I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 197: A ridiculous way to conquer

What kind of powerful monster is this?

Looking at the arrogant Circle Bear, everyone looked at each other.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

With just one punch, Kyuubi, who was holding down Ye Yibu and beating him, was easily dispatched.

Kyuubi's injury made the two little ones hiding in the corner burst into tears.

The two little ones quickly ran to the weak Kyuubi, and kept rubbing Kyuubi's cheek. Kyuubi also licked the snow-white elf's somewhat yellowed hair, and the corners of his eyes were moist.

Three elves seek comfort from each other.

Unlike the losers who feel warmth, the winners are showing off their power.

Once an elf and a trainer get along for a long time, their personality and living habits will become closer to that of the trainer.

The same goes for circle bears.

The straight male attribute makes the circle bear not understand what is warmth and what is sensibility.

It only knew that it had won the battle, so it should be a little more arrogant and let everyone know how powerful Uncle Kumaru is.

As a trainer, Youyun was the first to lose patience and threw out a Poké Ball to take Kumaru back.

Family members know their own business.

Kumaru was able to kill Nine-Tailed Fox instantly, mainly relying on the burning effect attached to [Jet Flame], which triggered the [Perseverance] characteristic.

When the Pokémon that triggered the [Perseverance] characteristic was in an abnormal state other than near death, the attack increased by 50%, and the attack ignored the burning effect and became the original 50% effect.

With such an amplification effect, coupled with the powerful output skill [Arm Hammer], Nine-Tailed Fox really couldn't stand it.

Just when He Yunxi didn't know how to deal with the incident in front of her, Chen Xizhou, Fang Ling and others rushed to the scene with a large number of Pokémon.

It was similar to the police who were always late in TV dramas.

Chen Xizhou noticed the noble Nine-Tailed Fox at a glance, like a broken-winged angel.

The well-proportioned body is covered with beige hair, and the pair of charming red eyes reveal a pitiful look. The nine smooth and slender tails swing freely, with golden highlights at the ends.

Although the Nine-Tailed Fox is stained with some dust due to the battle, it does not affect its elegance and charm at all.

The elegant posture and charming demeanor make people never tired of watching it.

[Nine-Tailed Fox! ]

[Nine-Tailed Fox: Fox Fairy]

[Nine-Tailed Fox has a smart mind, can understand human words, and is very curious. It will actively observe and see through the actions of its opponents. ]

[Nine-Tailed Fox can spit out swaying flames from its mouth to put its prey into a hypnotic state to launch an attack, and use its magical power to freely manipulate the flames to burn the prey. ]

[Nine-Tailed Fox can emit strange light from its bright red eyes and freely manipulate the opponent's mind. ]

[Legend has it that the Nine-Tailed Fox was born from the fusion of nine immortals with sacred power. It is a mysterious fairy. Its nine long tails each contain different secret powers, and it can live for a thousand years. 】

【Ninetails are stubborn and vengeful. 】

【It is said that if you dare to grab Ninetails' tail and it hates you, it will haunt you for 1,000 years, and will not even let go of your offspring. 】

Keywords: Ninetails, supernatural power, small-minded

This mysterious Ninetail comes from a higher place in the newborn volcano. It is a very good friend of the leader of the female elves, the Windy Dog.

There are not only two leaders, but also an offensive and defensive alliance between the two tribes.

The two little guys who stick to Ninetails are Vulpix, the child of Ninetails, and Eevee, a good friend of Vulpix.

The color of this Vulpix is ​​different from the normal Vulpix.

【Vulpix (Alternate Form)! 】

【Vulpix (Alternate Form): Fox Pokémon】

【It is said that the Vulpix in the remote area lives on high mountains covered with snow all year round to avoid the living circles of other elves. They have the ability to make ice to adapt to the cold climate. 】

【The Vulpix (Alien) lives in groups of 2 to 5, helping each other.】

【The Vulpix (Alien) can freeze its prey with a breath of minus 50 degrees before eating. It is like the incarnation of snow, and it will also spit out freezing breath to protect itself.】

【Since it hates hot places, the Vulpix (Alien) will use its 6 tails to make ice gravel and sprinkle it around to cool down its body when the temperature is high.】

【If you think it is cute and approach it casually, the nine tails (alien) in the group will appear and freeze you.】

【The Vulpix (Alien) is one of the main foods of Ma-la.】

Keywords: ice, snow

Speaking of which, a nine tail with fire attribute can actually give birth to a Vulpix (Alien) with ice attribute. This miracle is indeed rare in human society.

However, Chen Xizhou guessed that this is most likely related to the father of the Vulpix (Alien).

As for whether the elf egg mutated due to environmental reasons, Chen Xizhou needs to see other Vulpix to judge.

The newborn volcano is a dormant volcano. There is a lot of snow covering the crater at an altitude of hundreds of meters. Fire-type Pokémon may not like such an environment, but ice-type Pokémon must like it there.

This is why Chen Xizhou did not directly pass the environmental factor.

In fact, in Chen Xizhou's eyes, it is not appropriate to call this snow-white Pokémon "Vulpix" (alien form). Maybe it can be called "Ice Vulpix"?

"Xiaoyun, tell me what happened?" Chen Xizhou looked at Youyun and asked.

Youyun briefly recounted everything that happened just now, and sorted out the misunderstandings and conflicts for everyone present.

"Human, let us go!"

Just when Chen Xizhou was about to speak, a cold voice suddenly appeared in Chen Xizhou's mind.

It was Nine-Tailed Fox that sent out telepathy!

The aware Dai Dai Wang snorted coldly, stood in front of Chen Xizhou, and looked at the injured Nine-Tailed Fox not far away, with an increasingly strong pink light in his eyes.

"This is all a misunderstanding."

Chen Xizhou patted Dai Dai Wang on the shoulder, signaling it to relax a little, and then looked at Nine-Tailed Fox and continued: "We will not set up any obstacles, you can leave at any time."

As soon as Chen Xizhou finished speaking, the leader of the wind speed dog who followed him also signaled Nine-Tailed Fox not to worry.

On one side is the friendship and mutual assistance for many years, and on the other side is the human beings who can bring a better life to the tribe. As the one caught in the middle, the leader of the wind speed dog is actually the most difficult one among all people.

What the leader of the wind speed dog hopes most is, of course, that both sides can live in peace.

Because once this conflict continues, it doesn't know which side it should help, not to mention that there are still a large number of powerful district elves on the Langqi Special Zone side, and the six-tailed clan is definitely not a match.

Fortunately, Chen Xizhou is generous, and the human's words and deeds also make the wind speed dog leader feel relieved.

If the matter is resolved peacefully, it would be great, but it also knows its best friend, who is a petty woman who holds grudges extremely. Once she holds a grudge, this conflict will never end.

Thinking of this, the wind speed dog leader couldn't help but look at Jiuwei.

It can only be said that it is so!

As the wind speed dog leader who knows Jiuwei best, he has seen the entangled things in the foxy eyes of his friend.

This little girl is not willing to give up at all!

However, the wind speed dog leader will not expose the matter at this time. He can only wait for Jiuwei to return to the new volcano, and then do ideological work for it, so that it will give up the plan to seek revenge on humans.

With Chen Xizhou's words, things become simple.

The custom truck drove out of the parking lot. Under the guarantee of the wind speed dog leader, Jiuwei took the two little guys and sat on it. They were ready to return to the new volcano.

Surprisingly, when the door was about to close, a snow-white figure jumped out of the car.

It was Ice Six-Tailed!


Ice Vulpix called out to Ninetail.

Ninetail was very unhappy with what her daughter said.

It was dissatisfied with Ice Vulpix's actions, the choices she made, and even more dissatisfied with Ice Vulpix's private decision.


Ninetail stared at her daughter, and Ice threatened her.

Ice Vulpix was not frightened by her mother's threat, but responded with a cute little stubbornness in her firmness.

Everyone looked at the sudden conflict between Ninetail and Ice Vulpix. Although they were curious about why, they all chose to remain silent and leave time and space for the mother and daughter.

Seeing that the killing eye didn't work, Ninetail, who had persisted for a while, finally compromised and closed his foxy eyes.

Forget it, forget it, out of sight, out of mind!

The purpose of Ice Vulpix staying was very simple. It needed to apologize for what it and Eevee had done just now.

Although it was Eevee who robbed someone else's ice cream, Eevee also did that for himself, so in Ice Vulpix's view, it was himself who should apologize.

So, Ice Vulpix stood beside Ning Yuxi obediently.

Ning Yuxi was very happy at this time.

Although she wanted to hold Ice Vulpix in her arms and caress it, she chose to hold back and wait for the Nine-Tail to leave because of its might.


The truck started, and it would drive straight to the newborn volcano and return only after sending the elves to their destination.

Interestingly, Eevee also jumped out of the window at this time.

It wanted to stay and protect its good friend.

It was just that Eevee's landing point was not right. It plunged into He Yunxi's chest, causing He Yunxi to be turbulent, and also caused the people around to be surging.

It was simply envy, jealousy and hatred!

This Eevee was a male elf.

Of course, it understood how excessive its behavior was to He Yunxi, so Eevee blushed at this time and was held in He Yunxi's arms without moving.

This heinous act is probably unforgivable in this life, and protecting his sister will have to wait for the next life...

Chen Xizhou glanced at You Yun.

It turns out that in addition to this kid's outrageous act of using the bear to pick up Pokémon, there is also He Yunxi's even more outrageous act of using breasts to capture Pokémon.

As for the Ice Vulpix that shocked the world for 10,000 years, it has completely lost its eyes to its half-brother and best friend, Eevee.

You'd better not go back to the newborn volcano in this life, otherwise I'm afraid you will be beaten to death by your father!

The map of Langqi Town has been updated, and you can take a look if you are interested (because it is too large to be included in the text)

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