Chapter 894 Dongshishan] Please order!

Although Ying Zheng was not very clear in his heart, since he had encountered such a thing, he also agreed to Su Huan’s matter.

Then you can do it yourself. Others, on the contrary, are not so important.

After all, for Yingzheng, suddenly meeting such a person to tell the truth, there is still a little expectation in my heart.

I don’t expect it to be a guy.

It’s just that there are more important things to do to win politics.

In this way, Yingzheng led everyone along the way towards the Narcissus Palace in East County.

To say that the reputation of the Narcissus Palace in the Central Plains is relatively large.

In addition to Narcissus Palace itself is a well-known and upright sect, with a very high level of cultivation, there are also all the beautiful and beautiful disciples of this Narcissus Palace, which is also known to everyone in the world.

Many young sons hope to be able to visit this Narcissus Palace, even if they can’t marry a wife and go home, they can meet so many beautiful disciples.

That’s all how to say it, it can be regarded as life-a great blessing.

Therefore, there is no shortage of disciples in the Narcissus Palace for many years, and there is no shortage of people from other sects who want to find out.

Along the way, Su Huan kept telling Yingzheng about some of the rules of the Narcissus Palace.

After all, there are still some red tapes for such a decent person.

In line with the meaning of going to the countryside and following the common customs, winning politics is naturally also a good memory.

That night, the four of them randomly found a place to sleep overnight.

After feeding the mosquitoes for the whole night, in the morning of the next day, Ying Zheng led everyone to continue towards the Narcissus Palace.

It was almost noon, and finally reached the foot of Dongshi Mountain where the Narcissus Palace is located.

This Dongshishan has always had a legend.

It is said that this Dongshishan was when Pangu opened the world, a rib of Pangu turned out.

It is also because of this that a thousand years ago, Fairy Huarui, the founder of the Narcissus Palace, founded the school in Dongshishan.

Created the Narcissus Palace.

Since the creation of the Narcissus Palace, Huarui Fairy relied on the unique geographical advantage of Dongshi Mountain, and he insisted on carrying forward the Narcissus Palace.

But speaking of it, the Narcissus Palace is also weather-beaten.

Although the ancestor of the school, Huarui Fairy has a high reputation.

But this fairy Huarui has no longer cares about this Narcissus Palace since it soared in the day seven hundred years ago.

This Narcissus Palace hasn’t slowed down for three hundred years.

Later, the bosses were more useless than the others.

Once in the hands of a fairy called Passionate, even the martial art was almost wiped out.

It’s funny to say that for a white-faced scholar, this sentimental fairy actually planned to close the door and dismiss the disciples to go home and marry each other.

Fortunately, the Narcissus Palace at that time was already declining, and there was not much reputation, and the guy who came to attack Narcissus Palace by chaos was really not a very powerful role.

Therefore, with the combined efforts of the remaining elite disciples in the Narcissus Palace, it was finally the most dangerous time to destroy the door.

Later, this passionate fairy became the only one who voluntarily resigned from the position of the palace lord of Narcissus Palace because of this incident.

And this sentimental fairy is also the number one wonder in the Narcissus Palace.

It is also because of the unreliable behavior of the sentimental fairy that the entire Narcissus Palace cannot mention the sentimental fairy.

It is absolutely ashamed to mention it.

0……Look for flowers…

According to the words of Su Huan’s master: “It’s not that you are not allowed to marry, you can’t marry yourself, and you’ve harmed the Narcissus Palace.”

Therefore, Su Huan also repeatedly said to Yingzheng: “Husband, don’t be too aggressive in front of the master, so as to avoid problems when the time comes.”

Hearing Su Huan’s words, Yingzheng nodded.

But because of hearing such words, Ying Zheng became more and more interested in Su Huan’s master.

“You haven’t told me what your master should be called for so long.” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“My master’s name is Fairy Shuiyue,” Su Huan said.

“Shuiyue Fairy.” Ying Zheng was also a little curious when he heard the name.

With these palace masters and masters of Shuixian Palace, I really don’t know how to say this name.

It feels like it is taken based on randomness.

But Fairy Shuiyue sounded pretty good too.

Starting from the foot of Dongshi Mountain, if you want to go to the top of the mountain, you can only go one way.

According to Su Huan, this is the rule set by Fairy Huarui, the ancestor of the school.

That is, if you want to become a disciple of the Narcissus Palace, you must have big ambitions and have the perseverance and endurance beyond ordinary people.

After all, practicing is a very hard work. If you don’t have such tenacity, don’t come early.

After all, the Shuixian Palace is not a place for clean repairs.

“It seems that now we can only go up step by step, and can’t fly up.” Ying Zheng looked at Su Huan with a wry smile.

“Well, don’t worry about your husband. If you are really tired, Su Huan will give your husband a kick.” Su Huan said. factory,

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