I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 108 The last night of the second year of the new calendar


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The streets on New Year's Eve were bustling.

Red lanterns were hung high, and people were everywhere on Langqi Avenue.

Langqi Town is an island town, and there are not many buildings in the town, so the town alliance not only did not ban fireworks like inland cities, but also purchased a large number of fireworks from Rongcheng.

From a long distance, you can see the gorgeous fireworks above the town, and bursts of firecrackers resounded through the sky.

A festive atmosphere permeated every corner of Langqi Town.

The townspeople and villagers were busy preparing dinner.

Rongcheng fish balls, oyster tofu, red sturgeon glutinous rice, lychee meat, eight-treasure rice...

I can only say that the aroma is fragrant.

Many people sat around the table, the food exuded an enticing aroma, and the countless snack stalls surrounding the street were also crowded.

At this time, a brilliant firework bloomed in the sky, as bright as a meteor, beautiful and magnificent, and set off warm applause from people.

At night, on the island at the mouth of the Minjiang River, a lively New Year atmosphere came to the face.

Langqi Farm.

On the vast grassland, the leader of the mount goat, Palm, and the leader of the Kentaro, the Bull Demon King, led their respective tribesmen to run wantonly.

In this charming scenery, a group of people sat together, enjoying the warmth brought by the bonfire and breathing fresh oxygen.

The ground was covered with thick grass, and various barbecue utensils and pots were placed casually on the grass.

In fact, a few days ago, the town alliance had purchased tons of vegetables, beef and mutton, big bones and various hot pot ingredients and transported them to the grassland.

So in this open-air restaurant, you can choose to eat open-air hot pot or barbecue.

The hot pot soup base is made from wild mushrooms, beef and mutton grown on the grassland. It tastes delicious and has a long aftertaste.

Barbecue is even more irresistible to people and elves.

As the flames jump, the fragrant hot pot and tender and juicy barbecue begin to stimulate the taste buds.

It is simply a kind of enjoyment to eat.

Basically, the mount lambs eat with Happiny, Kentaro eats with Milcan, Armstrong and Porters eat together, and Messenger Birds eat alone.

As for the Walking Grass Clan.

They prefer to stay in the new fertilizer field specially configured for them by the experimental group.

The same is true for the Magnemite Clan.

In addition to the crackling electric current, perhaps only metal ores can make them interested.

Among all the elves participating in the dinner, Happiny and Milcan are the busiest.

They not only have to help add water and dishes, but also help cook and pick up dishes.

There is no way, because the mount lambs and Kentaro are all four-legged elves and have no hands-on ability!

At this time, the stars in the sky lit up one by one, and Mu Zhiyun and Wang Pengfei were busy in the fireworks.

Soon, a spectacular fireworks show began on the grassland.

Small sparks sprayed out in the air, filled with a strange atmosphere, making the night sky on the grassland more mysterious and romantic.

The crackling sound of fireworks, the overlapping calls, the breath of happiness and endless thoughts floating on the grassland, and finally deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone and every elf.

Everything is so beautiful, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Everyone feels as if they have returned to the embrace of nature and forgotten the worries and hustle and bustle of the city.

Most of the cadres and staff of the town alliance also went home for the New Year.

You Zhen and his younger brother You Yun are from Youjia Village, Langqi, Ke Yan is from Rongcheng, Jiang Liang is from Quancheng, and Mao Rongrong is from Xia City. It is very convenient to go home.

Qi Zhensheng and Wang Pengfei are fellow villagers. Like him, they chose not to return to their hometown and stay in Langqi Town for the New Year.

Mu Zhiyun is from Handan, so he should go back to celebrate the New Year.

But he was a bit eccentric and decided to celebrate the New Year for the first time in his life - not with his family.

Chengming is from Kyoto, and he didn't think of going home for the New Year.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't have come to Langqi Town alone to serve as the Minister of Culture and Tourism when there was more than a month left before the New Year.

After years of AU-aided construction, Chen Yang had no thoughts about reunion, so he chose to celebrate the New Year with his fellow elves.

Hua Xize and Meng Yongle are both orphans, and one is no different from an orphan.

So Chen Xizhou also invited them to attend the reunion dinner.

"Mayor, I have spent a lot of money to hire several experts and professors from the Institute of Food Science of Huake. After the New Year, they will bring their own scientific research team to Langqi..."

It stands to reason that with 500 million yuan in funds and Chen Xizhou's ideas, Meng Yongle should invest in an elf ration processing plant to maximize his own interests.

But he didn't do that.

Instead, he resolutely joined the Langqi Elf Industry Group with his own 500 million yuan in funds.

The Elf Ration Company has become a subsidiary of the Langqi Elf Industry Group.

Chen Xizhou listened quietly to Meng Yongle's narration without interrupting him.

He knew in his heart that this guy who was talking nonstop had been suppressed for too long in the past few years.

Now that he finally found hope for revenge, he naturally hoped that everything would be faster! Faster! Faster!

In comparison, Hua Xize was more Buddhist.

He sat obediently beside Chen Xizhou and ate silently.

This was the first time he had spent the New Year with someone in the past few years.

The cute gadflies in the Xize flower garden also came to participate in the reunion dinner.

However, the gadflies only like pollen and nectar, and even Moo Moo Milk and Bae Mee Milk have no appeal to them.

It seems that the scene is a bit boring, and the leader of the strange power, Comrade Nezha, and the leader of the old construction craftsman, Comrade Zhang Yide, decided to have a dragon-tiger fight.

One waved four fists, and the other waved concrete columns, and the two sides soon fought together.

It seems that influenced by them, the leader of Kentaro, the Bull Demon King, also found the leader of the Mount Goat, Palm, to challenge.

It happened that the leader of the big milk tank, Tank, and another leader of the Mount Goat, Vanilla, were also there.

In order not to lose face in front of the two "ladies", the self-esteem of the Mount Goat Leader Palm accepted the challenge of the leader of Kentaro, the Bull Demon King.

The two sides decided to have a literary fight first - a competition of strength.

The sheep horns and the cow horns were instantly put together, and the strength fight officially began under the sound of hooves.

With the "personal example" of the four tribe leaders, the elves also started their own entertainment activities.

The most intense one was the arm wrestling and porter.

The two tribes used to be hostile tribes that fought all day long.

Although there is no conflict of interest now, there is still a sense of competition.

Now there is a legitimate opportunity to fight, and the arm wrestling and porter who have rested for half a year will naturally not let it go.

Soon, a large-scale elf tribe war officially began on this grassland.

A good life is hard-won.

The elves, who are deeply educated in peace, always adhere to the principle of "friendship first, fighting second".

Just as Chen Xizhou and everyone were toasting and enjoying this tribe war, several white-brand cars drove into the Langqi breeding farm...

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