Chapter 975 You people are really ruthless] Please order!

When Jing Tianming heard what Chu Nangong said, he asked, “In that case, I don’t know what Mr. Chu Nangong’s opinion has?”

“I don’t dare to be a good opinion, but if the little brother Jing Tianming really dares to assassinate the victory, then I can provide a lot of help.

“Oh?” Jingtian heard Chu Nan Gong’s words, and immediately asked: “I don’t know what kind of help Mr. Chu Nan Gong can provide?”

“Well.” Chu Nangong thought for a while and laughed.

At this time, the voice of Da Si Ming rang again: “Young Master Tianming may still know everything. This Mr. Chu Nan Gong is now a guest of the Prime Minister Li Si of the Qin State.

“May” eight thirty-seven” is deeply loved by Yingzheng and Li Si.

Hearing the words of Da Si Ming, Jing Tianming also coldly snorted: “Give Qin Gou your life, do you want me to trust him?”

“Good.” Not only was Chu Nan not angry at being scolded by Jing Tianming, but he clapped his hands and laughed: “Prince Tianming can have such courage and courage.”

“It’s worthy of being the son of Jing Ke Yishi, I, Chu Nan Gong, has convinced you this time. This time, Chu Nan Gong has helped determine the assassination and victory.” Chu Nan Gong clapped his hands and said.

“So how do you help?” Jing Tianming asked.

“Although I am Li Si’s guest clerk, the entire Qin Dynasty, whether it is the first emperor who wins the power, or Li Si attaches great importance to me.”

“If Young Master Tianming can go with me to Xianyang, then I will find a chance, and then I will use Tianming Brothers’ martial arts skills as an excuse to serve as the Qin Emperor’s personal guard.”

“Then I recommend Brother Tianming to the first emperor as a personal guard, Brother Tianming, would you like such a good opportunity?” Chu Nangong asked.

Hearing Chu Nan’s words, Jing Tianming smiled and replied: “Wonderful, seconds.”

“In that case, please arrange for Mr. Chu Nangong as soon as possible. Tianming will definitely go all out to avenge his father. Please rest assured Mr. Chu Nangong.” Jing Tianming said.

“Hold on.” Chu Nan said with a smile: “The son has thought about it. This assassination of Qin’s great cause is extremely difficult. One carelessness is a bottomless abyss.

“Furthermore, if the son goes like this, it is very likely that he will be in direct danger of death. This is a nine-death life, but the son has to think about it.”

“After all, the son is still young,” Chu Nan Gong said.

Hearing Chu Nan’s words, Jing Tianming also said with a smile: “As a son of man, his father was killed, but he who is a son cannot take revenge.”

“So what does it mean to be alive? It’s no different from being dead.

“Okay, then three days later, the son will set off for Xianyang with me.” Chu Nan said appreciatively.

At this time, Yingzheng was kneeling and sitting in the back hall waiting for instructions.

After hearing the words of Chu Nan Gong and Jing Tianming, Ying Zheng really didn’t know what to say.

This one was really desperate enough to assassinate himself.

If this is replaced by another person, he would have died hundreds of times before long.

It’s a bit awkward. If you change some people with poor psychological quality, I’m afraid that you will be scared to death when you hear so many people want to kill yourself.

What else can you scorn here?

But for winning politics, this is basically a certainty, winning politics is the chosen person.

Under such obvious disadvantages, you can get the Thousand Illusion Art given by the system, and you can also use this Thousand Illusion Art to zero.

It can be said that such important information can still be obtained now.

Winning politics now has no worries about what will happen to him. After all, to put it bluntly, the current situation is completely powerful for winning politics.

It’s just that, even if you win politics in this way, it’s tickles with hatred.

YY Bah, these guys are discussing how to assassinate themselves in their ears.

And this Lord Chu Nan, he trusted this guy so much, the first thing this guy thought of was to be a spy and then assassinate himself.

I didn’t know it before. This time I heard it and I was really sorry. Winning the government this time is determined to send these guys to the guillotine.

However, winning the government also knows that it is not the time yet, because such recklessness will only allow the enemy to take advantage of it without any other benefits.

Therefore, Ying Zheng knew very well that now everything must be endured first, only to endure first to find the opportunity, and then to wipe out this Chu Nan Gong and the guys behind him.

It’s just that I don’t quite understand a little bit about winning the government.

Why does Chu Nan Gong have to deal with himself?

1.3 To put it bluntly, this aristocratic family still pursues prosperity and power.

Now that Qin State has cleared Liuhe and swept all the wastes, he still has to use these guys to win politics.

You said that your career in Daqin is different from that in other places?

It’s all the same glory, wealth and responsibility, you said you have to come up to get these moths, what is this for?

Is it to make your life not so easy?

Although Yingzheng didn’t quite understand the thoughts of these guys, Yingzheng knew in his heart that none of these guys might be mentally normal. .

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