Chapter 993 Dark Horse] Please order!

There is no difference between the two and the dark horse, because at the beginning, the memory of them must be in a relatively vague stage, and there is no special impression of them.

However, there will be a little emotion now, I think everyone is too powerful, everyone has their own unique place, and there are people who say everything from beginning to end, maybe they are very good Obviously speaking.

To put it more bluntly, it is better to talk to yourself to relieve it. If you are changing to these subordinates next to you, it is best not to do this business, because you will feel ADHD and it will be uncomfortable. .

The words of his subordinates instantly moved a bit to the heart of winning the government, making him feel that what he was doing was a bit inappropriate.

“In the future, if anyone dares to bully you anymore, just come over in 847 to report that I’m done. I want to see which brat is too impatient to live, and he actually bullied others and even bullied me. It’s really deceiving, but I want to see what courage and ability they can have one by one!”

Yingzheng began to fight the injustices for the people around him, making these subordinates very flattered, especially the father-in-laws beside them. They were all so excited that the fruit from the plate in their hands was about to fall to the ground. , So they feel like they learned about winning politics on the first day.

Because the last second was a serious look, the next second became this posture, this is the first day to understand what else it can be, they are all a little bit emotional, but said There is nothing to say about it.

(aibd) Coupled with the strangeness of winning politics, it is not a day or two. He always has his own unique room, there is nothing in that room, and then he will meet in such an environment. Thinking about how to solve the problem.

“Your Majesty, I feel so flattered by your actions like this, so that I don’t know what I should use to return you, and I am extremely excited, even my hand In the constant shaking, oh my god, oh my god, we are so happy.”

Looking at the picture that appeared in front of them, they were already moved.

In short, I feel that all this is a bit too sudden, and even more incredible.

In fact, after thinking about it, there is nothing to entangle, anyway, it’s already this time, why can’t you say your thoughts boldly? Tell the winning government that the two ministers next to you bully them. Also threatened them.

But in fact, if you really say something as light as Yingzheng said, it is absolutely impossible to happen.First of all, the ministers seem very ordinary on the surface, but there are some things you can’t tell in the back. Relationship, this point is very important.

Similarly, if you think about it, you will find it terrible. The relationship between them behind the scenes is as huge as you can’t imagine.

And you will only be the object of being bullied forever. Winning the government is now in order to make your country more peaceful and harmonious. It can only be said that you are very wronged to please the emperor of other countries.

So who do things like this normally do? There must be someone like this to do it, so they only need to wait for the concession by the side.

“Hahaha, it’s the same sentence. The concubines really dare not go. It is too humble to have such an idea. We are just a bunch of ordinary little transparents.

They honestly chose to stand next to each other. At the same time, the sweat coming out of their foreheads was not a joke, and the whole person was sweating profusely.

The main thing is that the words Yingzheng said have caused a lot of panic in their hearts.

Even more feelings of flattery make them feel very unbelievable. All this comes a bit too suddenly, and the taste of being too flattered is also very bad. What kind of superior role is the emperor of others.

And they are just a group of ordinary guards.

Even the eunuch next to him is inferior. The eunuch has been sending fruits to Yingzheng’s mouth, and occasionally said some funny things leisurely in his ear.

Then if the mood of winning the government becomes happy, it will be time for the eunuch to be happy.

“I heard that a neighboring country sent a dance team last night. The girls in it are long and outstanding. I don’t know when the emperor will have time to appreciate it. You can adjust and adjust your irritable mood. A good opportunity.”

Such remarks of the father-in-law directly spoke to the heart of winning the government, so that he also showed a happy smile, indeed for a long time, did not relax his mood, listen to dance music or something. .

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