Chapter 927 Jun Wu joking] Please order!

“Can you better govern the world of Qin Kingdom? You have been talking about this for a long time, but there is no practical idea. I said you, Prime Minister Zuo, really did it.” Ying Zheng said.

“Your Majesty.” Li Si immediately said anxiously when he heard the words of winning the government: “Your Majesty, Li Si has always been loyal since entering Qin, but he has not done anything unfaithful to his Majesty to Da Qin.”

“Li Si is not guilty.”

Seeing Li Si’s excitement, Ying Zheng knew what Jun Wu joked.

This king really needs to be careful when he speaks.

Originally winning politics was just a joke, but to Li Si, this meant killing the whole family.

Therefore, winning the government immediately said: “Li Aiqing, don’t get excited, I’m just joking.”

“Your Majesty.” When Li Si heard the words of winning the government, he bowed to the ground and shouted: “Your Majesty, Li Si has always been dedicated to your Majesty by the magical technique.”

“The art of the Legalist school has always emphasized the rule of the world by law. Now that your Majesty says so, Li Si doesn’t quite understand it.

“I didn’t say that the world should not be ruled by law. I was asking you that the world is already unified. Do I still want to be like this in Da Qin?”

“Shouldn’t it be a consideration, should I change my mind?” Yingzheng said.

It’s not that winning politics doesn’t explain the words, it’s because of this kind of thing, Li Si must figure it out for himself by doing this.

Only then can there be a specific implementation plan. If winning the government is clear, then Li Si can only draw according to the gourd.

“Li Si, if you go back and think about it again ten days later, you will come to Yangxindian and tell me. If you still don’t understand, then Lian will tell you again at that time, 々.” Yingzheng said.

“Yes, Your Majesty, Li Si will think about it now.” Li Si wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

“Li Si, what I said just now was a joke, don’t Li Aiqing know about it?” Ying Zheng reminded again.

“What your Majesty said, how can Li Si take it to heart? Li Si will go back and think about it.” After Li Si finished speaking, he got up and left the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart.

“This Li Si.” Ying Zheng looked at Li Si and shook his head and said, “Hey, I didn’t scare me to death.

“Your Majesty.” Zhao Gao said with a smile on the side: “Your Majesty, it’s no wonder Prime Minister Zuo, your Majesty just now, whoever changes it will be frightened.”

“Is what I said just now was so scary?” Yingzheng looked at Zhao Gao in confusion and asked.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty Jinkou Yuyan, this says that Prime Minister Li Si Zuo has done it well. Isn’t this scary enough?” Zhao Gao said to Yingzheng.

Seeing Zhao Gao like that, winning the government can be regarded as an understanding of what a lonely family is.

It’s really good to be an emperor, and all the glory and wealth of the world are concentrated on one person.

The power of life and death is also in one person’s body.

But there is a saying that such a person is actually quite miserable.

Because only nice words can be heard, not others.

There is no way to find someone to joke and say something else.

“I knew that I had brought Li Aiqing down to the city like this. I just said that. Forget it, I will pay more attention next time.”

“Don’t scare Li Aiqing to any problem when the time comes, I don’t have a suitable candidate for Prime Minister Zuo.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Your Majesty is wise.” Zhao Gao replied.

Xianyang City, in the left prime minister’s mansion.

At this time Li Si was sitting in his position thinking hard.

He really couldn’t figure out what his Majesty thought, he could just say it directly.

There is no need to circumvent things like this.

It’s not like your majesty’s usual style at all.

His Majesty is absolutely vigorous and resolute on weekdays, and he is nothing but what he thinks of.

And it’s absolutely true.

This time, repeating these words over and over again made Li Si’s little heart a little unbearable.

But Li Si also got the news from Zhao Gao just now.

Your Majesty didn’t mean to blame him, it was really just a joke.

His Majesty also said that he would never make such a joke again in the future.

Li Si was relieved now.

It’s just that what kind of governance policy does your majesty want to give himself?

This really made Li Si a little confused about what to say.

Li Si thought that he had come up with something that fits the current situation of Da Qin.

It stands to reason that it is impossible not to adopt it.

But this has not been adopted twice. Why is this?

Although Li Si didn’t quite understand it in his heart, his Majesty (of money) had said so, he had to think of a solution.

Then Li Si naturally wanted to figure out all these things.

At this moment, Li You also slowly walked in.

“Father, don’t your majesty refute this time?” Li You asked.

“Yes.” Li Si sighed.

This time, Li Youbang’s remarks were also the rules that Li Si thought about.

Li You thought he understood the temper of the emperor Qin, so he came up with this.

Even his father appreciated it.

But I didn’t expect that my father would still be refuted by the emperor.

So Li You was also a little strange in his heart.

What exactly does this emperor want?,

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