I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 170 Chen Xizhou, you old fool

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

In the next few days, the Pokemon Company will complete its registration.

Langqi Elf Industry Group has added a copyright company for the Pokemon brand.

The company is mainly responsible for authorizing and selling related products of the Pokemon series. The current stores have Pokemon animations and Pokemon games, and there will be more related products in the future.

The corporate philosophy of the Pokemon Company is to make both the real world and the virtual world colorful through the existence of Pokemon.

While Qi Zhensheng was recruiting professional talents for the Pokemon Company, Chen Xizhou was not idle either. With the help of King Dai Dai, he worked overtime to rectify the animation and game.

Therefore, it will take some time before the official release of the animation "Pokemon: China" and the game "Pokemon: China Red".

"Mayor!" Qi Zhensheng seemed a little excited: "I can fully imagine what kind of sensation will be caused in the alliance once "Pokemon: China" and "Pokemon: China Red" are officially released!" The cadres of the town alliance have long been accustomed to their mayor being able to come up with some good things from time to time. After all, not every mayor can be related to the alliance headquarters. Chen Xizhou naturally would not explain this beautiful misunderstanding. Because this beautiful misunderstanding can help him cover up the fact that the system exists. "However, whether it is animation or game, the main content is that the trainer commands the elves to fight. Such content will definitely stimulate the interest of young people in catching elves and lead to a large number of battles." Qi Zhensheng knows Chen Xizhou. So he did not blindly praise the quality of the elf animation and game, but expressed his own ideas. There are three points in Qi Zhensheng's words. One is whether the alliance headquarters allows such violence-oriented animations and games to be launched; the second is whether animations and games will increase people's exploration of wild Pokémons and thus increase casualties; the third is whether the alliance departments at all levels have sufficient response measures for the occurrence of a large number of Pokémon battles.

Chen Xizhou disagrees with the first point raised by Qi Zhensheng.

Pokémon battles are far from being violence-oriented.

Moreover, the elements of battles are not only found in Pokémon animations and Pokémon games. Currently, there are similar contents in a large number of movies, animations, and games inside and outside the alliance.

Moreover, will children become violent people by playing games with violent elements?

Economists and sociologists from the United Alliance have found that in the period of time when video game sales increased, the crime rate and the number of deaths caused by crimes actually decreased after conducting a larger-scale and more sampled study.

So far, there has been no credible research in academia to prove that there is any necessary connection between playing violent games and violent crimes.

Like many players' personal experience, some scholars have found through research and investigation that gamers can distinguish between reality and illusion, and some behaviors in the game world may be delayed in the sense of reality, but this does not mean that the murder and robbery in the game will come true.

When it comes to the causes of mental health and crime problems among children and adolescents, a sentence by game researcher James Paul Gee is very revealing: "If games are used as babysitters in violent families, then games are bad."

Chen Xizhou did not comment on the second point raised by Qi Zhensheng.

The meaning of human existence is exploration.

The development history of mankind as a whole is the exploration history of adventurers. The early Homo sapiens who stood up in ancient times walked on two legs to explore the use of free hands, and coincidentally embarked on the road of intellectual exploration of the world.

Modern Homo sapiens later accidentally explored seed breeding, taming wild beasts, building houses, building roads, building dams, and embarked on the road of transforming the original things in nature.

In modern times, that is to explore the essence of the world, molecular chemistry, atomic physics, macroscopic laws, microscopic quanta, humans are exploring further and further on the seemingly vulgar reason of living better.

Now the unexpected appearance of the elves can be regarded as a self-correction of nature.

Chen Xizhou feels that the best way to deal with this correction is to understand it as early as possible, get familiar with it, and finally master it.

The power of the official alliance alone is limited.

Only by mobilizing the masses to explore creatures like Pokémon under the coordination of the official alliance can we get to know them more quickly and even master them.

Of course, this kind of exploration is not the exploration of wild Pokémons as Qi Zhensheng said.

The exploration that Chen Xizhou understands from Pokémon animations and games is the exploration of Pokémons themselves, such as trainers living with Pokémons and gradually understanding their habits, temperaments and abilities.

There are many types of Pokémons, and their temperaments are also different.

Sometimes there are some grumpy brothers and grumpy Pokémons, causing some casualties is inevitable.

But this can never be a reason to prevent Pokémon animations and games from being launched.

Falling behind will be beaten.

Chen Xizhou believes that the deeper the exploration and research of Pokémons, the more we can master the discourse power in today's society.

Chen Xizhou agrees with the third point raised by Qi Zhensheng.

"I am considering this matter."

Chen Xizhou said to Qi Zhensheng: "Currently, I have applied for the assistance of some medical experts from the alliance. You can also set up an elf medicine company here and start recruiting relevant professionals from the social level."

"With the help of the Happy Egg Clan, we in Langqi Town can establish our own elf medical system."

The Happy Egg clan joined Langqi Town at the end of last year, but due to too many things in the town alliance, Chen Xizhou never had time to make corresponding arrangements for this clan.

Now I can just take this opportunity to make arrangements.

After Qi Zhensheng left, Chen Xizhou thought about it and decided to report what he had just thought to the second leader Wenren Xuesong.

Chen Xizhou knew very well that the existence of the system was not an accident.

The meaning of the system's existence is to use its own hands to speed up human exploration of elves. Even if there is no oneself, there will still be existences like Chen Dongzhou and Chen Nanzhou.

Since the system is willing to help you realize the value of your life, you should also help the system complete the meaning of its existence.

The popularization of Pokemon animations and Pokemon games is an important part of accelerating the exploration process.

You must support yourself strongly.

Speaking of which, Chen Xizhou was really worried that the alliance headquarters would kill this animation and game. After all, similar things had happened before.

After he sent the email, he made a separate phone call to Wenren Xuesong...

Chen Xizhou has been in a very good mood these days.

In addition to my suggestions being adopted and my application approved, I also got some very gratifying news.

A large water stone vein was discovered in Shandong Province.

After the first news was announced, it was reported that a large-scale Cao Zhishi vein was discovered in Yunnan Province, and then a large-scale sandstone vein was discovered in Guizhou Province.

As elven veins were discovered one after another, an emergency meeting was held at the alliance headquarters.

During the meeting, while passing a resolution, the "China Alliance Mineral Resources Law" was revised to a certain extent.

The resolution pointed out that the alliance headquarters still exercises ownership of mineral resources, and each alliance branch has the mining rights to the Elf Mine veins within their respective jurisdictions. Generally, mineral resources are retained for self-disposal, and half of the mineral resources are handed over to the alliance headquarters.

In short, no matter how much ore you mine, half will be handed over to the headquarters and the other half will be kept for development.

After this resolution was passed and announced, news came out that several more elven mineral veins were discovered in the provincial alliance branches.

Chen Xizhou also took this opportunity to report the discovery of the sun stone vein and leaf stone vein to the Rong City Alliance, who would then report it to the Rong City Alliance step by step.

At present, Langqi Town is still under the jurisdiction of the Rongcheng City Alliance, a branch of the Fujian Province Alliance.

Although the Fujian Provincial Alliance Branch and the Rongcheng City Alliance have certain rights to dispose of the two Elf Mine veins discovered in Langqi Town, building the mines also takes time.

It is obvious that the construction of the mine will not be completed before Langqi Town is dismantled and established as a district in July.

what does that mean?

This means that neither the Fujian Province Alliance Branch nor the Rongcheng City Alliance can get a bowl of soup from these two veins...

As the provincial capital city, all levels of alliance officials from the Fujian Province Alliance Branch and the Rongcheng City Alliance work in Rongcheng City. It is very convenient to go to Langqi Town.

The news of the discovery of the Elf Mine was reported in the morning, and the branch chief and mayor arrived in the afternoon.

"Chen Xizhou, you old man!"

Division Chief Zhao sat silently on the sofa, staring at the stupid Wang who was also sitting on the sofa, trying to defeat this guy who "disdained" him with his eyes.

Wu Xingguo was yelling at Chen Xizhou for hiding all the good things.

Chen Xizhou couldn't reply.

This unreasonable Wu Laoden not only brought Division Chief Zhao to the outside of Langqi Town, but also shouted as soon as he entered the door: "I am looking for you today is a private matter, now I am not your Mayor Wu, I am Your Uncle Wu!"

The younger Chen Xizhou could only stand there obediently and listen to Wu Xingguo's spit.

"Uncle Wu..."

"Wait for now, wait until I finish scolding you!"


An hour later, Wu Xingguo finally felt relieved.

"Uncle Wu..."

"Wait a minute, I scolded Branch Director Zhao just now, now I'm going to scold myself!"


Wu Xingguo glanced at Branch Minister Zhao who was still fighting fiercely with the Dude Wang, drank another cup of hot tea, and continued to start a new round of output.

Chen Xizhou could only endure it.

This afternoon, all the cadres of the town alliance did not dare to go up to the Shura field on the third floor.

"Uncle Wu?"

"Go ahead, I'll take a drink of water before continuing."

"……Is such that."

Chen Xizhou glanced at Branch Director Zhao who was still insisting, and continued: "I have a project that is very short of funds and talents. If the Provincial Alliance Branch is willing to support part of it, I think we can try to carry out a certain project. Cooperation……"

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