Chapter 893 Send you to the West] Please order!

“So I went to the Yincao Difu and saw Lord Yan, I can only blame myself for ordering the back, brothers.” After the boat owner finished speaking, the conversation turned directly and the disciples of the blood refining hall were besieged.

At this time, Ying Zheng laughed, and these three-legged cats who started their careers dare to force them to rely on the victory.

This is simply eliminating big teeth.

I didn’t want to kill these idiots so soon, but if I can’t hold these guys to send them to the door to make a face, I can’t blame winning.

I saw Ying Zheng waved his big hand, and suddenly there were several Ying Zheng swords in front of him, and then I saw these Ying Zheng swords flew towards the gangs of the blood refining hall under the wave of Ying Zheng.



“You” the boat owner looked at Winning with a look of disbelief.

It was just a moment, these guys who were still invincible just now are completely inanimate corpses.

777 At this time, there are only four people left on board the ship owner and the winner.

Ying Zheng looked at the shipowner who couldn’t believe it and said with a smile: “Your blood refining hall is really courageous. It’s fine for doing a lot of evil.”

“You still dare to suck human blood, and even specifically pick children to do it. It’s really intolerable for your crooked ways to not be eliminated.”

“I told you so, that ghost butterfly is I let your junior sister put it back, what I want is to destroy your blood refining hall.” Ying Zheng said.

“Now you can also release your dead soul butterfly, so that you can go back and tell you the hall master, I will go to the blood refining hall to trouble you immediately.”

“If you don’t eliminate your blood refining hall this time, I won’t be called Zhao Zheng.” Ying Zheng said coldly.

“It’s so arrogant. Although the son can be successful in cultivation, if he wants to deal with my blood refining hall, I am afraid it is still a hundred (aibd) early.”

With a “puff”, the ship owner’s words were not finished yet, and the Yingzheng Chengying sword had already pierced the ship owner’s throat.

The owner of the ship was given a direct account of his life after being won by the government.

After a while, more than forty dead soul butterflies suddenly slowly rose into the air from the corpses all over the floor.

Then he flew towards the northeast.

“Oh, I got it.” Ying Zheng said with a slap on his head.

“What’s the matter?” When everyone saw the sudden expression of Yingzheng, they all looked at Yingzheng with bewilderment.

“We don’t know how to sail, this is all killed, who will sail.” Yingzheng remembered now.

Everyone also looked embarrassed when they heard the words of the victory.

Indeed, I just remembered killing these guys, but I forgot that no one would sail the ship.

If this is not possible to sail, then Yingzheng and others are afraid that they will be trapped and die on this ship.

“Wow!” There was a low hum from the river.

“Sea snake!” Ying Zheng said excitedly, looking at the river.

“Great, there is a way.”

Hearing the words of winning the government, everyone was a little puzzled: “Is there any way?”

“Let this sea snake take us away.

After Yingzheng finished speaking, he shouted loudly at the river: “Little guy, come out and do us a favor and push the big ship toward the other side.”

After a while, a head appeared from the surface of the river.

That huge head is not the sea snake who bowed down to Yingzheng, but who else could it be?

I saw the sea snake spit out the letter, in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, head against the big ship, and then slowly pushed towards the shore.

In fact, the two sides of the Yellow River are not too far apart.

The sea snake pushed the ship to the shore after a short while.

After Ying Zheng took the three of them off the boat, he turned to Hai Snake and said, “Thank you, little guy.”

After the sea snake squatted three times at Yingzheng, he roared.

Then a tail smashed the big ship to pieces, and the corpse on the ship was swallowed by the sea snake.

This sea snake is still quite clever, knowing that if this big ship is discovered, Yingzheng and others will inevitably have trouble.

So it’s better to destroy the corpses directly, so that no one will know.

Seeing this situation, Ying Zheng smiled and said nothing, and left the river bank with the three of them.

At this time, there is still almost half the distance from East County.

It’s fast to take a big boat, but if it’s walking, it will take a day.

So for Yingzheng, the place to fail this time is to kill all the disciples in the refining hall.

There is also no horses prepared for everyone.

Otherwise, everyone won’t have to walk so difficult now, right?

Su Huan doesn’t matter.

Just listen to Su Huan’s words: “Husband, it’s been a long time since I walked quietly. Taking this opportunity, let’s go to the Narcissus Palace.

“You can also let Master see our sincerity.” Su Huan said.

Ying Zheng is also very strange in his heart, why does the head of the Narcissus Palace completely ignore his female disciples’ love affairs?

There is also a feeling of wishing to marry all of them quickly.

That’s pretty good, could it be that the head of the Narcissus Palace really likes to be a matchmaker?

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