Chapter 947 Yun Mengze, set off] Please order!

“Girl Gao Yue said so, that’s memorizing it.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully: “If this time the business is finished, I will come to Shendu Jiugong to find a girl.”

“Don’t, there are too many girls around you, so don’t come to me. I don’t like a big carrot.” Gao Yue said.

“The girl said that, that means she likes Zhao Zheng. If so, Zhao Zheng is going to come and leave.” Ying Zheng said with his hand.

“Huh, who rarely likes you, is affectionate.” Gao Yue said.

However, at this time, Ying Zheng had already taken the three daughters and walked in the direction of Yun Mengze.

This Qinyun Courtyard is in the old place of Chu State.

Later, after the state of Chu was destroyed by the State of Qin, it became the territory of the State of Qin.

It’s just that Ying Zheng also learned from Gao Yue that Duan Mu Rong had moved the Qinyun Courtyard to Yunmengze.

The current Qinyun Courtyard is already next to Yunmengze.

Fortunately, winning the government this time is the first to bring everyone to Shendu Jiugong to find Duanmu Rong. If you go to other places first, then you will really lose a lot.

After getting off Shendu Mountain, Ying Zheng and his three daughters also went back to Hanoi County first.

This time I went to Shendu Mountain, and everyone was naturally too tired. Now I return to Hanoi County to find a way to rest and rest.

When I just learned about the inn, everyone sat down to eat.

At this time, I only heard someone next to me say: “Have you heard? It seems that the outside of the city seems to be haunted recently.”

“Haunted? No, how come this is so haunted. 々?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I heard that it is not haunted, but it seems that there has been a suspected robber who specializes in killing people and selling goods.”

“Oh, it’s okay anyway, the world is not peaceful these days, we have to be careful too.

“That’s right, I don’t know what the emperor thinks. The taxes are so heavy and the people are displaced. Isn’t the world in danger if this continues?”

“Hush, don’t talk nonsense, you don’t want to kill you anymore, you won’t be able to keep your head when Qin hears it.”


After hearing the words of the table next door, Yingzheng knew that the people of Daqin were already at such a serious level of displacement.

It can be said that if a dynasty has a large number of people displaced.

Then there are two problems.

The first is the serious land annexation, and the second is the endurance of the people, I am afraid they have already reached their limit.

This patronizes discussing tax reductions with Liu Ji and others, but forgets what to do with the peasants who lost their land because of the disaster.

If this is not done well, it will be a big deal if it is not done well.

Thinking of winning politics here is also a decision. After returning to Xianyang this time, I want to do all these things well.

Now let’s talk about tax reduction first.

After dinner, everyone was tired because they rushed for several days, so they went back to their rooms and went to sleep.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Ying Zheng got up and took the three daughters out of Hanoi County and walked towards Yunmengze.

This Yunmengze is in Changsha County, near Lianghu. Yingzheng has always known that there are many legends in that place.

There are goddesses, fierce beasts, and many other legends.

In short, this Yunmengze is really far from the Central Plains where everyone is.

If there is a horse from Hanoi County to Yunmengze, it would take at least ten days to arrive.

If four people can only walk like this, it will take at least a month.

Of course, there is not so much time to win politics.

But it is not realistic for you to have a horse. After thinking about it, winning the government still got a carriage.

With a carriage, it may be possible to arrive at Yunmengze in half a month.

After negotiating the price with the horse dealer, Ying Zheng also paid the horse dealer the money to buy the horse.

Ying Zheng let Su Huan’s three daughters get into the carriage, while Ying Zheng happily sat in the carriage driver’s position and got up on the carriage.

When Shuer saw Yingzheng like this, she immediately smiled and said: “I said, Brother Zheng, you are also the king of a country anyway, how proper is this dumpling carriage?”

“Look at what you said, I can’t build a carriage by myself. It’s interesting to get this carriage by myself.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, winning the government was directly waving the horse whip in his hand, and the carriage slowly left Hanoi County.

It is not the same if there is a carriage. Winning politics on this road is also very comfortable (for money) and chatting with everyone while driving the carriage.

After this came out of Hanoi County, it was almost noon.

Ying Zheng drove the carriage to a dense forest.

This dense forest is surrounded by lush trees. To tell the truth, Yingzheng felt that it was a good place to kill people at first sight when he saw it.

Coupled with what the people at the next table said during the meal yesterday, Ying Zheng also became somewhat aware of it.

If this is a careless thing, then it is hard to say.

After all, for the win government, if this is not done well, then it may be surrounded by thieves.

Just as Yingzheng was thinking about it, only a long roar in the woods was heard at this time.

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