initiative to re-propose the transaction.

So he waited and waited, until the 20 million alliance coins were almost spent, and finally waited for Liu Ziqing's heavenly gospel.

"As long as there is money to be made, I can get you whatever you want. But this time the transaction must be over 100 million, I want to see a lot of money!"

This is the promise and condition made by Chief Odebiao to Liu Ziqing.

Anyway, the other party is the Huaxia Alliance, which is the father who loves his son, so smuggling to them is no problem.

What he didn't expect was that such a promise and condition was exactly what Liu Ziqing wanted, because both Chen Xizhou and Comrade Xiao Wang were interested in the elves smuggled by the African Alliance.

Both parties were willing and in collusion.

Chief Odebiao suggested enthusiastically: "These little elves are just a small matter. I have two of their evolutionary forms here. They are very smart and powerful. When we captured them, we lost a lot of people."

"In addition to these little elves, I have two big guys here, especially big ones, as well as a gorilla and a group of monkeys. It may be a bit troublesome to raise them."

Chief Odebiao is an honest man. He will tell you in time if there are any problems with the goods.

Under the leadership of Chief Odebiao, Chen Xizhou saw the evolution of Mongoose Shao - Mongoose Detective.

The appearance of Mongoose Detective is very similar to Mongoose Shao before evolution. Except for the yellow top of the head and neck and abdomen, most of its body fur is brown.

Unlike Mongoose Shao, Mongoose Detective stands on two feet and is generally larger in size.

[Mongoose Detective! ]

[Mongoose Detective: Waiting for the Little Elves]

[Mongoose Detective likes to eat mouse-like elves such as Rattata and Rattata, but because they are diurnal, they cannot be encountered, but if they see them, they will pounce on them without thinking. 】

【Mongoose Inspector's style of waiting for prey is exactly the opposite of Mongoose Shao. Compared with Mongoose Shao who walks back and forth, Mongoose Inspector will insist on squatting in that place after finding the trace of prey, and continue to wait with great patience. 】

【Mongoose Inspector has a persistence to wait for the target prey, but will fall asleep in the place because of exhaustion at sunset. 】

【Mongoose Inspector has a very strong tolerance for hunger. While waiting for prey, he will not move at all, and can continue to squat even if he does not eat anything. He is a little elf who is proud of his strong endurance. 】

【Mongoose Inspector is good at concentrating on tracking the footprints of prey. 】

Keywords: squatting, patience, tracking

"How is it, Mr. District Chief, are you satisfied with these two mongooses?"

Although Chen Xizhou's expression has explained everything, Chief Odebiao still couldn't help asking. He would only feel relieved if he got a positive answer from the other party.

"Are these two meerkat inspectors a couple?"

Chen Xizhou saw that the larger meerkat inspector was protecting the other meerkat inspector behind him. They were just one male and one female, just like a husband protecting his wife behind him.

The female meerkat inspector looked into the cage where the meerkat was imprisoned from time to time. It was likely that their children were there.

Chief Odebiao obviously didn't know about these things.

Because whether it was the meerkat inspector, the meerkat, or other elves, they were all goods in his eyes, all golden and fragrant money.

"Tell me a price, my good friend, Mr. Chief Odebiao."

When Chief Odebiao heard that Chen Xizhou really wanted to buy it, he was immediately overjoyed, and a row of white and neat teeth made people unable to open their eyes.

"There are 52 small meerkats in total. Each one costs 5 million Alliance coins. There are 2 big meerkats. Each one costs 10 million Alliance coins. The total is... the total is..."

Obviously, mathematics is not Chief Odbiao's strong point.

"The total is 280 million Alliance coins." As a kind person, Chen Xizhou certainly would not let his good friend be embarrassed.

"Yes, yes, the total is 280 million Alliance coins."

Chief Odbiao gave a thumbs up, but his mind was obviously not praising Chen Xizhou, but thinking about what so much money could be used for.

"Mr. Chief, let's take a look at other elves first?"

"How to pay!"

Chen Xizhou and Chief Odbiao spoke at the same time, but the content was completely different.

Chen Xizhou smiled and said, "Don't worry, why don't we wait until we have seen all the elves?"

Chief Odebiao also smiled awkwardly: "Yes, yes, Mr. District Chief, let's go to the second floor next. Another group of elves are imprisoned on the second floor."

When he arrived at the second floor, Chen Xizhou really saw another kind of elf.

The monkeys mentioned by Chief Odebiao are a group of elves similar to colored lemurs.

Their faces, hands, feet, shoulders and tails are all black, and there are white patterns near the end of the tail.

[Throwing monkeys! ]

[Throwing monkeys: Cooperate with elves]

[Throwing monkeys live in groups of 20 to 30 with the boss as the center, relying on the boss and 10 in good condition to move around and find food. ]

[The cohesion of the throwing monkey group is very strong, and they will never abandon their partners. ]

[Throwing monkeys will use saliva to stick leaves on their shoulders as marks. The distribution of leaves can tell which group it is. This mark is determined by the boss. ]

[Tree fruits are the weapons of throwing monkeys and also their staple food. ]

[In the group, the one who can throw tree fruits the farthest is their boss. Each generation of bosses will train the Throwing Monkey to learn teamwork and the technique of throwing fruit, and pass this technique on to the team members. 】

【Because the training is very hard, there seem to be some Throwing Monkeys who escape. 】

【The Throwing Monkey not only throws hard fruit at the opponent, but also has the skill of using soft fruit to block the opponent's sight. It will cooperate with its partners to pass fruit to each other, making the opponent confused. 】

【The Throwing Monkey will also require the trainer to reach the boss's qualifications. They will carefully observe the trainer's posture of throwing the Poké Ball. If the trainer with poor throwing skills gives instructions, it will not listen. 】

Keywords: cooperation, throwing, teamwork

Unlike the monkeys in the animal world who are used to jumping around and scratching their ears, the Throwing Monkey group stays very quietly in the cage, even quieter than the meerkats they saw before.

They seem to have received some instructions and are waiting for something.

One of the larger throwing monkeys had its eyes light up when it saw Chen Xizhou coming, and then it hid well, but Chen Xizhou still caught this strangeness.

Are they waiting for me?

Such an absurd and bizarre thought suddenly emerged in Chen Xizhou's mind.

It shouldn't be...

Seeing that Chen Xizhou frowned when he saw the throwing monkey, Chief Odebiao was a little panicked.

If Chen Xizhou just looked down on these monkeys, Chief Odebiao didn't care, because this trip alone would make him a lot of money from those mongoose elves.

But if this group of monkeys affected the trade of mongoose elves, it would be bad.

This is what Chief Odebiao was worried about.

Chen Xizhou came to his senses and saw that Chief Odebiao was full of worry, and then comforted him that he was just identifying these elves, not that he didn't like them.

"So that's how it is."

Chen Xizhou's answer was so pleasant to Chief Odebiao's ears. There were 31 monkeys in this group, and each monkey was worth 5 million Alliance coins, which was more than 100 million in revenue.

It was simply wonderful!

Just when Chen Xizhou wanted to continue talking, a small accident suddenly happened at the scene.

The usually calm Dai Dai Wang suddenly left Chen Xizhou's side and appeared in front of a cage covered with black cloth in an instant. Its eyes were full of confusion and inexplicability.

The Dai Dai Wang looked at Chen Xizhou... (End of this chapter)

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