Chapter 939 Jiuyou Broken Soul Powder] Please order!

The whole thing is a dark red color.

That color is definitely an abnormal color, otherwise it won’t have such a pungent smell.

This point is very clear.

At this time, Su Huan was also on the side ~ followed up and studied.

However, neither of them are professionals after all, so naturally there is no way to know what this thing is -.

At this time, Shu’er on the side said: “I probably know what kind of poison is in Girl Mu-now?”

“What poison?”

“Bone Crimson Flower.”” Shu Er said.

“Huh?” Ying Zheng heard what Shu’er said, and suddenly he was a little bit reluctant.

If the name of Secondary 2 can be taken out, would this poisonous fellow be too secondary?

“You are talking about Mrs. Bone’s special poison Bone Scarlet Flower?” Su Huan asked in surprise when she heard Shu Er’s words.

“Yes, that’s right, the poison in this girl Mu is Madame Bone’s bony crimson flower.” Shu’er said.

“Are you sure?” Ying Zheng asked after hearing this.

“It’s certain, because only the old pervert, Mrs. Bone, would give such a hand to a young girl. If you want to come to this girl, Mu must be an extremely beautiful beauty.”

“Otherwise, Mrs. Bones would not commit such a murderous hand.” Shu Er said.

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Yingzheng asked, “Why do you see it?”

“Husband, you don’t know anything.” Su Huan said from the side.

“Ms. White Bone was born with pale skin and strange and scary eyes, so no man fell in love with her.”

“And this Mrs. Bones wants to be favored by men. Over time, there is an imbalance in his heart. This Mrs. Bones believes that the reason why he doesn’t have a man’s love.”

“It’s completely because the beautiful women in this world have taken away the hearts of men who like her, and that’s why such a poison was developed.

*If this lady of the bones meets a beautiful-looking woman, he will feed her the poison. ”

“After taking this medicine, people will slowly become horrible cleansing therapy in a short time, and then it is almost in their twenties, when a girl is in the best years of her life.”

“This poisoned woman is going to die. It seems that the poison in Girl Mu should be this crimson flower.” Su Huan said.

This is where and where.

Su Huan and Shu Er’s words were used to win the government, so they didn’t know what to say.

I’m all right now. Even after my soul passed through, I even met Mrs. Bone.

Excuse me, where is Sun Wukong? Where is Tang Seng?

At this time, I saw Shu’er asking Mu Nianzhu: “Do you remember the appearance of the person who gave you the medicine?”

“Remember.” Mu Nianzhu nodded, describing the person’s appearance.

Sure enough, it was a bit different from Su Huan and the others.

So now it seems that Mrs. Bones is okay.

Thinking of winning here, I also asked curiously: “In this case, then we can find the antidote to Mrs. Bone.”

“Why go to Duanmu Rong?” Yingzheng asked.

“Brother Zheng, you don’t know anything about that.” Shu’er said, “Mrs. Bones, refining poison is powerful, but this antidote will not work.”

“And this Madame White Bone seems to be a hard-hearted victim, so there has never been an antidote ever refined, and all that is specially refined are antidote.”

0……Look for flowers…

“So we can only go to Duanmu Rong.”

Hearing Shu’er’s words, Win Zheng could only nod his head.

What else can be done, it can only be this way, or else they can be caught out and beaten up?

In this way, for the rest of the time, Su Huan and others were with Namu Rosary every day.

But let’s not say, the three soon became good sisters.

And Mu Nianzhu is even more happy, because this is the first time in her life someone has made friends with herself.

Therefore, Mu Lianzhu cherishes this kind of sentiment even more.

And the victory is finally waiting for the memorials of Liu Ji and Xiao He and others.

On this day, Ying Zheng was sitting on the dragon chair, and then Liu Ji and Xiao He also proposed to reduce taxes and reduce corvee and amend the Qin Law that was not appropriate and overweight.

Sure enough, as expected, the ministers naturally opposed it.

However, many people have been changed by the law of the prince of commerce by winning politics, and they were pushed back for reasons such as adapting measures to local conditions and conforming to the actual situation.

This time, all the ministers can naturally see that the winning government is now determined to reduce taxes and lighten the corvee, and also to amend some of the laws of merchants.

Therefore, since His Majesty the Emperor has made such a decision, naturally everyone will not say anything.

This time, the atmosphere of the whole session was very good, and it went very smoothly.

After a series of arrangements, winning the government also allowed Li Si to implement the plan step by step.

The first is to give priority to tax reduction.

This tax is the most important thing for the people. If this tax is reduced, then the conflicts in the entire Daqin will be reduced immediately. factory.

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