I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 131: Actions at the Sewage Treatment Plant

In most cases, the drainage system can reflect the economic development level of a city.

For Langqi Town, a once famous poor and remote place, the drainage system of the entire town can be said to be very simple, with only a few sections of sewer pipes in total.

Otherwise, Mao Rongrong and Hayok would not have found the hiding place of the Stinky Mud Clan so quickly.

The Stinky Mud Clan hid in a small sewage treatment plant.

This sewage treatment plant located in the suburbs of the town is also the only sewage treatment plant in Langqi Island.

When the town alliance team arrived, they immediately felt the stench in the air, which strongly irritated everyone's nose and throat.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝖘𝖍𝖚.𝖓𝖊𝖙

Although this sewage treatment plant is small, it is still quite complete in function.

The purification tower of the sewage treatment plant stands tall, and you can vaguely see the white gas gushing out from the top.

On the left side of the factory building, in a place blocked only by the wall, domestic sewage has been filtered into clean water, flowing out along the river, winding and rushing to the distance, covering up the filth here with its own cleanliness.

On the right side of the factory building, there is also a pond full of stains.

Various unidentified objects are floating in the pond, and the disgusting smell seems to infect people's eyes, making people want to escape from here.

In addition to all kinds of disgusting garbage, there are some sludge-like creatures in the pond, which are squirming and integrating garbage into their bodies.

This is the unique way of eating of stinky mud and stinky mud.


A loud and light voice suddenly came from behind everyone.

Everyone looked back and saw that the sound came from two strange elves shaped like plesiosaurs swimming upstream in the Qingshui River.

There is a bulge on their heads and spiral structures on both sides of their heads.

There are many uneven bulges on the gray shell on the back, and a circle of ice crystals surrounds the shell. There are four lines on the ice crystals, just like a five-line score.

[Laplace! 】

【Laplace: The Carrying Elf】

【Laplace is a smart and kind-hearted elf. 】

【Laplace has a high IQ that can understand human language. It likes to carry people on the sea. When it is in a good mood, it seems to sing with a beautiful voice. 】

【Laplace can become an important means of water transportation. 】

【Laplace is very cold-resistant and is not afraid of the ice sea. 】

【Since Laplace rarely participates in fighting, it is caught in large numbers in some places, and its number has dropped sharply and is on the verge of extinction. 】

【It is said that the number of fish has decreased in the sea where there are too many Laplaces. 】

Keywords of the entry: Carrying, high IQ, kindness, cold-resistant

Chen Xizhou had a great liking for Laplace, a little elf, at the first glance after reading the introduction.

If Langqi Town can raise a Laplace tribe, it can not only meet the defense problem of the coastline of Langqi Island, but also form its own characteristics in all aspects not limited to the transportation and tourism industries.

At this glance, Chen Xizhou even...

Ahem, off topic.

Two Lapras were carrying two people.

One of them was wearing an executive jacket, tall and burly, and his name was Lin Yue, the director of the sewage treatment plant.

The reason Chen Xizhou knew him was that this guy submitted a resignation report almost every month.

Because there was really no one, and this young man was always fully committed to his work, encouraging employees to unite and cooperate, and the sewage treatment work gradually showed results, so the town alliance had been suppressing it without replying.

Chen Xizhou originally thought that Lin Yue was dissatisfied with the low salary and no future of this position, and wanted to find time to communicate with him properly.

Now it seems that I have indeed delayed him.

Speaking of which, Lin Yue is by no means an exception.

After the dramatic changes in the new calendar last year, the territory of the alliance expanded several times at once, and the number of administrative personnel in various provinces, cities, regions, and departments also expanded several times.

The talent reserve of the alliance could not keep up with the demand, and a large number of young people were assigned to various positions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of young people?

Young people have many advantages, such as being methodical, relatively serious, enthusiastic, motivated, bold, and daring to speak and act.

But there are also many disadvantages, the most common of which is fickleness.

New things always attract the attention of young people.

The appearance of elves makes a large number of young people curious about this mysterious and magical creature, wanting to know them, contact them, and understand them.

According to statistics, among the young people under the age of 30 who were assigned to administrative positions in the new calendar year, nearly one-third chose to resign, and among these people, more than half of them gave reasons related to elves.

Although I don’t know where this statistic comes from, it’s the case.

Chen Xizhou didn’t know the person carried by the other Laplace, but he looked like someone who lived by the sea for a long time.

His skin was bronze and full of sunshine.

After Laplace landed, Lin Yue quickly jumped ashore and came to Chen Xizhou and others: "Who are you? It’s quite dangerous here, don’t get close at will."

The danger in Lin Yue’s mouth refers to the stinky mud in the pond.

After You Zhen introduced everyone to Lin Yue, Chen Xizhou was embarrassed to find that the director of the sewage treatment plant was staring at him.

The resentment in his eyes came to his face.

If he didn't know this, he would have thought that Chen Xizhou had done something unspeakable to him.

Chen Xizhou really couldn't stand Lin Yue's eyes. In order to change the topic, he looked at another person who had arrived late and asked, "Director Lin, who is this?"

Lin Yue introduced Chen Xizhou: "He is my friend Octopus. He is also a top student majoring in water quality science and technology. He happened to be testing the quality of recycled water with me today."

(ps: The water treated by the sewage treatment plant is usually called recycled water or recycled water.)

"I wonder why the mayor came to the sewage treatment plant this time..."

"It's for them"

Chen Xizhou pointed to the stinky mud in the sewage pond and said: "We are planning to build a large garbage treatment plant near the newly planned industrial park, and we need the help of the stinky mud people."

When Lin Yue heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

Although he has always wanted to leave his job and go out to have a look, as long as he is still at the sewage treatment plant, he has to fight for his own interests.

"This group of stinking mud has been living in the sewage treatment plant. Because of their help, the quality of the recycled water in our plant has always been above the qualified line. It is no exaggeration to say that it can even reach the standard of drinking water."

Lin Yue continued: "Even if we have to take away the Stinky Mud clan, I suggest that some of them should be left in the sewage treatment plant."

After listening to Lin Yue's explanation, Chen Xizhou was thoughtful.

"Mayor Chen, I can testify to this." Standing aside, Octopus, who was slightly silent, took out a record sheet: "This is my water quality testing record of the recycled water discharged from the sewage treatment plant during this period. You You can take a look.”

Although Chen Xizhou is not a professional, he can somewhat understand the water quality test report. If the data on the record sheet is not falsified, it does meet the drinking water standards issued by the alliance.

Theoretically, recycled water discharged from sewage treatment plants is not potable.

But it can be used for municipal miscellaneous purposes such as farmland irrigation, landscaping, industry, large building flushing, amusement and environment, fire protection, air conditioning and toilet flushing.

Unexpectedly, with the help of the Smelly Mud clan, the water quality could be brought up to drinking water standards.

If this is the case, the Stinky Mud Clan really can't all be transferred to the garbage treatment plant.


While Chen Xizhou was thinking, a custom-made truck drove up outside the sewage treatment plant. It was carrying the two tribes, Trumpet Bud and Walking Grass, who were preparing to help subdue the Smelly Mud and the Smelly Mud clan.

Chen Xizhou planned to get down to business first: "No matter what, let's bring the Stinky Ni clan into the establishment first."

Regarding this point, Lin Yue also agreed very much.

Although the stinky mud tribe has long inhabited the sewage treatment plant and provided a lot of help for sewage treatment, they have also caused a lot of trouble to the plant.

If you can control them, these unnecessary troubles can be avoided.

The conquest operation soon began.

As usual, King Daidai came forward to negotiate first.

If peace can be achieved, it would naturally be the best. If not, then the Trumpet Ya and the Walking Grass tribes are already ready to prepare.

The appearance of a large number of elves made the stinky mud in the pond feel the tremendous pressure from the shore. They were no longer as lazy as before, but sped up their crawling speed.

Large amounts of stinky mud began to emerge from the pipes and emerged from under the stains, and they began to stir.

Immediately afterwards, a dull but powerful voice came from the pond...

In the following plot, I will provide certain plots for the previously added supporting characters, so there may not be any new supporting characters added until Chapter 200.

Regarding the supporting roles, I will open a new post. For the supporting roles that have not yet appeared in the article, you can copy and paste the characters from the old supporting roles into the new supporting roles, so that when new supporting roles are added, they can be prioritized.

I will delete all the unscheduled supporting roles posted by old supporting actors in five days. Anyone who has trouble with unarranged supporting roles will transfer the supporting role information as soon as possible.

Many thanks

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