I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 147 The elf that was accidentally hatched

Looking for me?

What do you want to do with me?

Chen Xizhou looked at Lin Yiyi, who was only 1.44 meters tall, with some curiosity.

This little potato's words inevitably led to misunderstandings.

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Lin Yiyi didn't realize it at all, but took off the travel bag on her back, unzipped it and took out an item from it.

It was an expensive portable incubator.

Lin Yiyi opened the incubator and carefully took out another item from it.

An elf egg!

"Mayor, you are knowledgeable. Can you help me see what kind of elf this is?" After Lin Yiyi held the elf egg in front of Chen Xizhou, she bowed deeply.

This is a blue and black elf egg, with some orange spots on the eggshell.

I can only say that I don't know it.

Chen Xizhou looked at the elf egg that Lin Yiyi held in front of him, and couldn't help but fall into self-examination.

When can I judge the type of elf by the elf egg?

Even the current system doesn't work.

Chen Xizhou has tried to use the system function on the Pokémon egg, but unfortunately all the information he got was "???".

"Even the powerful mayor doesn't know?"

Lin Yiyi waited for a long time without any response. After holding the Pokémon egg in her arms again, she immediately showed an expression of wanting to cry and pitiful.

Good guy!

Chen Xizhou called out good guy!

Houndoom's family is like this, Lu Chenxi's Gengar is like this, and now even Lin Yiyi is like this.

Why are all the people and Pokémons I met recently acting like drama queens?

Chen Xizhou explained with a black line: "If this Pokémon egg hatches, I can tell you the information of the Pokémon, but if this Pokémon egg is not hatched, it is difficult to distinguish without experience."

Pokémon eggs are not difficult to distinguish.

Take some Pokémon eggs in Langqi Breeding Farm as an example.

Milkman's Pokémon eggs are mainly pink with some grayish-white spots on them, while Kentaro's Pokémon eggs are mainly brown with some grayish-white spots on them.

The elf egg of the mount goat has a brown and dark green background, and the spots are emerald green.

Chen Xizhou guessed that the color of the elf egg background represents the color of the elf itself, and the color of the spots on the eggshell represents the attributes.

According to this standard, the elf egg in Lin Yiyi's arms should be able to hatch a fighting elf with blue and black as the main colors.

Lin Yiyi pulled Lu Chenxi aside and muttered a few words.

"We plan to live in Langqi Town for a while, and continue the graduation trip after this elf egg hatches." Lin Yiyi told Chen Xizhou the result of their discussion.

Graduation trip?

It's already the end of the Chinese New Year, and you are still on a graduation trip?

Are you planning to travel for a full year?

Although Chen Xizhou complained about the workers in his heart, he could understand the behavior of these two rich ladies.

Well... I'll stay here to contribute a little GDP to Langqi Town during this period.

"You are very welcome. Just come to me after the elf egg is successfully hatched." Chen Xizhou said, "I just happened to be going back to the town alliance building. Do I need to take you back to the hotel?"

The two had just come out of the ice and snow park, and they should have finished playing.

At present, only the Four Seasons Hotel and Langqi Guesthouse in Langqi Town can provide accommodation services for tourists. Given the economic conditions of the two people, they must stay at the Four Seasons Hotel, so Chen Xizhou judged that they were on the same way as him.

On the way back, Chen Xizhou asked curiously: "Miss Lin, where did you get this elf egg?"

In the elf tribe, the protection level of elf eggs is higher than that of cubs, so it can be said that it is a very difficult thing to get elf eggs in the wild.

Lin Yiyi tilted her head and answered very sincerely: "I picked it up on the road."

It can only be said that survivor bias exists.

For example, Lin Yiyi and the fighting elf egg in her arms.

Chen Xizhou suddenly remembered that his two big rock snake bones and quarrying stones were also picked up by the leader of the mount goat in the pile of rocks.

It seems that picking up elf eggs is not uncommon.

Seeing Chen Xizhou silent, Lin Yiyi thought that it was her luck that hit the other party, and she felt a little sorry.

Lin Yiyi hurriedly patted Chen Xizhou on the shoulder and comforted him softly: "Mayor, don't worry, I will definitely pick one for you if I have the chance in the future."

Thank you!

Chen Xizhou was amused and cried by Lin Yiyi's nonsense.

Do you think the elf egg is a cabbage on the road, you can meet it if you want to meet it, and you can pick it up if you want to?


The driver Lin Fengyun was swayed by Lin Yiyi's roar and almost hit the roadside tree beside the road.

Fortunately, he controlled the steering wheel in time and stopped the car safely on the side of the road.

Chen Xizhou first comforted the frightened Lin Fengyun, then looked at Lin Yiyi with concern, and asked worriedly: "Did something happen?"

Lin Yiyi nodded frantically.

She looked at a tree not far away with a puzzled look: "I suddenly heard a voice calling me from there just now, which made me think I should go find it immediately."

Is there such a thing?

Chen Xizhou looked at the Slow King and gave it a look.

He was worried that this might be a conspiracy of the elves, so he wanted the Slow King to go forward and check to make sure it was safe.

King Dadai understood. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already under the tree pointed by Lin Yiyi.

An elf egg!

It turned out to be another elf egg!

Chen Xizhou looked at the elf egg that King Dude brought back from the tree in surprise.

Lin Yiyi didn't pay too much attention to the elf egg. Instead, she asked immediately: "What if the elf mother comes back and can't find her elf egg?"

"You don't want this elf egg?"

In this period when elves were not yet popular, owning an elf was a very enviable thing.

At this moment, Lin Yiyi had the possibility of owning two elf eggs, that is, two elves, but she actually wanted to return the elf eggs to the elf mother.

This made Chen Xizhou look at him twice.

He never doubted that this rich second generation would not be able to raise two elves.

At this moment, King Slow seemed to sense something. He first looked at the elf egg in his hand in surprise, and then looked thoughtfully at Lin Yiyi, who looked worried.

"for you."

King Dadai used a super-powered elf egg to deliver it to Lin Yiyi.

It felt an unusual energy fluctuation from the elf egg, and this energy fluctuation was directed at Lin Yiyi.

Lin Yiyi was in a downtime state and her brain was in chaos.

She subconsciously hugged the elf egg delivered by King Slow with his super power.

Unbelievable, the elf egg actually showed kindness to her!

If the elf egg's first call made this little southern potato think it was an illusion, then the elf egg's subsequent kindness and closeness made Lin Yiyi firmly believe in her feelings.

Lin Yiyi made a decision in private: "Why don't you, Mayor, take Xixi back first? I want to wait for the elf mother here."

As a good best friend, Lu Chenxi chose to refuse.

She will wait here with Lin Yiyi until the other party doesn't want to wait.


A crisp cracking sound suddenly came from the car, catching everyone who got out of the car off guard.

It was the elf egg in the portable incubator that hatched.

Since the elf egg had been in the car, covered by the lid of the portable incubator, zipped up by the travel bag, and no one was watching in the car, everyone missed the opportunity to appreciate the elf's evolution.

However, compared to the evolution scene, everyone is more interested in the elf in front of them.

This is a petite blue puppy elf.

Just as Chen Xizhou guessed, except for the yellow collar around its neck, this elf has blue and black hair all over its body.

There are three things that are most eye-catching about this little elf.

They are a pair of red eyes, two black lines similar to masks, and a white round block on the back of the front paw.

【Riolu! 】

[Riolu: Ripple Elf]

[Riolu has the strange power to read people's hearts and will not approach dangerous opponents. Those with a good heart will be recognized by Riolu, while those with an evil heart will be disgusted by him. 】

[Riolu can observe the emotions of people and elves in the form of a "waveguide", as well as the appearance of nature. 】

[Riolu and his companions communicate by emitting waveguides. The waveguides emitted from the body will become stronger when he is scared or sad, and transmit danger signals to his companions. Since there is no sound when communicating, it is not easy to be detected. 】

[Riolu's body is both flexible and strong, and he has enough energy to run all night. 】

[Riolu is a very determined, diligent and lively elf. 】

Entry keywords: waveguide, emotion

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