Chapter 992 King of a country] Please order!

Winning politics is actually a threat to them. He has always been unable to tolerate any sand in his eyes, otherwise he will definitely be irritated. Winning politics, as a king of a country, must have something of his own. August.

After the two people crawled out, they just touched the sight of the eunuchs and guards at the door, and yelled at them on the spot: “One by one, see what is good.

“Be careful. I will take off your glasses now. What’s the matter? I think your attitude now seems to mean you want to come and try it. If you really have such an idea, I can continue with you. I Anyway.

What the man said scared everyone around him and made them very painful.

The guards were shivering even more, and they couldn’t say anything.In fact, they didn’t want to see such a difficult scene, especially the light released from the eyes, which seemed to swallow them. It’s too scary.

“Of course my subordinates dare not.” But when they reacted, they suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why do they have to get the consent of the people around them when they do this?

Why do you want to do this? Suddenly they became confused, and the smiles on their faces became more and more rigid.

Although they are just a group of ordinary guards, it is a bit ugly, but they are actually displayed next to them, so when there are more difficulties, they will treat you as a shield and sigh.

In fact, they were destined to determine this fate at the moment they were born. Down.

Suddenly felt particularly annoyed, and stood up very hard and said firmly, why do they have to go through all this?

Why do all this have to be experienced by ordinary people like them, because their identities are so ordinary? If it is really for this reason, nothing needs to be said, which is a waste of time.

“Okay, don’t say it anymore. In case the Yingzheng inside hears it, the two of us can’t eat and walk around, I am also a reminder to you, you just listen carefully, 々. ”

The brother beside him patted him on the shoulder, as if he hoped that Li Ji could stop talking, because his words were a little bit out of the brain.

However, being said to be a more direct person by others, it is also quite funny to say it, no brain is no brain, more direct and direct, this is too ridiculous.

People like him are indeed a joke. I hope he will accept some psychological comfort in the future.

Of course, the winner on the other side saw the sound outside, walked out slowly, and saw the scene in front of them, or looked at them inexplicably and said, “Excuse me, what’s the situation? I didn’t say anything just now. Do you? Let you go, why are two of them suddenly come back.”

“Moreover, here is the point for my injury. Who gave you the qualifications? I was suddenly puzzled and wanted to ask this question.”

The light released from the look of victory in the government, let them know what complete despair is, this is too scary, why should they be asked to do this kind of thing?

But then they felt that it didn’t matter, maybe this is what they should do.

As ordinary subordinates before, they had no choice.

*” Your Majesty doesn’t have to argue for us anymore. This is what we should do. In fact, we have become accustomed to it slowly. Feelings, but nothing. ”

After they glanced at each other, it seemed that they were about to start wiping tears. Don’t mention how sad the whole person was, and it was precisely because the posture they showed was a bit too pitiful, so vast. Netizens and even their bosses’ bosses began to attack him.

(Money? Zhao) I feel that this guy is a bit too rampant, is he a little too used to him on weekdays, makes him feel that his position seems very unique, and I don’t know who gave him such confidence and His arrogance is too funny.

In short, Ying Zheng has always been a cabinet full of guarantees for his subordinates.

Since the guards next to him have already spoken, he must have nothing to say. Everything must be done according to the ideas of the subordinates. I have to admit that his people are indeed very spineless. May be annoyed by random remarks.

And I have to admit that such a group is simply the existence of outstanding people. .

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