Chapter 966 Perfect Transformation] Please order!

Now for the win government, the only way to turn everyone into those who no one knows, ordinary people.

In order to find a way to get close to Tingsong Bieyuan.

Otherwise, if someone recognizes him and goes to the mountain gate, the joke is really big.

Winning politics is not a fool after all, and it is impossible to really do such a thing.

So naturally it is impossible to harm everyone’s teacher.

After some changes.

Yingzheng and others became five big men.

Su Huan looked at his beard and strong muscles, and said in a rough voice, “husband, this is really too shameful.”

“Haha, to be honest, Su Huan, you call my husband in such a wild voice, I feel a little ashamed, but there is no way we are going to do business.

“It can only be so.” Yingzheng said 08.

At this time, Shu’er, Mu Lianzhu and others were all amazed at their strong body.

Ying Zheng watched the two women snorting and wondered, and asked a little curiously: “What’s the matter with you two? Why do you look like this? Is there anything wrong?”

“It’s not Brother Zheng.” Shu’er replied in a wild voice: “Shu’er was born as a daughter. I never knew what this man’s body looked like.”

“Unexpectedly, there is still a chance to feel what this man is like now, which is really curious.”

“I feel like I am full of power, but Brother Zheng, don’t you feel uncomfortable and panic when you ride a horse?” Shu Er asked curiously.

“Puff!” Shu’er’s words made Bi Shi couldn’t help laughing.

Winning the government laughed: “Don’t you know that men have to be replaced every ten days?”

“It was very painful when I changed it.”

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Shu’er said with a look of surprise: “What, really? This has to be changed, or once every ten days, my God, I used to envy men because of my luck.”

“Now I don’t envy it at all.”

“Hahahaha.” Bi Shi couldn’t help but laughed directly.

Originally Bi Shi was a man, and now that he has turned into a more crude guy, it must be naturally more masculine.

With such a smile, suddenly there was the sound of Bi Shi everywhere in the entire woods, scared that the Thousand Mountain Bird flew away and disappeared in all directions.

“What are you laughing at, Stinky Bishi.” Shuer asked.

“Nothing, nothing.” Bi Shi also waved his hand quickly.

Now everyone’s identities have also been arranged by Yingzheng.

So the rest is how to get close to Tingsong Bieyuan.

According to the idea of ​​Yingzheng, everyone first find a way to get close to the Tingsong Bieyuan.

Then after approaching the Tingsong Bieyuan, I then looked for a chance to see if there were any maids or family members in the Tingsong Bieyuan.

If it can, then it will be dizzy by then, tied to a place where no one is, and then directly perform disguise.

In this case, you can enter the Tingsong Bieyuan directly and openly without being discovered.

On this point, the winning government has calculated it very clearly.

After everyone had discussed it, they rushed in the direction of Tingsong Bieyuan.

On this road, winning politics is also trying to choose some small paths, after all, it is plain.

If it is really discovered by Da Si Ming and others, then there must be something wrong.

Even if you don’t know the true identity of yourself and others, you must definitely be suspected.

About half an hour away.

The five also arrived on a small hill near Tingsong Bieyuan.

Through this hillside, you can see some conditions around Tingsong Bieyuan, and you can also vaguely see what is inside.

It sounds like Song Bieyuan is not too big, of course it is not too small.

Seen from the outside, the Tingsongbeiyuan is built in a circular shape, and the outside is a circular observation building.

Behind the observation building, there is a lake, which is a bit nice to see from the outside.

The scenery is pretty good.

Then in the middle of the lake, there are a few wooden houses.

It seems that this should be the place where I listened to the orders of the Song Bieyuan Dasi and the others.

How can you say 833? The place where the chief commander will meet Jing Tianming is arranged here, which is really very clever and thoughtful.

It can be said that in such a wilderness, even if everyone says nothing.

Basically no one will notice here, because after all, it is really remote.

At this time, on the outer building of Tingsong Betsuin, there were many men in samurai costumes patrolling.

It can be seen that the place arranged by the chief commander is quite good.

There is just one thing, Yingzheng and others don’t know how to catch people now.

From the outside, the patrol force of the Song Bieyuan is very powerful, if Ying Zheng and others want to go in.

Then it is bound to waste a lot of thought.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to get in.

Winning politics at this point is already clear, but now how can we lure people out?

Otherwise, it’s true

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