The mayor's office on the third floor.

This is a rare time for a trainer and a Pokémon to spend time together.

Chen Xizhou sat on the sofa, immersed in the sea of ​​books with Slowpoke, while Caterpie lay obediently beside the sofa chewing on a cow bone stick.

[Ding! ]

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[System upgrade completed, system function upgraded, upgrade gift package issued, please receive and check in time. ]

The sudden system sound interrupted Chen Xizhou's thoughts.

Chen Xizhou did not check the reward immediately, but first confirmed the fourth system upgrade conditions.

This time, he was able to find the loopholes and bugs in the upgrade. If the system did not fix the loopholes and the upgrade conditions were relatively simple, Chen Xizhou would like to continue.


Chen Xizhou opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

The fourth upgrade condition of the system is that the first, second and third industries have 81 elf-related industries respectively?

Increasing in geometric progression of 3?

He really wanted to ask the system if you are serious, but this question is unlikely to get an answer, and even if it is answered, it will be useless for the result.

It seems that it will take several years for Langqi Town to meet the upgrade conditions for the fourth upgrade.

Since it is already an established fact, there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

Chen Xizhou opened the system gift package module and was surprised to find that in addition to [Elf Clan] and [Elf Technology], there is also an additional gift package option for [Elf Peripheral].

Does this mean that he can receive three gift packages at one time?

As before, Chen Xizhou was not in a hurry to open the clan gift package because it required enough space.

He opened the peripheral gift package first.

[Pokemon IP First Generation Collection! ]

The content of the gift package is an animation: "Pokemon: China Chapter" and a game: "Pokemon: China Red"

Like the elf ball manufacturing technology, these contents are stored on the CD.

Soon, Chen Xizhou began to watch the MAD of "Pokemon: China".

(MAD refers to multimedia works in the fields of video game culture, animation culture, and fan culture. Generally, the work is a relevant video clip, accompanied by the author's favorite music, similar to the form of fan MV.)

After watching the animation MAD, Chen Xizhou also roughly understood the general content of this animation.

The content of "Pokemon: China" is mainly staged in China, telling the story of the protagonist Ye Liangchen who started his journey after getting Charmander from the Elf Doctor.

He met Long Aotian and Su Yanyu on the way, and the three of them walked together on the land of China. They went to Mengli Water Town and Saishang Jiangnan, challenged the Elf Gym along the way, collected the Gym Badges, and finally participated in the Alliance Conference.

In this animation, whether it is the Elf Gym, Gym Badge or the Alliance Conference, the main content is the trainer commanding the Elf to fight.

This is the direction of the Elf industry that the various alliances have not paid attention to at present.

After watching the animation "Pokemon: China", Chen Xizhou played the game "Pokemon: China Red".

This is a game played from a bird's-eye view and with turn-based battles.

In the game, the player will control Red, who lives in Changle Town, and after getting the first partner and the elf encyclopedia, he will start an adventure of his own.

The game content is very full and playable, because whether it is the world view, the main line of the game or the game painting, it is very attractive.

The carrier of this game can be PC or mobile.

Although with the current technology, VR technology is gradually maturing, and VR games are beginning to enter people's lives, different games require different carriers, and the convenience of VR is far less than that of PC and mobile phones. Chen Xizhou is not worried about the market of this game.

In addition to the game, the CD also contains the source code of this game.

Chen Xizhou directly moved the source code to let himself pass the game directly and obtain the full encyclopedia.

Chen Xizhou, who obtained the full encyclopedia, was not calm.

Isn't this an alternative elf database?

The game illustrations record the information of 151 elves. Although it is not as detailed as the system's entry information, it is definitely more complete than the elf database held by the alliance headquarters.

This is not the key point.

The most important thing is that the 151 elves recorded in the game illustrations are almost all common elves in the Huaxia Alliance.

Chen Xizhou was surprised to find that these 151 elves included those elves whose names and pictures were "???" in the headquarters' elf database.

They are No. 0144 Articuno, No. 0145 Zapdos, No. 014150 Mewtwo, and No. 0151 Mew, five unrecorded legendary elves.

I don't know who is more powerful between them and Rapunzel and Sidoran.

Chen Xizhou sorted out his thoughts.

If this illustration spreads with the game, while everyone is familiar with these elves, will it have some adverse effects on the Huaxia Alliance itself?

For example, foreign alliances obtain the elf information of the Huaxia Alliance from it?

This doesn't seem to be a big deal.

These elves are not unique to the Huaxia Alliance, and there are other types of elves living in the Huaxia Alliance.

The only problem is that I can't explain the source of the information.

Speaking of which, because of the existence of the entry information, I can't explain it clearly now, right?

What if I remove part of the source code about the game illustrations?

Chen Xizhou thought about it carefully, and decided to remove part of the source code of the game illustrations to avoid trouble.

As for the content of the elf illustrations in the animation "Pokemon: China Red", Chen Xizhou plans to watch all 280 episodes of the animation in the next few days, make some cuts and then broadcast it.

Based on the cost of 600,000 per episode of animation, the production cost of an entire animation is roughly 16.8 million Alliance coins, and the production cost of a game is as high as hundreds of millions of Alliance coins.

But whether it is animation or game, as long as the quality can pass, it can definitely create economic value far exceeding the cost.

Chen Xizhou believes that these two elf peripherals will definitely bring a lot of income to Langqi Town.

The next thing to open is the technology gift package.

[Elf Medical Manual (Part 1)! ]

Chen Xizhou looked at the system introduction and was stunned.

He didn't expect that this system upgrade would give him so much dry goods.

Chen Xizhou has already written a report and plans to apply for some professionals from the Alliance headquarters to establish the elf medical system.

I didn't expect that the pillow would be delivered to my door just when I was dozing off.

The content of "Elf Medical Handbook (Part 1)" roughly talks about the causes, diagnosis, dialectics, treatment, drugs and prescriptions of common diseases of elves.

With such a detailed elf medical book, the establishment of the elf medical system can avoid many detours.

Although the book lacks clinical content, it is enough for experienced doctors to draw inferences from one example.

It can be imagined that once the Alliance begins to popularize elves to the masses, there will be more and more elves fighting, and the risk and frequency of injuries will also increase.

Therefore, the establishment of the elf medical system is urgent.

After all, a clinical trial alone takes more than a year, not to mention that there are so many types of elves.


Behind the mountain of the town alliance building.

Chen Xizhou looked at the new elf in front of him and opened his mouth.

To be honest, the difference between the new elf before and after evolution is a bit huge.

If the new elves after evolution look mighty and wild, then the new elves before evolution are just ugly.

Before evolution:

[Attribute: Empty! ]

[Attribute: Empty: Artificial elves]

[Attribute: Empty is an elf weapon created in a secret laboratory based on the elves in mythology in order to achieve a certain purpose. ]

[Attribute: Empty is an artificially designed biological skeleton as the skeleton prototype, all attribute cells as the genetic gene prototype, and loaded with the AR system developed by all elves data. The tentative name at this time is Attribute: Full. ]

[But after three prototype tests, all three individuals had a rejection reaction with the AR system. The developers installed a control mask to alleviate the rejection reaction of the AR system, and also made the AR system unable to start. The developers froze all individuals and changed their names to Attribute: Empty. ]

[Because it is in danger of going berserk, the real power is sealed by the control mask, which contains special power. 】

Keywords of the entry: artificial, seal

Attributes: The entry introduction of Kong is confusing, but the "elf weapons created by humans" caught Chen Xizhou's attention.

Chen Xizhou didn't expect that elves could be created by humans.

This reminded him of the United Alliance on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean, which has the most biological laboratories. I wonder if they have started biological research on elves now.

Speaking of it, even if it is his own alliance, Chen Xizhou can't guarantee whether such research has been conducted.

I think it should be...

Attributes: The leader of the Kong clan is the Silver Companion War Beast.

The Silver Companion War Beast is also a four-legged giant beast. It has a head similar to that of a bird, the top of its head is similar to the wings of a bird, and the body part looks like a beast, and the tail looks like the tail of a fish.

This makes it look like several creatures combined together.

【Silver Companion War Beast! 】

【SilverBeast: Artificial Pokémon】

【Attributes: After meeting a trustworthy companion, Sora awakens the power hidden in his body because of the deep bond between him and his companion, and relies on his willpower to destroy the mask that bound him. SilverBeast was freed from the heavy mask and his speed increased significantly. 】

【SilverBeast has become more wild and his senses have become more acute because it has escaped the control of the mask. 】

【Although SilverBeast is rough, it will obey the trainer it trusts and will stand up to protect it when danger approaches. 】

【SilverBeast can change its attributes by inserting a special item into the driver of its head and activating the AR system. It can change its attributes to fight like the legendary Pokémon. After activating the AR system, the body cells will mutate and emit different lights according to the different attributes. 】

Keywords: artificial, trust

What an amazing Pokémon...

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