Chapter 940 Arranged and ready to go] Please order!

Then, the building of the palace was stopped, after all, Da Qin had just unified the six kingdoms.

There really isn’t much money in the treasury, if you don’t save a little bit.

Well, this may mean how many Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are going to cause trouble.

According to the discussions between Yingzheng and Li Si and others, the three steps must be taken together to reduce taxes and light blessings, as well as stop building palaces.

But every step of this must be done step by step in batches.

A little bit of relaxation, a little bit of contradiction will be eliminated.

Nothing can be done overnight, so there must be time and a process.

Only in this way can the process of this spear “Hasan” shield be slowly eased.

After finally agreeing on everything, the winning government also made a bold arrangement.

Except that Fan Yin was sent to the frontier army to fight under General Zhao Tuo.

Both Liu Ji and Xiao He were taken to the prime minister’s house and followed Li Si.

Winning politics also repeatedly exhorted Li Si to take these two people well, both of whom are the right-hand men of the future Da Qin.

Li Si naturally understood.

Anyway, winning the government did not intend to deprive Li Si of aspect, just asking him to lead people, which is also a normal thing.

After arranging these things, the DPRK meeting was officially concluded.

At this time, after the imperial meeting is over, the only thing left is that it is time for the winning government to take out the puppet doll.

The puppet doll was taken out mainly to serve as a shield to win the government.

If you want to leave the palace, you can’t find someone to supervise the country.

Yingzheng always understands that since power is in your hands, you can’t let it leave you for half a step.

With the puppet doll, it can be said that winning the government is to grasp this power in his own hands anytime and anywhere.

Moreover, this puppet doll will not betray itself, and will not make any moths.

This is just how to say, this is simply the most perfect thing in the world.

Win Zheng first asked Su Huan and Shu Er to prepare the Qin Chao to go out, and then let Su Huan lead Shu Er and Mu Lianzhu into the tunnel.

After all three of them entered the tunnel, Ying Zheng released the puppet doll.

After the puppet doll was released, Yingzheng did all the work with the puppet doll before entering the tunnel.

After entering the tunnel, the puppet doll covered the tunnel entrance again, and everything was perfect.

After walking in the tunnel for a while, everyone was halfway up the mountain outside the city.

This is the first time that Su Huan and others have walked such a royal secret road.

After walking out, everyone was breathing fresh air, and then Shu’er said: “Brother Zheng, I now know that you emperors are so cunning.”

“A tunnel like this is actually being built. Was it to prevent accidents from happening? That’s why such a thing was created?”

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Ying Zheng smiled and nodded: “Of course, if it weren’t for this, how could such a tunnel be built.”

“You have to know that with such a tunnel, the kings of the previous six countries are in the palace, and none of them is not without.” Yingzheng said.

At this time, I just listened to Su Huan saying from the side: “Now I’m out, let’s go and find Duanmu Rong.

“Yingzheng, are you really going to take me to find a genius doctor and cure my poison?” Mu Lianzhu looked at Yingzheng with some excitement and asked.


“Why do you treat me so well?”

“Because we are friends.

Along the way, Yingzheng also heard Su Huan introduced a lot of news about Duanmu Rong, and Yingzheng knew some specific things about Duanmu Rong.

First of all, this is Duanmu Rong, mainly living in Shendu Mountain.

However, this is not the only residence in Duanmulong, there are several other residences in Duanmulong.

They are Qinyun Courtyard, Guiling and Xianshan Ghost Valley.

Hearing what Su Huan said, the victory of the government is also two big.

This is not because of anything else, but the main reason is that the span is too large.

Shendu Mountain is in the Central Plains, while this fairy mountain ghost valley is in the southwest of Daqin, on the side of Wuguan.

This is all easy to say, but with such a large span, where do you go first if you want to win politics?

And according to the saying, you may not be able to find people in these four places.

Because you don’t know where Duan Mulong went, because Duan Mulong is a standard foodie.

In case, if you are attracted by the food, where can you find it?

In this era, there is no telephone network, no cars, airplanes, etc. It is really harder to find someone to appear than you are in the sky.

So 1.3 you said that winning politics is not a big deal.

At this time, I heard Shu’er say: “There is no way, if we want to find this Duan Mulong, we really have to spend some things.

“But there is no need to go to Guiling. Duan Mulong’s residence in Guiling has already been sold by her father, so she will not go.”

“Our main point is to visit Shendu Mountain, Qinyun Courtyard, and Xianshan Ghost Valley. As for the others.”

“It can only take time to find, but don’t worry, we only need to follow a principle, wherever there is delicious food, we can find it.” Shu Er said. .

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