Chapter 987 Parting ways] Please order!

These 100,000 Qin notes are really a lot.

I thought that I also did my best to save this grandfather Zhao’s child a small life.

Victory was also happy to put it away.

This is what it deserves.

Leaving the mansion of Master Zhao.

Ying Zheng took a few people and was ready to go back to the inn to rest.

At this time Xiao Ling followed

Seeing Xiao Ling following himself and others, Ying Zheng smiled and said: “Xiao Ling, what are you doing with us?”

“Well, hey, I think Xiongtai’s cultivation is so good, I want to travel around with Xiongtai.

“In this case, everyone on the road may have a carer.”

Hearing Xiao Ling’s words, Ying Zheng also laughed: “We are not some rangers, and we are going back to Xianyang soon.”

“What are you swimming with us.”

“Ah.” Xiao Ling looked at Ying Zheng and the others disappointedly and said, “So you are not warriors.”

“Hey, I thought you were the same as me. Forget it, since you are all going back to Xianyang, then I will go alone.”

Upon hearing Xiao Ling’s words, Shu Er asked curiously: “Aren’t you going home?”

“Go home?” Xiao Ling said helplessly: “Where can someone like me have a home? Besides, there are no relatives, and even a sister can’t be found.”

“It’s a plus when I found my sister,” Xiao Ling said.

When Ying Zheng saw Xiao Ling look like this, he felt that Xiao Ling was really pitiful.

Thinking of winning here, I asked: “What is your sister’s name? Do you have her information and news, 々.”

“If so, give it to me and maybe I can help you find your sister.

Hearing Ying Zheng’s words, Xiao Ling smiled and waved his hand: “It’s nothing, this matter is not a big problem.”

“I will find it by myself. Since you are not on the way with me, then I will go by myself, and you will not disturb you anymore.”

This little spirit is also simply.

After knowing that Yingzheng and others were not the same with him, they immediately left the crowd without being muddled.

At this point, Winning is somewhat appreciative of Xiaoling.

Although Yingzheng wanted to stop Xiaoling, but seeing Xiaoling like this, it was hard to say anything about Yingzheng.

After all, everyone has everyone’s thoughts, and it is normal for this little spirit to leave, so he can go.

After returning to the inn, everyone was naturally exhausted because of the busy day and the days of rushing.

After talking casually about going back, they went back to their rooms and took a bath and went to sleep.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, after Ying Zheng got up and washed, he ate too early and took everyone to leave Wuguan and rushed towards Xianyang City.

This time, the reason for winning the government is more anxious than before rushing back to become Xianyang City.

It’s entirely because the situation this time is different from the past.

In the situation this time, winning the government is to go back and see how this Chu Nan Gong brought Jing Tianming to deal with himself.

Moreover, Yingzheng also wanted to see how many people like this wanted to assassinate him were hidden in the hundred officials of Daqin’s civil and military affairs.

Once these people are found out by the winning government, the consequences will naturally be very serious.

Win Zheng fully understands and understands this point.

Finally, after two days of rushing, everyone finally arrived at the tunnel outside Xianyang city.

Winning politics must go back from here, otherwise, winning politics will have no way to enter the palace at all.

After ordering the puppet doll to wait for himself in the inner strength.

Victory also quietly returned to the harem.

After putting away the puppet doll, winning the government is to return to the identity of the First Emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty again.

And Su Huan and the others seemed to have nothing, and went back to their inner palaces.

After Ying Zheng had arranged everything, he called Zhao Gao to see him.

After Zhao Gao came in, he saw Ying Zheng and his face was also startled.

When Ying Zheng saw Zhao Gao look like this, he immediately asked curiously: “”Zhao Gao, what are you doing looking at Lian like this?”

“Is there something wrong with me?”

“Your Majesty.” Zhao Gao said with some doubts: “Your Majesty looks like a servant, your Majesty, is this?

Zhao Gao’s words immediately reminded the winning government.

It didn’t take long for me to come back, and it was natural for people to feel like they were in the dust.

Winning politics on this point is indeed a bit of negligence.

However, Zhao Gao’s observation ability is really meticulous and keen.

Such a small change of himself can actually make Zhao Gao grasp the key point immediately.

This really makes people wonder what to say.

“A servant of the wind and dust?” Yingzheng could only open his eyes and talk nonsense: “Zhao Gao, let me see if you have been in the palace for too long.”

“I want to go out of the palace to play, and say that I am a servant of the wind and dust, can you hide this little thought from me?”

There is no way to win politics. If you don’t fight like this, I’m afraid it will arouse Zhao Gao’s suspicion.

The main reason is that winning politics doesn’t want Zhao Gao to know that he has a clone. Otherwise, there are things that won’t be easy to handle by himself.

At this time, Zhao Gao said, “Your Majesty, Zhao Gao really wants to leave the palace for a walk, but”

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