Chapter 974 Honestly eavesdropping] Please order!

This will not make the winning government feel angry.

It’s also a blessing that Yingzheng entered the house in this way today, if it changes to another time.

Winning politics does not have these thousand illusions, so I don’t know how it really died.

And sitting in the first row on the right is a young man.

This young man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he is very determined to apply.

When Ying Zheng saw this guy’s appearance, he felt a little admiration in his heart.

This young man is indeed a talent.

I just don’t know if it is Jing Tianming.

When I was in the pub that day, the victory was to hear the voices of these people, but ~ I didn’t see him.

Therefore, Yingzheng is also uncertain.

Sitting next to the man was a slightly fat middle-aged man.

This man looked like a good old man at first glance, but the calluses on his hands made people know that this guy was not easy at first glance.

Judging from that person’s hands, this person should be the same man.

I don’t know about other winning politics, but this idiom of eloquent people is still very aware of winning politics.

So since this person is Pao Ding, the young man with big eyebrows and big eyes sitting next to him is naturally Jing Tianming.


It’s not very similar to his father Jing Ke.

This is the first feeling of winning the government.

Of course, this is just what Shengzheng thinks.

At this time, I only heard the woman sitting in the middle say: “Yue’er, after serving a good refreshment, you go to the back hall and wait. If the guests have any needs, I will call you.

“Yes.” Ying Zheng replied, and walked towards the back hall with a few maids.

It’s much easier to enter the back hall.

After all, in the back hall, according to the skill of winning politics, there is no problem at all if you want to hear what these people are saying.

The main problem now is that Yingzheng wants to know how these guys are going to assassinate themselves.

And it can be successful.

When I met Chu Nan Gong, Ying Zheng had already thought of it.

The key to this assassination of oneself is probably on the body of Chu Nan Gong.

Think about it, too, Chu Nan Gong is now Li Si’s doorway, also because of Li Si’s relationship.

Therefore, it has won the trust of winning politics.

If this happens someday, Chu Nan Gong brought Jing Tianming to Xianyang Palace to find himself.

Then he said that he wanted to recommend a good talent for himself.

Without knowing it, Chu Nan Gong did have a chance to take action against him.

It can be said that if it weren’t for the chance to win politics today, I came here and learned about the conspiracy of these guys.

Then I don’t know how Shengzheng really died.

After all, for Yingzheng, although he is now the first emperor, there are too many people in this world who want to kill him.

There are too many to win politics, so I can’t count them, so why do you say that you won’t be careful about winning politics.

At this moment, I only heard the voice of Da Shiming and suddenly remembered: “Everyone, today I will gather all of you at my Tingsong Bieyuan.”

“The first is to enable us all to work together to seek big things together.”

“Second, it is only to discuss the matter of assassinating the First Emperor to win politics.”

“You all have something to do with the old nobles of the Six Nations. This Qin Gou has destroyed the Six Nations and won the government and ruined ruthlessly.”

“Heaven loves the suffering of the people for a long time, and now I am waiting again if I can kill the First Emperor if I can win the government.

0……Look for flowers…

“So Daqin’s world will be chaotic, then we can take the opportunity to support the nobles of the six countries and restore their respective countries.”

“In this case, Bao Qin is bound to perish.” Da Si Ming said.

Hearing the words of Daisi Ming, Ying Zheng also wanted to laugh.

Even if Da Qin is dead, all of Da Qin’s administrative ministers are still there, and it will be enough to find another one in the clan.

It’s not a difficult thing. This big mission is really a fuss.

Besides, this Great Qin will not perish, can it be done by killing a winning government?


It is true that the Great Qin eradicated the six nations because it was the credit of a single person who won the government.

At this moment, I heard Chu Nan’s voice sound: “Da Si Ming’s words are naturally reasonable.”

“It’s just that the Xianyang Palace is heavily guarded. Don’t look at me, Chu Nan Gong is now a celebrity under Li Si’s name, and I can also have the opportunity to meet the Ying Zheng children.

“But as far as I know about the Xianyang Palace, it is not easy to assassinate and win the government, so we still have to consider the long-term plan.” Chu Nangong said.

Hearing what Chu Nan said, Jing Tianming said, “Chu Nan, today I was invited by the Chief Secretary to come here to discuss the matter of assassination and victory.”

“You have to make a long-term plan when you come up here. What are you going to do? I didn’t come here to make fun of you.”

“So the Jing Tianming brothers are still young. Did they say that they should not be assassinated? Doesn’t this require a detailed plan.” Chu Nan Gong’s voice came again.

“I know that the Jing Tianming brothers have blood and blood feuds against that winning government, but we also have to be careful, otherwise, if we are not careful, we will lose all the games.

“Why does it come from?” The factory,

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