I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 132 The Unethical Stinky Mud

In the pond full of stains, several pieces of mud quickly gathered.

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They merged at a very fast speed, and then a huge mud elf appeared in front of everyone.

It was the leader of the stinky mud clan, the stinky mud.

Chen Xizhou was surprised to find that the size of this stinky mud leader had almost doubled compared to half a year ago.

Until the stinky mud leader and the stinky mud crawled to the shore, an unbearable smell like rotten kitchen waste was unscrupulously emitted.

You Qin, who had the biggest reaction, couldn't help but run to the corner and vomit.

Everyone looked at Lin Yue and other sewage treatment plant staff with admiration. They had been with the stinky mud clan for such a long time, and they could still endure it. It was really impressive.

Lin Yue explained awkwardly: "Normally, the stinky muds don't have such a strong smell when they stay in the stained pond. In addition, the sewage has a certain odor, so they get used to it."

Facing this group of ill-intentioned humans and elves, even the powerful stinky mud leader felt tremendous pressure.


The stinky mud leader's cry interrupted the conversation.

Although the other party was aggressive, for the sake of his own tribe, he had to stand up as the leader of the tribe.

The stinky mud leader and the slow king talked.

All negotiation opportunities come from the basis of equal strength between the two sides.

If he can't give the other party enough threat, Chen Xizhou believes that what will greet him is not this kind of negotiation, but a fierce attack from the stinky mud tribe.

Taking advantage of the negotiation, Chen Xizhou opened the information panel of the leader of the stinky mud:

Sprite: stinky mud

Gender: female

Attribute: poison

Feature: foul smell (by releasing the smell of stinky smell, sometimes it will make the opponent shrink when attacking)

Item: black mud

Skills: slap, harden, poison gas, throw mud, immobilize, mud attack, mud shooting, shrink, poisonous, mud bomb, mud wave, harsh sound

Taught skills: none

Inherited skills: acid bomb

This is a very powerful stinky mud.

Chen Xizhou found that the more skills a Pokémon has and the larger its size, the stronger its strength will be.

Although this judgment method is not so scientific, it can still be used as a basis for judging strength in general.

At least the stinky mud leader in front of him can be judged in this way.

The mood of the stinky mud leader gradually became excited, and it was obvious that the negotiations between the two sides were not so smooth.

Chen Xizhou understood Slow King.

It has excellent negotiation skills and is good at understanding the needs and interests of the other party from the conversation, finding common ground between the two parties, and then reaching a win-win negotiation result.

So once the negotiation reaches a deadlock or fails, it must be the other party's problem.

What has changed in the stinky mud clan is not only the size of the stinky mud leader, but also the number of stinky muds.

Compared with what we saw half a year ago, the number of stinky muds has also increased significantly, and this growth will continue to occur in the form of geometric growth over time.

This judgment is not an exaggeration.

The stinky mud leader and the stinky muds do not need any food required by normal elves.

As long as there is a lot of garbage and sewage, their clan can get enough energy from it, which can make them stronger and allow them to reproduce.

Elves have a variety of reproduction methods.

There are mating reproduction methods, seed reproduction methods, and split reproduction methods.

When the energy stored in the stinky mud clan reaches a sufficient threshold, they can split a small part of the mud body from the main body, and this part of the mud body will soon evolve into a new, independent life individual.

This is the unique split reproduction method of the stinky mud clan.

Therefore, as long as the stinky mud tribe is given enough time, they will soon be able to breed a large group in the corners of the city.


The situation at the negotiation table took a sharp turn for the worse.

The stinky mud leader launched an attack without any martial ethics, and a large amount of sludge sprayed out of his mouth.

This unscrupulous guy never attacked the King of Dumb, but the defenseless Chen Xizhou and others.

As smart as the King of Dumb, he did not expect the stinky mud leader to be so unscrupulous.

The King of Dumb did not have time to resist all the attacks of the stinky mud leader, and the remaining sludge bombs flew straight towards the crowd.

Chen Xizhou's Caterpie reacted the fastest, and a spark exchanged one of the sludge bombs.

There are seven sludge bombs left!

"Big Tail, use split!"

After receiving the order, the pink catworm wrapped around Mao Rongrong's neck quickly rushed out, and the two short claws waved white light, instantly defeating three sludge bombs.

There are four sludge bombs left!

Seeing that Mao Rongrong had no time to command him, Hayok could only take the initiative to shoot down one of the sludge bombs with the [Throwing Mud] he had inherited.

There were three sludge bombs left!

Li Jiaxing had no experience in commanding a battle, and his little rabbit Curly Ears was so scared that he shrank in Li Jiaxing's arms.

Seeing that one of the sludge bombs was about to hit the two people, one of the Queen Flower leaders released the fastest attack speed [Flying Leaf Quick Knife] and quickly cut it down.

There were two sludge bombs left!

Another Overlord Flower leader uses [Falling Flowers], and the beautiful flowers will drop the remaining two sludge bombs.

At this point, all the sludge bombs released by the leader of Stinky Mud have been intercepted.

The leader of the stinky mud didn't care that its attack failed. It thought it had discovered the opponent's weakness and chose to continue attacking the crowd.

Under the leadership of the leader, the other stinky mud also started their own attacks.

What the leader of the Stinky Mud and the Stinky Muds don't know is that humans are the weak point of the elves like the Slow King, and they are also their untouchable inverse scale.

Not to mention the relationship between the elves and their respective trainers, even the Trumpet Sprouts and Walking Grass tribes who came to support did not allow anyone to attack their long-term meal tickets.

This is simply a heinous crime!

When King Dude returned to guard Chen Xizhou, Da Shihua, who had the most violent temper, attacked first.

The ferocious Big Food Flower threw out two tough vine whips, rushed towards the leader of the Stinky Mud like arrows, and lashed out at the leader of the Stinky Mud with the force of a storm.

It's going to whip the Stinky Mud leader in half.

The leader of the Stinky Mud was not as agile as the Slow King, and it was unable to dodge and withstood two attacks from the vine whip.

Fortunately, its soft mud body reduces a lot of damage caused by the vine whip.

Despite this, the leader of the smelly mud couldn't help but let out a scream, and then looked at the red-eyed, extremely ferocious big food flower with some fear.

The battle between the two sides has begun.

Chen Xizhou led everyone to retreat to a nearby building and vacated the battlefield.

Under the command of the two Overlord Flower leaders, the elves from Langqi Town quickly filled the vacancy and started a back-and-forth clan war with the Smelly Ni clan.

Chen Xizhou looked at the battlefield and said, "Daidu, we should be very safe here, will you go up and help?"

In order to win over the Stinky Mud Clan without fail, Chen Xizhou specially asked the Trumpet Ya and Walking Grass Clan to order powerful tribesmen to come.

The trumpet bud family came with eight big eating flowers alone, and thirty mouth-breeding flowers came. Although the walking grass family's high-end combat power is not as good as the trumpet bud family, fifty smelly flowers also came, and the overlord Two flowers came.

As the third in command of the Great Clever, the ferocious Da Shihua has been constantly beating up the leader of Smelly Mud.

The elves in Langqi Town absolutely crush the Smelly Mud clan in terms of quality and quantity.

Therefore, given the situation on both sides of the court, help is out of the question.

Chen Xizhou's purpose is to let the King of Dumb assist the ferocious Da Shihua, capture the thieves first and capture the king first, and quickly take down the leader of Stinky Mud.

This can avoid many unnecessary casualties.

At this time, Chen Xizhou had already regarded the Smelly Ni Clan as the elves of Langqi Town. He would feel distressed every time one of them was injured, so it was better to capture them as soon as possible.

King Slow understood and used his super power to float above the battlefield.

It looked at the leader of the Stinky Mud who was moaning and groaning after being beaten with its eyes that glowed pink. Its usually indifferent eyes were full of permeating indifference.

The pink light was no longer soft, but revealed a strange kind of violence.

Everyone's eyes fell on the majestic figure in mid-air, waiting for it to unleash its attack.


In everyone's surprised eyes, the Dumb King suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the Stinky Mud, who had just taken a breather from the attack of the violent Big Food Flower, suddenly appeared behind him. It was the Slow King whose momentum had reached its peak.

[Strong Mental Thoughts]!

Wave after wave of extremely powerful superpowers washed over the body of the leader of Smelly Mud.

In the following plot, I will provide certain plots for the previously added supporting characters, so there may not be any new supporting characters added until Chapter 200.

Regarding the supporting roles, I will open a new post. For the supporting roles that have not yet appeared in the article, you can copy and paste the characters from the old supporting role post into the new supporting role post, so that when new supporting roles are added, they can be prioritized.

I will delete all the unscheduled supporting roles posted by old supporting actors in five days. Anyone who has trouble with unarranged supporting roles will transfer the supporting role information as soon as possible.

Many thanks

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