I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 146: Hope in the Ice and Snow Paradise

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Langqi Ice and Snow Park.

Accompanied by Cheng Ming, Chen Xizhou entered this ice and snow castle made entirely of ice.

Cheng Ming took Chen Xizhou to wander around the ice and snow park while introducing him to the specific situation here:

"The ticket price of the Ice and Snow Park is currently 100 Union Dollars per person, and group purchase coupons for families, couples and groups are also launched to encourage tourists to travel to Qi in groups."

"In less than a month, the ice and snow park has received more than 50,000 tourists."

At this time, the tourists in the park were enjoying various projects.

The ice and snow slide, the ice and snow stage, ice bicycles, lamb sleds, and elf ice sculptures are the most popular items in the park.


A familiar voice came from a corner of the paradise.

Chen Xizhou turned around and saw Ren Hui and his Snow Swallowing Insect.

"There is a children's paradise area with naughty castles, trampolines, ocean balls, carousels, etc. In addition, there are some slides with gentle slopes, ice and snow cabins and other projects suitable for children to play."

Cheng Ming continued: "The current person in charge of the children's paradise area is Ren Hui and his Snow Swallowing Insect. Compared with those entertainment projects, children are more willing to play with Snow Swallowing Insects that can eat snow, spin silk, and release cold air. play."

"The petite appearance of the Snow Swallowing Bug makes it look harmless to humans and animals. Parents feel safe letting their children play with the Snow Swallowing Bug."

The group of people who can travel to Langqi Town not only have expectations for the snow scenery, but also yearn for the elves.

Therefore, most tourists are not disgusted with the existence of elves. They will even take the initiative to contact and understand elves to prepare for owning their own elves in the future.

Ren Hui and his Snow Swallowing Insect were performing in the open ice and snow hut.

He is no longer an insignificant little guy, skillfully holding a payment code at the entrance of the ice and snow cabin, and charging a certain fee for every child who enters.

After entering the ice and snow cabin, they can choose to get a cup of warm moo milk, drink the elf milk, and watch various performances of the snow swallowing insects.

In addition, the ice hut also provides tree fruits and iced elf milk.

Children can spend money to buy tree fruits and iced elf milk to feed the snow swallowers, increasing the interaction between the two parties.

There is a display screen hanging on the wall.

The screen displays the number of times the children have interacted with the Snow Swallow, that is, the number of times they have purchased tree fruits and iced elf milk to feed the Snow Swallow.

In addition to Ren Hui, the staff inside the igloo also included his parents.

“Because the Ren family is part of poverty alleviation work, I took it upon myself to rent a stall here for them and design these projects.”

Chengming continued: "Currently, the Ren family has paid off all the stall fees they owed previously. The money they make every day, minus the cost of buying tree fruits and elf milk, is their net profit."

Chen Xizhou nodded with satisfaction: "In just one month, Ren family has been removed from poverty because of you."

This is a good thing.

Although Chen Xizhou only interacted with Ren's father and mother for just two hours, it can be seen from the details that they are not lazy people.

If it were not for the dragging down of four elderly people, the Ren family would not have become a poor household.

Now that they have the opportunity to meet and raise snow-swallowing insects, and since Langqi Town is vigorously promoting snow scenes and ice and snow parks, Chengming naturally doesn't mind helping them.

But Chengming didn't dare to take credit.

Because this platform is provided by Chen Xizhou.

Otherwise, even if he tries every possible means, it will be difficult for him to make a meal without straw.

While Chen Xizhou and Cheng Ming were chatting, Ren Hui noticed the two of them at the door of the Ice and Snow Lodge. After giving the payment code to his mother, he quickly came to say hello to them.

Life can easily change a person.

It is said that children from poor families become masters early. Although Ren Hui is not eloquent now, he can enunciate clearly and express his thoughts clearly and completely.

He was no longer as shy as when Chen Xizhou first met him years ago.

Chen Xizhou likes this hard-working child very much.

He couldn't help but chat with Ren Hui: "Have you signed up for the welfare kindergarten?"

Welfare Kindergarten is a town-owned kindergarten founded by the Langqi Town Alliance. It is currently using several idle shops in the food city as its school location.

After Langqi Elf Primary School is completed, the welfare kindergarten will be renamed "Kindergarten Affiliated to Langqi Elf Primary School" and moved to the new campus.

As the mayor, Chen Xizhou not only needs to care about the people's food, clothing, housing and transportation, but also needs to care about their health, education, culture, entertainment and other aspects.

These are collectively called living standards.

Ren Hui replied excitedly: "Dad has already registered for me, and school will start on the 20th of this month."

While everyone was chatting, Ren's father appeared at the right time.

He held two cups of warm moo milk in his hands, and he was about to hand them to Chen Xizhou and Cheng Ming.

The two of them did not intend to accept it.

Seeing this, Ren's father said in a slightly choked voice: "Our whole family has no way to repay the kindness of the mayor and Minister Cheng. If we are not willing to accept even two cups of moo fresh milk, then I, who is almost forty, will be punished." The old man is ashamed to death.”

Seeing what the other party said, Chen Xizhou and Cheng Ming looked at each other and reluctantly accepted his milk.

After talking with Ren's father for a while, Chen Xizhou said, "Now that the weather has been fine and the hot drinks have been drunk, you should go and get busy. No matter what, I can't disturb you from making money."

Seeing that Ren's father wanted to say something, Chen Xizhou pointed to the ice and snow hut not far away.

At this time, the number of children who wanted to see the snow swallowing worm increased a lot, which made the mother who was alone in the ice and snow hut a little flustered.

Ren's father no longer insisted, apologized to Chen Xizhou, and took Ren Hui back to the ice and snow hut.

Tourism income is closely related to holidays.

Now that the winter vacation has not ended, the flow of people in Langqi Town and the ice and snow park has not decreased. They want to make more money at this time.

Chen Xizhou did not stay after seeing the father and son of the Ren family return to the ice and snow hut.


A sudden strange laugh suddenly came from behind Chen Xizhou and Cheng Ming, which made the two who had just stepped out of the ice and snow park feel a chill that was colder than the park.

The short-legged Squirtle was so frightened that he jumped into Chengming's arms, and tears as big as beans kept gushing out from the corners of his eyes.

It really deserves to be a water-type Pokémon, even tears are more than Pokémon of other attributes.

Before Chen Xizhou and Chengming's coldness faded, Slow King had already thrown a wave of water to a certain place, and Caterpie also sprayed a stream of fire at that place.

Ice and fire!

The two skills successfully hit, and a black shadow suddenly fell to the ground from the ripples.

It's Gengar!

Chen Xizhou had seen Gengar once in Hohhot before.

But that time Gengar lay on the ground because he was rolling happily, and this time Gengar couldn't help wailing after being injured.

The screams continued.

At first, Chen Xizhou thought that it was because his two Pokémons were too heavy, causing this Gengar to be in so much pain that he couldn't extricate himself, until he saw Gengar peeking at his big eyes and realized that this guy was just acting.

"Geng Gui!"

Accompanied by a crisp shout, two familiar figures ran out of the ice and snow park.

Chen Xizhou recognized the two southern little potatoes.

Unexpectedly, they were the √(2.4) girl Lu Chenxi and √(2) girl Lin Yiyi whom he met in the Chi Lechuan grassland in Hohhot.

Lu Chenxi was wrapped in a white plush scarf and a pink plush hat, while Lin Yiyi was wearing a pink plush coat, a travel bag on her back, and white snow boots on her feet.

The two little potatoes were dressed the same as on the grassland.

As for the Gengar on the ground, it was still as chubby as ever, with short limbs and a short tail, constantly making funny movements.

It was even more dramatic than a drama queen.

Seeing the acquaintance, Chen Xizhou took the initiative to greet them: "I didn't expect to see you two here. Are you here to travel in Langqi Town this time?"

Neither of them answered immediately.

After Lu Chenxi gave Chen Xizhou an apologetic look, he walked to Gengar, who was still rolling on the ground, expressionlessly, and just looked at it quietly.

As if feeling the increasingly solemn atmosphere at the scene, Gengar paused and slowly raised his head.

After meeting Lu Chenxi's meaningful gaze, Gengar instantly wilted like an eggplant hit by frost, and slowly disappeared in Lu Chenxi's shadow.

This is Gengar's special ability as a shadow elf.

When Lu Chenxi returned to the crowd, Lin Yiyi on the side said, "It's great to meet you, the mayor, here. In addition to traveling to Langqi Town this time, we also want to find you, the mayor!"

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