Chapter 916 Shenxian persuades] Please order!

At this time, I heard a voice suddenly coming from a short distance: “Your Majesty, be merciful.”

After Ying Zheng heard this voice, he turned his head to look.

I saw that Yun Zhongzi had already flown to Ying Zheng’s side.

“Your Majesty, please be merciful.” Yun Zhongzi said.

“It’s not that I don’t show mercy, but that this mysterious turtle wants to take my life.” Yingzheng said.

“Your Majesty, please be merciful to your Majesty. This mysterious tortoise is my fairy tortoise from Penglai Fairy Island. It is now tens of thousands of years old.”

“I offended your majesty today, and Yun Zhongzi apologized to your majesty for it. I hope that your majesty can let this mysterious turtle go.” Yun Zhongzi said.

To be honest, if others come out to beg for mercy, winning the government will definitely not give any face.

But this Yunzhongzi came forward to plead, then how much to think about winning the government in 08 is really true.

For nothing else, at least for the sake of the ginseng fruit, winning the government is also to find a way to give some face.

After all, how do you say it, cannibalism takes short hands.

Thinking of this, Win Zheng also beckoned to take the Cheng Ying Sword back.

“Since Yun Zhongzi Dao Master, you have said so, I naturally want to give this face.” Ying Zheng said.

At this time, the mysterious turtle originally had the Yingying Sword stuck in his neck. Suddenly, the Yingying Sword was gone. Although the pressure dropped sharply, the blood flowed from his neck.

At this time, I just listened to the mysterious turtle cursing: “Yun Zhongzi, if you want you to be more nosy, I will almost be able to absorb the qi of the emperor.

“Xuangui, if it weren’t for me to come to rescue in time today, I’m afraid you would have lost your life here. I advise you to be good.” Yun Zhongzi said while looking at Xuangui.

It seemed that the mysterious turtle was very afraid of Yun Zhongzi. After hearing Yun Zhongzi’s words, the mysterious turtle did not speak, but just snorted coldly.

At this time, Ying Zheng saw that Yun Zhongzi had made this mysterious turtle honest, so he didn’t make any moves.

“Since the Daoist Yun Zhongzi has come forward, this matter will stop here, and there are still important things to go back and deal with to win the government, so I don’t pass it here.

After Yingzheng finished speaking, he bowed his hand, and then flew towards the ship.

After leaving here, Shengzheng also let the boatman sail quickly.

Because for Yingzheng, the actual strength of this mysterious turtle is really not small. .

It’s really a fluke that I can hold on to the fairy this time.

If Bai Ze hadn’t given him the Wolong Pill, I’m afraid that Yingzheng wouldn’t be able to insist on Yun Zhongzi’s arrival at this time.

So now that Yunzhongzi is present, he and others should leave as soon as possible.

The owner of the boat was also a smart man. Seeing that Ying Zheng asked him to sail quickly, he naturally commanded the boatman to sail quickly.

Yingzheng watched very vigilantly at the Xuangui around along the way, fearing that Xuangui really had something to come up to trouble him.

Finally, after leaving this sea area far away, the mysterious turtle did not catch up. Yingzheng felt more relieved in his heart.

Back to Linzi City again, Yingzheng got off the ship with the shocked crowd.

The ship owner said to Yingzheng with a grateful look: “If it weren’t for the help of the gods this time, I would be buried in the sea.”

“I am not a god, I am a Taoist cultivator, the boatman is welcome.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“The son is so powerful, and there is nothing to repay him. If the son needs to use the boat in the future, then he can find it at the son, and give him a 50% discount.” The boat owner said.

“Okay, thank you boss,” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Then he took the three of them and walked towards Linzi City.

This Linzi city was originally the capital of Dongyi.

After King Zhou Wu defeated Zhou, he made Jiang Ziya’s fief here.

Then Jiang Ziya brought a group of Jiang-style tribesmen along the way from Luxi to Ludong, and also defeated Linzi City.

I think that Dongyi was also a strong ethnic group for a while, but I didn’t expect to be wiped out by Jiang Ziya led by Jiang Ziya in just over a hundred years.

Later, Jiang Ziya established the Kingdom of Qi. The descendants of the Kingdom of Qi have fallen in love and killed Dongyi for more than a hundred years in this land, and finally wiped out Dongyi 793.

Perhaps it was because this eradication of Dongyi was too bloody and hurtful.

So in the end, God probably lowered the punishment and let Tian Qi replace Jiang.

In the end, it can be regarded as revenge for the destruction of Dongyi.

It’s just that those are things that have been hundreds of years later.

Walking on the streets of Linzi City, Ying Zheng can still see the shadow of the reunification war last year from the sores on the floor.

It took almost a year for Qin to eliminate Wei and Qi.

It was the fastest war in the real war to unify the six nations.

Think about the Xiongnu who destroyed the Kingdom of Chu and Yan before. Dong Hu and so on.

It can be said that the elimination of Wei and Qi was the fastest.

After walking around, I found a well-known local inn, and Ying Zheng brought three people into the inn.

After opening the room, Ying Zheng brought everyone down for dinner.

As the four of them were eating, they said, “Have you heard? It seems that something happened in Xianyang.”

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