Chapter 917 Aunt Gongsun] Please order!

“Don’t talk nonsense, if the officials hear it, they will be decapitated.”

“Really, I’m not talking nonsense. I heard that a group of people went to assassinate the emperor at this moment, and was betrayed by traitors halfway through. As a result, they were caught before seeing the emperor.”

“Now it is said that he is being held in Xianyang’s death row, waiting for His Majesty to intervene personally.”


“Of course it is true. I heard that there is also a woman among them. That woman seems to be Gongsun Linglong.”

Gongsun Linglong!

After hearing this name, Ying Zheng also felt a little strange.

This Gongsun Linglong wins politics but knows that this daughter is after Gongsunlong, she is very confident and has always liked Zhang Liang.

This Gongsun Linglong had heard of winning the government, but she never knew why this little Nizi came to assassinate herself?

The relationship that Gongsun Linglong couldn’t fight with herself, it was impossible to justify her assassination as well.

At this moment, Bi Shi and others didn’t say anything when they heard this, they just turned their heads to look at the victory.

After all, at this time, although everyone knows the identity of the winning government, they don’t know how to say it.

After all, the three people present except Su Huan, who is the wife of Yingzheng, none of the other two have a deep relationship with Yingzheng.

So even though Bi Shi and others wanted to say something, they still didn’t have much to say.

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at the people cheerfully and said: “What’s the matter with you, just say whatever you want, why are you embarrassed to talk?”

“This” Bi Shi said with some embarrassment: “Your Majesty, I didn’t expect that Grandma Gongsun would actually assassinate you, this is really 々”

“Puff!” Ying Zheng couldn’t help laughing when he heard Bi Shi’s words: “You call that fat girl, Aunt Gongsun?”

“Yes.” Bi Shi was also a little embarrassed: “I also know this grandmother Gongsun. This daughter is the queen of Gongsunlong, who was originally a famous queen.

“Fortunately, this Gongsun Linglong is really long and extraordinary. Coupled with being particularly confident, he finally feels that his beauty is the best in the world.”

“So your Majesty, although I know this Gongsun Linglong, but I am not very familiar with this Gongsun Linglong, please give your majesty a lesson.” Bi Shi quickly explained.

“What are you anxious for, I didn’t say that it has something to do with you. It just happened to be completed. Anyway, you were also ordered by your teacher to go down the mountain to practice.”

“It’s better to take this opportunity to go back to Xianyang with me, to have a good experience in Xianyang, and to be a small guard by my side by the way.”

“Whenever you want to go back, you can go back to your Sword Spirit Sect.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Ah, really? Your Majesty.” Bi Shi said with some excitement: “Do you care about the food?”


Hearing Bi Shi’s words, even Shu’er couldn’t help laughing: “I said Bi Shi, can you be a little prosperous, my brother Zheng, who can still be hungry for you?”

“Hey, just take care of the rice.” Bi Shi said cheerfully.

Winning the government laughed: “Not only will I take care of the food for you, but I will also give you Tilu. How about giving you two thousand qin notes a month?”

“What, two or two thousand Qin notes.” Bi Shi thought he had heard it wrong, and looked at the winning government in disbelief.

This Qin banknote of the Qin Dynasty belongs to the paper currency created by Yingzheng himself.

At that time, the Qin Dynasty did not have so much gold and silver, and the copper mine was not enough, so it could only be replaced by Qin banknotes.

However, based on Daqin’s credit, the Qin banknotes were quickly circulated among the people.

At this time, the entire Qin State, ordinary people, only two hundred Qin banknotes a month.

This winning policy gave Bi Shi a price of two thousand Qin notes in one go.

To be honest, Bi Shi is not the kind of person who likes to be a pony, before and after running.

But there is no way, the first emperor gave too much.

*”How about it, is this condition rich enough? Go or not?” Yingzheng asked.

“Go, go, why don’t you go? It’s my honor to be able to follow your Majesty and see the prosperity and the world of Xianyang City with Brother Zheng. It is also my honour for Bi Shi.” Bi Shi said cheerfully.

Although I don’t know what kind of thoughts this competition has, it is a good thing to be able to bring this Bishi to Xianyang City.

Mainly for winning politics, this Bishi is indeed more congenial.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ying Zheng also wants to meet Zhang Liang behind him.

“Boss, I got some good food for a long time, and we starved to death.” A thick voice rang.

At this time, Ying Zheng was attracted by this voice.

I saw a man who was a few years older than himself, walking in with several men and sitting in the corner.

(Good for Zhao Nuo) Among these men, they thought that by looking at their clothes, they knew that they were supposed to be errands.

The other people are all in commoners.

A person’s face is full of beard, and you can tell that it is that kind of big boss.

The other person has a cautious look, and at a glance he knows that it is the kind of person who is full of thoughts but never talks about it.

After Ying Zheng met these people, he didn’t know why, so he noticed a little bit in his heart.

Not because of anything else, but mainly because the young people who came in who were a few years older than him really made Yingzheng feel a little strange.

“Fan, I said you don’t sit around blindly, and quickly get Master Xiao some water to drink.”

“I don’t have such a bit of eye power, you look so embarrassed.”

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