Chapter 986 Killing the Heart Demon] Please order!

As long as it can be cured, the rest is easy to say.

Thinking of this, although Master Zhao couldn’t bear to hear the cry of the child, he still insisted on not caring.

At this moment, I saw Ying Zheng’s right finger pointing to the half basin of black dog blood in his left hand, and then a bright light flashed in his right hand.

Then in the next second, I saw the black dog blood flying out of the spray like waves.

Surrounded by Yingzheng.

At this time, Ying Zheng suddenly waved his hand and cut off the attacking head with sword energy.

Then, winning the government quickly mixed the blood of the cock with the blood of the black dog.

At this time, in the midair around Yingzheng, all were chicken blood and black dog blood.

At this time, Yingzheng’s right index finger and middle finger do the homework.

In Yingzheng’s mouth, he was chanting a spell crazily.

Suddenly, the small part of the sky above Yingzheng’s head began to be covered with dark clouds, and the sound of lightning and thunder was endless.

The whole body of Yingzheng was also violent, and the robes on Yingzheng’s body also blew up.

From a distance, Winning Zheng is really a kind of fairy-like existence.

At this time, Xiao Ling looked at Ying Zheng with a look of surprise, and asked Bi Shi next to him: “Is this friend of yours from the Yin Yang family?”

“Yin Yang family?” Bi Shi smiled and replied when he heard Xiao Ling’s words: “Brother Zheng is much better than someone from the Yin Yang family.”

Hearing Bi Shi’s words, Xiao Ling swallowed his mouth too, and thought to himself: Fortunately, he didn’t really irritate the other party just now.

Otherwise, I’m afraid I will be taken to sacrifice the flag now.

At this moment, the blood around Yingzheng suddenly turned into a blood dragon in midair.

The blood dragon madly revolved around Yingzheng.

And the cry of the baby became louder.

At this time, only a baby cry of “Ah” was heard.

Suddenly the baby didn’t make any sound, and he fainted unexpectedly.

And from the baby’s mouth, a purple evil spirit suddenly burst out,

After the evil spirit left the baby’s body, he floated in midair and looked at Ying Zheng and said:

“The emperor’s conferment of the gods, who on earth are you, such a divine skill, is it because you have the aura of the true dragon and the emperor,” said the purple evil spirit.

At this time, Ying Zheng was already holding the child in his arms, and then turned to Su Huan and said, “Su Huan, take the child back to Master Zhao.”

After Su Huan heard what Yingzheng said, he hurried up to take the child away and returned it to Master Zhao.

Master Zhao saw that his son was finally back to normal, and the purple mark on his face disappeared.

This time he shouted excitedly: “Thanks to the gods, thank you to the gods, my son is saved.”

Yingzheng now has no time to pay attention to Master Zhao. He just looked at the purple evil spirit and said: “The heart demon, I didn’t expect you to repeatedly possess children for your own sake.”

“These children are extremely innocent. How many children have you killed? If you met me today, your limit is up.” Yingzheng said, looking at the demon.

After the heart demon heard the words to win the government, his face became a little dignified.

“You guys, what are you doing at such a high level? Why do you want to come and fight me?”

It can be seen that the heart demon is very jealous of Yingzheng’s cultivation base, otherwise it would not be said to Yingzheng at this time.

But Yingzheng has no interest at all to care about what the demons say.

For the inner demon, this winning government is such a terrifying existence.

If the young man in front of him is not so powerful, then the inner demon is not afraid, and he just runs away if he can’t beat him.

But today, the heart demon can clearly feel that he is afraid that he is doomed today.

At this time, I saw the demon saying to Ying Zheng: “Everyone who cultivates at the same time, there are some things, it is good for everyone to stay a line, why bother to kill them like this.”

“Whoever you are like an evil demon is a cultivator of Taoism, and I came here today to do harm to the people.

As soon as the voice of Yingzheng fell, Chengying Sword was already issued afterwards.

The heart demon saw that Yingzheng was so good at referrals, so naturally he could only hide quickly.

“The expert please be merciful. I am just greedy for a while, so I don’t commit 843 in the future.”

However, Shengzheng said coldly: “There is still a future, you think too much.

After speaking, winning the government is to drive Chengyingjian to kill the heart demon again.

With a half-step innate strength to win the government, this demon is not an opponent at all.

In just three rounds, this demon was stabbed in the forehead by the sword of Ying Zheng, and was killed on the spot.

At this time, Zhao’s Mansion, which was still shrouded in a purple demon gas, immediately became extremely clear, and there was no longer the turbid gas before.

After Ying Zheng saw the sword retracted, he clapped his hands and then turned his head and said to Master Zhao: “After all, Master Zhao, this child’s life has been saved.”

“The child is just frightened. Just sleep. You don’t have to worry too much.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, then Master Zhao is naturally grateful.

This demons had to get rid of Yingzheng and others.

In order to express his gratitude, Master Zhao simply gave the winning government almost 100,000 Qin notes. .

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