Chapter 883 Save people] Please order!

“Then do as I said.” Yingzheng said.

At this time, Ying Zheng found a drowning man first.

Then Yingzheng pressed his left hand on the back of his right hand, and then put his hands steadily on the man’s chest and heart.

Then, when everyone saw the technique of winning the government, they also followed suit.

It’s just that this thing is really strange, and I don’t know if it’s useful.

But it doesn’t matter whether it works or not. For everyone, it is true that the main thing now is to save talents first.

Then I heard Yingzheng shouting: “Come with me, count one, two, three, and then press it five times in a row like I did, to make it harder.”

“Every time you press five times, then repeat one, two, three, you know?”


In this way, under the yelling of a crowd of people, and also following the situation of winning politics and learning, these thirty people were rescued.

They all coughed one by one, and then spit out water in their mouths.


In the end, almost all of them woke up, only one woman did not wake up.

No matter how the rescuer rescued the woman, there was no intention of waking up.

It seems that there is basically no possibility of awakening.

At this moment, winning the government was also anxious, and directly shouted: “Let me come and do something about it.”

“Brother Zheng, this is a woman.” Shu Er looked at Yingzheng hesitantly.

Naturally, Ying Zheng knew that in the pre-Qin period, although these men and women did not say that they were like the three principles and five constants of the Confucianism of later generations.

But at least that’s not quite right, isn’t it.

So for the winning government, the public just give people cardiac pacing compressions, which is indeed a bit

“Now that human life is a matter of life, there are men and women. If this person dies, then everything is a wild match.” Ying Zheng looked at Shu Er (aibd) and said.

At first, the crowd did not know what to do, because most of the people present were men.

Women are in the minority, and this woman really doesn’t know much about rescue.

Therefore, naturally there is no way to help win the government and rescue this woman.

But now it is clear that if she wins politics and doesn’t make a move, then this woman is definitely done.

It’s something you don’t even think about.

It’s just that it’s no longer the time to think about these things for winning politics.

Now for winning politics, only saving people is true.

Therefore, thinking of winning politics here, I also directly said to everyone: “Now I want to save people, and I can’t control so much. It’s just that the fathers and villagers help me testify.

“If this woman wakes up, everyone knows that I am trying to save her life, not because I am taking care of her.

Hearing the words of winning the government, everyone present also said one after another: “God, you just let go, we all testify to you, knowing that you are here to save people.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he walked up and pressed the woman’s chest with both hands.

Well, it’s actually pretty good!

Then, winning the government is the pressing of “hey hey”.

It’s just that this woman seems to have been flooded a bit too much, and from the perspective of winning the government and rescuing, this woman is afraid that it is really bad.

At this time, there is no way to win the government, directly using artificial respiration.

Ying Zheng just mouth-to-mouthed to the woman and exhaled.

Shu Er who was on the side immediately shouted: “Brother Zheng, you are a pervert.”

Yingzheng was too lazy to care about Shu’er, but continued to follow his own steps to continue to rescue the woman.

It didn’t take long for the woman to finally make a few “cough coughs” after repeated pressing and artificial respiration like this.

Spit out the water in the abdomen.

Then I saw the woman slowly waking up.

At this time, Ying Zheng stood up and said, “Fortunately, no one has died this time.”

Everyone didn’t cheer when they saw Yingzheng’s ability.

In fact, for winning politics, this is the basic skill of modern people before they have no soul to wear.

But for these people in the pre-Qin era, that’s just how to say it.

That is simply a living god, and anyone who has fallen into the water and died can be saved, but this is not a god, what is this?

At this time the woman slowly woke up and saw herself lying on the ground.

Then he covered his head and asked about the situation just now.

After learning that Yingzheng had saved herself, the woman also stood up and gave a gentle salute, expressing her gratitude for the life-saving grace of Yingzheng.

However, the woman finally learned from her companion how Yingzheng saved herself.

His face was flushed immediately, and he didn’t know what to do.

However, Yingzheng did not think of this, but still took Shuer and Bi Shi back to his cabin.

After entering the cabin, Bi Shi said to Yingzheng: “Brother Zheng, what you are practicing is the legendary emperor’s confession of gods?”

“Do you also know this?” For Bi Shi’s words, winning the government was also a little surprised.

“Unexpectedly, Brother Zheng is such a man of destiny. This emperor’s confession of the gods cannot be practiced unless he has the spirit of the emperor. It is just that he still needs to be careful when practicing this emperor’s confession of gods.” Bi Shi looked worried and won. Zheng said. .

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