Chapter 965 The Nuwa Clan’s Disguise Technique] Please order!

But even though Ying Zheng knew that this disguise technique was powerful, he didn’t expect this disguise technique to be so powerful.

The manner of speaking and doing things, and the appearance and appearance can all become exactly the same and vivid.

How do you put it? It’s incredible.

At this time, Ying Zheng smiled and said to Bi Shi: “After all, you are now like your master. Let me show you a bronze mirror.

After speaking, winning the government passed the bronze mirror in front of Bi Shi.

Through the bronze mirror, Bi Shi also saw how he is now. To be honest, if you are surprised, it is fake.

Bi Shi can say that “August Three Three” is surprisingly surprising.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a hand in this win, which is scary.

“Your Majesty, you still have such a hand, I haven’t seen you show it before.” Bi Shi said cheerfully.

“This is called Shanren’s own clever plan. After performing this disguise technique, I am afraid that Jing Tianming and Da Si Ming will recognize us?” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Before, everyone was somewhat worried, but now that they have seen magical techniques such as winning politics, everyone’s confidence has naturally increased a lot.

Next, Yingzheng turned them into the people they wanted to become in accordance with the people they most wanted to become.

Finally came here to win politics.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally thought about who I would become.

In fact, it doesn’t matter who you become for winning politics.

But what is meant by this after all, after all, the four people around Yingzheng have become well-known people in the arena.

If you win the government and become a person casually, although you will not be seen through, it is bound to be suspected.

So after much deliberation, Ying Zheng eventually became Su Huan’s master and Shuixiangong’s Shuiyue master.

Seeing that Yingzheng has become his own master, and the manner in which he speaks is very vivid.

Su Huan was also very scared.

“Husband, how did you become, become my master.” Su Huan asked in surprise.

“Haha, good apprentice, if you don’t become your master, how can you take you around the world?” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

“Husband, the worst is the worst.” Su Huan naturally understood the meaning of winning politics.

At this time, everything is ready, and now there is only one thing left to go to the Tingsong Bieyuan outside the city tomorrow.

This Song Bieyuan is located 30 miles outside the city, which is not difficult to find.

It’s just that the effect of turning everyone into a body must be erased first.

After all, the owner of this inn knows who booked the room.

The few people who originally booked the room have all become like this at this time. Who can’t doubt it.

Secondly, the main reason is to win the government and want to try it out. It is not troublesome to cast the spell again to return everyone back.

When this spellcasting returned everyone back, the hands of the winning government glowed red.

After the red light illuminates everyone’s body from top to bottom, everyone has restored their original appearance.

Seeing that this Thousand Illusion Art is so convenient and powerful, winning the government is naturally more confident now.

After all, there is such a magical technique on the body, so in the future, winning politics may be able to get out of it at a critical moment.

Everyone was naturally a little tired after the days of rushing.

After a night of corrections, everyone slowly got up after sleeping until the next day.

Seeing that the sun is already in the room, Ying Zheng stretched out, and just wanted to call the maid to wash himself.

Then I remembered that I was living in an inn.

In the past few days, winning politics is also observing the actions of the ruling and the opposition through the puppet dolls.

Now Li Si has summarized all the proposals of Liu Jixiao and others.

Then, under the auspices of the puppet Yingzheng, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty finally set the tone for the tax reduction and the reduction of corvee.

The next step is to look at the implementation of Li Si and others.

For this time Daqin’s comprehensive tax reduction and exemption, the decree of the reduction and exemption of corvee, the winning government is still very much looking forward to.

The current recuperation can alleviate the contradictions between many people and Daqin.

As long as this kind of tenderness policy persists for five years, then Daqin at that time must be the existence of all the people and all the people.

When the time comes, Liuhe will be wiped out, and all nations will be governed by the Central Plains.

After washing up, Yingzheng went downstairs and took everyone to eat in the inn, and bought some dry food.

Then I checked out and left the 1.3 Inn.

After leaving the city, Yingzheng made sure that no one was following him around.

He led everyone to a small forest outside the city.

This grove is extremely remote, and no one comes to it even in broad daylight.

So naturally no one will bother you.

Yingzheng originally intended to continue to turn the dead into what they wanted to change.

But after much deliberation, I still feel that this is not appropriate.

After all, it is really easy to cause unnecessary troubles to become famous people in these rivers and lakes.

In order to avoid such things, then we must find a way to avoid such things. .

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