Chapter 926 Think hard] Please order!

“Then father can come back now? Your majesty can still let father come back and think about what to do?”

“I’m afraid that at this time, the Li family has already been taken into prison.” Li You said.

Hearing what his son said, Li Si also took a closer look.

“In your opinion, your Majesty simply asked me to come back and think about it?” Li Si asked.

“This is natural, father, think about it, with your majesty’s power, if you really want to abolish the father, the prime minister, then it’s not a matter of a word.”

“Does the father have any room for resistance? Since the abolition of the father’s Prime Minister Zuo is just a word from your majesty.”

“Then why bother to do these hypocritical things with my father and put my Li family in custody directly, and 08 also saved a lot of trouble.”

“Since your majesty is asking your father about the country’s strategy to govern the country, you must be not very satisfied with your father’s answer. Father should think about what your majesty is doing right now.”

“Only when you understand what your majesty is thinking, can father put forward a strategy to govern the country that suits your majesty’s heart.” Li You said.

Hearing what his son said, Li Si nodded: “Yuer, what you said seems to be correct. Let me think about it for my father.”

“Find a time for your Majesty to make suggestions.

At this time, the victory of the government was in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart, and I began to figure out the first step for the great Qin Dynasty to rest and rejuvenate.

Since it is a recuperation, it is natural to start with taxes.

According to the Qin law, the Qin Dynasty has always been a two-eighth draw.

The people stayed two, the government took eight.

This is already very important. At the beginning of the period, the people who had just passed through the spirit of winning the government did not know that the taxes of the people were so in the middle.

After winning the government inadvertently, I also thought that Qin was able to walk a tightrope to unify the six countries in such a dangerous taxation.

It also lasted for more than ten years, and the winning government was also admired by these Daqin civil and military officials.

After all, how should I put it? After all, these people are really powerful. Under such circumstances, they can raise taxes so high.

If this is to change the era of winning politics and no soul, then it is simply going to provoke the Yellow River to turn the world against it.

So the first step is to lower taxes for the vast number of farmers in the Qin country.

For such a big thing, winning the government knows that it is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Naturally, it needs to be done step by step.

There needs to be something to say in the middle, and some corresponding measures are needed to implement it in the middle.

It’s not that you do what you want. There are steps.

Win Zheng called Li Silai for this purpose.

But I didn’t expect that Li Si actually did not reverse the alarm clock’s ruling thoughts at all, and still wanted to continue to conquer the Western Regions.

It was also that Donghu and Xiongnu were beaten by the First Emperor with a suffocation, if it was changed to someone else.

I’m afraid there has been a big trouble long ago.

Now things in the Western Regions must be put aside. The things that are placed in front of the winning government mainly hit two points.

The first is to save the people from heavy taxes and taxes.

The second is to start to abolish some redundant troops.

Reduce some administrative expenses, streamline the troops and simplify administration.

Only in this way can the next reform be carried out.

These things are very easy to say, but in fact every step is very dangerous.

If it weren’t for winning politics with a history of more than two thousand years, then maybe it would be a tender approach.

That is really hard to tell.

After three days of early morning, Li Si finally figured out what to do.

I saw Li Si came to the Hall of Cultivation Early and said to Yingzheng.

“Your Majesty, now I, Da Qin, dominates the world, and the ancestors of Da Qin in the past can already feel great relief under Jiuquan.”

“Chen Li Si thought that building a luxurious palace is not enough to demonstrate your majesty’s achievements, and not patrolling the six countries in the east is not enough to demonstrate your majesty’s majesty.”

“So the minister asks your majesty to build a new palace. The minister has already thought about it. He can recruit craftsmen from all over the world, and then gather in Xianyang and re-select a new address.”

“Then build a new palace, so that you can demonstrate your majesty’s achievements. Taking advantage of the period of building the palace, your majesty can lead the civil and military officials and the old aristocrats of the six countries to visit the old places of the six countries in Shandong east.”

“Let the people of the six countries of Shandong see the majesty of your majesty, so that it will help your majesty to better rule the world.”

“As the saying goes, is it possible that the land of the land is not a royal minister, every plant and tree in this world belongs to your majesty.” Li Si said loudly.

At this time, Zhao Gao also laughed and said: “Your Majesty, Prime Minister Zuo’s words are very clever, and the words of Prime Minister Zuo can’t show your majesty’s majesty.

Seeing Zhao Gao and Li Si singing the red face and the white face, Ying Zheng couldn’t help but laugh.

“I said you two, Li Si, Li Si, I really didn’t expect that, I asked you to go back and think about it, you actually came up with something like this for me.”

“Li Si, how did you become the Prime Minister of the Left? Why do I accept the world’s talents above the court? Isn’t it to be able to accept advice.”

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