I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 107 The First Handmade Poké Ball

Wang Pengfei moved very quickly.

He completed the task assigned by his superior in five days.

In order to promote Wang Pengfei, Qi Zhensheng specifically asked him to go to the town alliance to hand in the task.

"Wait for me here for a while. I will go upstairs and take you to play after I hand in the task." Wang Pengfei hurried upstairs after giving instructions to his elf.

The Makuhita Rider just smelled a very fragrant honey smell, and it wanted to taste it very much.

Seeing Wang Pengfei go upstairs, the bored Makuhita Rider decided to do some training in the alliance hall to pass the time.

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At the same time, Chen Xizhou just walked in from outside the hall.

Fatty Huang?

Chen Xizhou felt familiar with the fat elf in front of him who was doing horse stance in the hall.

This fat elf was yellow all over except for the gray boxing gloves on his hands and a gray "napkin" tied around his neck.

The squinting Fatty Huang gave Chen Xizhou a vague impression.

It was not until it smiled and the red dimples on both cheeks were particularly obvious that Chen Xizhou finally remembered who this yellow fat man looked like.

Just at this time, Wang Pengfei hurried downstairs.

One man and one elf stood together and compared them. It can't be said that they are exactly the same, but they are completely the same!

Ahem... a bit exaggerated.

But compared with this yellow fat man, Wang Pengfei and the two are too similar, including their dress and expressions, except for their height.



[Makuhita! ]

[Makuhita: Perseverance Elf]

[Makuhita will be full of energy by eating more, sleeping well and exercising enough, and will gradually become stronger in the process of repeated rigorous training. ]

[Makuhita likes to exercise more than anything else. When you hear the ground making a sound in the cave, that is the sound of Makuhita exercising. 】

【The Makuhita will hit the thick tree trunks to train a strong body and an unyielding heart. He repeatedly practices slapping moves. Broken trees can be seen everywhere near his residence. 】

【The Makuhita has the perseverance to never give up and can withstand any attack. No matter how many times he is knocked down, he will not give up and will stand up tenaciously. Every time he stands up, his body will accumulate energy for evolution. 】

Keywords of the entry: hard work, hard work, tenacity, unyielding

A trainer will love such a hardworking Pokémon, right?

"Mayor, this is what General Manager Qi asked me to give to you."

Wang Pengfei asked the Makuhita to help hold the suitcase, and then took out two buckle devices and handed them to Chen Xizhou.

Not resting on his laurels?

Chen Xizhou looked at Wang Pengfei meaningfully.

He knew that Qi Zhensheng had given this task to Wang Pengfei to handle at that time, and he also knew the meaning of Qi Zhensheng sending Wang Pengfei today.

Because Qi Zhensheng had called just five minutes ago.

However, Wang Pengfei had no intention of asking for credit for himself, and he didn't even mention it.

Although I don't know if he did it on purpose.

But even if he deliberately showed this in front of him, Chen Xizhou didn't think it was a big deal.

Chen Xizhou took Wang Pengfei and Makuhita back to his office, and chatted with Wang Pengfei while studying the buckle device.

Chen Xizhou looked up at Wang Pengfei: "You haven't gone home yet?"

There are still five days before the Chinese New Year.

The Elf Industry Group has already had a holiday. As a Northeasterner, Wang Pengfei should have returned to his hometown by now.

"I didn't think about going home this year."

Wang Pengfei shook his head, and then rubbed Makuhita's head vigorously: "The main thing is that this guy likes the environment here very much, and I want to spend the New Year with it in Langqi Town."

Makuhita's eyes, which were originally squinting, instantly turned into two crescents.

It seems that the relationship between one person and one elf is good.

Chen Xizhou asked again: "Have you received the year-end benefits for trainers?"

Wang Pengfei continued to shake his head: "In two days, it's still in time, it doesn't matter if it's late."

"Come on, help me."

Chen Xizhou took out two pieces of dried ball fruit shells from the drawer.

Although the rubber net is relatively small, it is very tough and requires a certain amount of strength to hang it on the ring of the buckle device one by one.

It can only be said that Wang Pengfei's flesh is not grown in vain.

With the joint efforts of the two, the rubber net successfully hung on each small hook of the buckle device.

At this time, the ball fruit shells that became extremely hard after drying have been tightly closed together without any gaps.

Chen Xizhou opened the system:

[Pokeball: A prop for capturing or carrying Pokémon. 】

"Daidai, pay attention."

After Chen Xizhou reminded him, he threw the handmade Pokéball to Slow King.

At the moment when it hit Slowking and bounced off, the Poké Ball opened automatically, and a red light shot out from it to take Slowking back into the ball.

The Poké Ball closed and fell on the sofa.

Then, the red light on the buckle device began to flash, and with the sound of "beep, beep", the Poké Ball began to shake in place.

Three seconds later, the Poké Ball stopped shaking with a "beep" sound, and the red light automatically went out.


Not to mention Wang Pengfei, even Chen Xizhou, who had been prepared, looked stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Ten seconds later, Slowking took the initiative to come out of the Poké Ball.

Under the control of its superpowers, the Poké Ball returned to Chen Xizhou's hands.

Chen Xizhou, who had come to his senses, looked at Wang Pengfei: "Let Qi Zhensheng acquire several production lines of snap-on devices, and you will be in charge of them personally."


Wang Pengfei knew that this was a big deal, so he left in a hurry.

"By the way..."

Before Wang Pengfei left, Chen Xizhou reminded him: "Don't reveal this matter first."

"Please rest assured, Mayor." Wang Pengfei vowed.

In the following time, Chen Xizhou tested the Poké Ball's functions such as taming, releasing, taking back, releasing, enlarging, and shrinking.

Although the workmanship of this handmade Poké Ball was very rough, there were no problems with its functions.

Playing with the Poké Ball that had shrunk in his hand, Chen Xizhou couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

He didn't understand the principle of the Poké Ball at all.

The whole production process was like a computer in front of him, with all the programming software and codes ready. He only needed to enter the code step by step to complete the programming.

In fact, he still didn't understand it.

However, everyone has their own expertise in knowledge and skills. Just because he is not good at this doesn't mean that others are not good at it.

Just find some people who are capable and understand to do the research.

For the technology of Poké Ball manufacturing, Chen Xizhou decided to share it with the Alliance for use while applying for a patent.

A tree that is too big for the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

Only when you are good, I am good, and everyone is good, can it be really good.

Chen Xizhou sees this point very clearly.

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