I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 198 The arrow is on the string and must be shot

After the three-day celebration, everyone's lives returned to normal.

The recruitment meeting of the elf store also started lively.

Recruiting regular workers is relatively easy.

Companies can screen candidates based on their own recruitment requirements and previous work experience, and hire those who meet the requirements directly. The only difficulty is that there are too many candidates, so screening efforts need to be stepped up.

The recruitment of interns is not so easy to operate.

Although they are interns, in Chen Xizhou and Qi Zhensheng's plan, they are the mainstay of the company's future.

In order to express the company's importance to this matter, Qi Zhensheng, after greeting the interested schools, asked relevant staff to fly to the local area for on-site interviews.


Because there were too many interested schools, Qi Zhensheng finally decided to recruit at targeted locations without limiting schools.

The interview site in Kyoto is in the gymnasium of Huaqing University and Kyoto University, and the interview site in Shanghai is in the gymnasium of Fudan University...

The popularity of the job fair exceeded everyone's expectations.

There are too many college students coming to recruit, and the staff is limited, so the only way to select candidates is to go through the motions.

Although there is a certain unfairness in this method, it is also a helpless move, because the preliminary rounds of the job fairs in various places lasted for three days, and the second round of retests did not start until the fourth day.

The company's human resources department was also divided into two groups to recruit interns in two cities at a time. The recruitment was originally scheduled to be completed on July 15, but by July 20, it was still two cities short of completion.

Naturally, Chen Xizhou and Qi Zhensheng do not need to be personally responsible for these tasks. They only need to know one result. If they really want to work in a meticulous and hands-on manner, they will have to die suddenly.

It was not until July 28 that the recruitment of 700 people was officially ended.

After a whole set of recruitment processes, including the support from the human resources department of the group headquarters, all employees are basically exhausted.

High-intensity work naturally requires high income and high benefits.

Although the Elf Industry Group has only been established for a year, the salary is definitely as high as anyone can dream of.

This kind of treatment attracted everyone's attention. Coupled with the background of the elf industry, no one was unwilling to join this mysterious and legendary group and become a member at the top of the pyramid.

In addition to high income, Qi Zhensheng also formulated a series of welfare benefits.

The purpose of Qizhensheng is to ensure the health of employees, facilitate their production and life, and solve the special difficulties of employees' lives.

In the next long period of time, each branch of the group will enter a period of rapid development, which requires employees to be ready to meet challenges at any time.

In order to encourage employees, Qi Zhensheng formulated a contribution points redemption system after discussing with Chen Xizhou.

Points are awarded in proportion to each employee's contribution to the group company in each position, and the points can be used to redeem cash rewards, company products, or even cars, houses, and job promotions.

Of course, redeeming points for the final grand prize is still an opportunity to conquer the elves.

In addition to this, Qi Zhensheng has also formulated other benefits including meal subsidies, health examinations, paid leave and seniority leave, social insurance, housing provident fund, transportation and travel, holiday gifts and other benefits.

Some employees who like to show off posted the group's benefits online, which immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Some people on the Internet say that the people of Elf Industry Group are stupid and have a lot of money, so they spend money like this; some people say that Mr. Qi Elf is very smart and good at buying people's hearts with money, but in fact, the group does not make much money at all.

Both Chen Xizhou and Qi Zhensheng laughed at these comments.

As for the question of whether it is worth it, the most important thing is to look at the profit and loss of the group, and with the ability of Elf Industry Group to attract money, both of them think it is worth it.


The second floor of the Elf Shop main store.

All company executives gathered at the venue.

Shi Guo, who was in charge of the human resources department, was a little worried. He frowned and said, "General manager, opening ten elf stores together can indeed increase our popularity and influence, but it will also lead to a shortage of manpower during the opening."

Shi Guo continued: "As you know, most of our employees are novices who have just been trained for the first time. Coupled with the popularity of the products, I am worried..."

This is a reminder from Qi Zhensheng, a veteran who has been in the industry for many years.

Qi Zhensheng was a little emotional after hearing this: "It was my mistake this time. The stall was too big all of a sudden, the recruitment and pre-employment training were rushed, and I didn't discuss the opening time with you."

Although he holds a high position, Qi Zhensheng is responsible.

The success of the elf store in the early stages made Qi Zhensheng a little eager for quick success and instant benefits during the operation process.

He, who was supposed to coordinate the overall situation, directly announced the opening time of the elf store to the media without coordinating various departments.

This is an arrow on the string and must be fired!

Qi Zhensheng stood up and bowed to the senior executives sitting below: "Everyone, I will personally apologize to the district chief for this matter, but if the face of the group is involved, the opening time cannot be changed."

He continued: "There must be a lot of things to do when opening an elf store. It will definitely not work if we just retreat if there are difficulties. After the staff of each branch are arranged, contact the local security company and ask someone to maintain order. I will also I will ask the district chief for help from some elves.”

Qi Zhensheng emphasized: "The opening is about to happen, everyone must be absolutely sure!"

The promotional activities in June were too hot. Now that it is a household name, known to women and children, everyone is full of expectations for the elf store.

Not to mention those participants who have accumulated points during the event will also be able to redeem prizes at various branches nearby.

The opening scene of the elf store branch, you don’t need to guess what kind of grand occasion it will be.

"Director Guo, you go to Kyoto to take charge of the work. Director Liu, the capital is yours... Everyone will leave this Friday at the latest. If there are any problems, you can handle them yourself and adapt accordingly."

The senior management continued to discuss for a long time before arranging all the preparations.

Qi Zhensheng thought for a while and felt that there was nothing wrong, so he said: "Everyone, let's go make arrangements. Once I apply to the mayor for the escort elves, we can set off. If necessary, we will provide timely support."

Seeing everyone exiting the venue, Qi Zhensheng was just about to take a break when he received a call from Chen Xizhou.

"Brother Qi, the branch will open on the 15th of this month. Do you need help from the district alliance? I'm afraid there won't be enough manpower on site by then. Do you want me to send some elves to help?"

"Just in time! I was just thinking about how to tell you about this. Are you in the office now? I'll go find you!"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

After Qi Zhensheng hung up the phone, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: It seems that he is still not stable enough, but he has learned a lesson, at least he will know what to do next time.


District Governor's Office.

Qi Zhensheng reported the situation to Chen Xizhou and took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"There is a first time for everything. I have made many mistakes in this position for a year. I still believe in Senior Brother Qi." Chen Xizhou waved his hand and didn't care.

To be precise, there is nothing to worry about.

As the old saying goes, no matter what Qi Zhensheng does, Elf Industry Group is under Chen Xizhou's absolute control.

Qi Zhensheng smiled awkwardly, and then changed the topic: "District Chief, I wonder which clan and how many elves you plan to send to support the branch together with the supervisors?"

Chen Xizhou had already planned this, and he took Qi Zhensheng to the back mountain.

Seeing the elves in front of him, Qi Zhensheng looked at Chen Xizhou with some confusion: "District Chief, didn't you say that they were supported in the Elf Farmhouse project in Bailu Village?"

The elves that Chen Xizhou took Qi Zhensheng to see were none other than Heracross and Dajia.

"That's right. The two tribes have already headed to Bailu Mountain to find a suitable habitat under the leadership of their respective leaders."

Chen Xizhou explained: "These are Heracross and Dajia who are carefully selected by me and have certain combat capabilities. With their personalities and habits, they are currently the most suitable elves to support the branch."

"When a more suitable elf becomes available in the future, we can just switch."

Qi Zhensheng discussed with Chen Xizhou and finally decided to arrange 3 Heracross and 3 Dajia in one branch, which means 10 branches would have 60 elves.

In the end, Qi Zhensheng took away 60 elf balls filled with elf.

After watching Qi Zhensheng leave, Chen Xizhou looked at the remaining Heracross and Dajia, thinking about the next step of the special zone's plan...

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