Chapter 946 Duanmu Rong is not here] Please order!

“Sister Wu Duan, these people came to see Duanmu Rong for treatment. I think this girl is rather pitiful, so I am going to take them to see Master.” Gao Yue said.

“Oh, that’s it, Master is in the hall now, you can go.” Wu Duan said.

“Okay, by the way, Sister Wuduan, brother Gongyangyu went down the mountain?” Gao Yue asked.

“Yes, what’s the matter?” Wu Duan asked.

“Don’t you go down the mountain with you? I heard about the girls at the bottom of the mountain, all of them are white and beautiful. Sister Wuduan, you can rest assured that Senior Brother Gongyangyu will go down the mountain alone?”

“Don’t you worry about something that will happen at that time, you can’t regret it?” Gao Yue said with a smile.

“Nonsense, Senior Brother Gongyangyu is not such a person, don’t you hurry to find Master, if you talk nonsense again, I will let Master take care of you,” Wu Duan said cheerfully.

It can be seen that the private relationship between Gao Yue and Wu Duan should be very good in 2008.

Otherwise, the two would not be joking about such a thing.

At this time, I saw Gao Yue and everyone slowly walking into the hall.

In the main hall, at this time there are six or seven people sitting in the main hall, seeming to be discussing something.

After seeing Gao Yue coming in, one of the people in the hall asked, “Gao Yue, what’s the matter with you coming to the hall? Who are these people behind you?”

As soon as the man had finished speaking, Gao Yue replied: “Back to Master, these people are here to seek medical treatment from Duanmu Rong.”

“Oh? What do you bring to the hall with Duanmu Rong?” the man asked.

“Master, Duan Murong is not there. I saw that this girl was really pitiful, so I wanted to ask Master to help her.” Gao Yue said, arching his hands.

“You girl,” the man said cheerfully.

“Girl, come forward, let me see what is your disease?” The man stretched out his hand and said to Mu Nianzhu.

At this time, Mu Lianzhu turned his head and looked at Ying Zheng.

Yingzheng smiled and said: “The head of Fengpuzi said so, don’t you hurry up and ask the head to take a look.”

“This kind of opportunity doesn’t happen every day.”

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Mu Lianzhu walked up and stood in front of Feng Puzi.

Feng Puzi originally had a smile on his face, but after seeing Mu Lianzhu, his face gradually became dignified.

“Bone Bone Scarlet Flower?” Feng Puzi asked solemnly, “Girl, did you offend the Bone Madame, or did someone in your family offend the Bone Madame?”

“No, I was given this poison by Mrs. Bones since I was a child.” Mu Nianzhu shook his head and said.

“This Madam White Bone really does a lot of evil, and the children will not let it go, it is really a crime.” Feng Puzi said.

At this time, a man next to Feng Puzi said: “Brother, this girl has been eroded by the poison of the bones and crimson flowers, I am afraid that there is no rescue.

Hearing what the man said, Ying Zheng also hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Senior Feng Puzi, this girl is a very good friend of mine.”

“I also know that this is really embarrassing seniors, but if possible, Zhao Zheng still hopes that seniors can save my friend.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Feng Puzi nodded and said: “I definitely can’t deal with this girl’s poison, that Madame Bone uses poison with a high level of poison.”

‘The whole world can’t find a second one. Now it seems that I can only find my disciple Duan Mulong to detoxify her.

“Unexpectedly, as a master, I am not as good as my disciple. There is no way, you can go to Duanmu Rong.” Feng Puzi said.

“In that case, I would like to ask the head, where is this girl Duan Mu Rong now?” Ying Zheng asked.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Feng Puzi glanced around, and then replied embarrassedly: “My land likes to have fun by nature.

“It is impossible for her to practice well in the teacher’s gate, but if there is something delicious and fun, she will definitely go there soon.”

“To be honest, I don’t know where this disciple of mine went, I’m afraid you can only find it by yourself.” Feng Puzi also said helplessly at 820.

Hearing Feng Puzi’s words, Ying Zheng thought for a while and said, “Then can you please tell me where Duan Mu Rong is most likely to go?”

“The most likely place for my younger sister to go is probably the busiest and most prosperous place, where there are good food.

“I heard that it seems like my junior girl is in Qinyun Courtyard. You can feel there to look for her as soon as possible. If you go there in time, you should be able to find my junior girl.” Gao Yue said.

Hearing Gao Yue’s words, Ying Zheng also said, “Thank you, Gao Yue girl.

Without further ado, after Yingzheng had parted with Feng Puzi and the others, he was directly ready to rush to Qin Yun Bieyuan.

Just when I was about to leave, the victory came to mind.

I saw Ying Zheng walked up to Gao Yue and said, “Girl Gao Yue, my name is Zhao Zheng, but the girl remembers this name.”

“Deng’s disciple, I can’t remember your name.” Gao Yue said.

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