Chapter 882 Hai Snake kowtow to Yingzheng?] Please order!

Ying Zheng smiled, and then the next second, Ying Zheng Cheng Ying’s sword came out.

The whole person stepped on the shadow-bearing sword, and then flew towards the sea snake.

To be honest, Ying Zheng has always been very strange, how could such a huge sea snake appear on the Yellow River?

In any case, this Yellow River is not a place where sea snakes can appear.

But there is nothing strange in this world. This sea snake is going to appear here, and you have no choice but to hold it.

At this moment, amidst the exclamation of everyone, Ying Zheng had already flown directly in front of the sea snake.

At this time, the huge sea snake’s two big eyes were staring at Ying Zheng, and the two nostrils were still hot with white air.

Ying Zheng looked at this guy and laughed: “Little beast, I actually met here today. It seems that I am going to walk for the sky today.”

“Ming~~~~~!” The sea snake let out a cry.

But it is not aggressive.

Ying Zheng was a little curious, the sea snake seemed to have no intention of attacking him.

So why is this? What is this for?

At this moment, the sea snake was actually in front of everyone, his head tilted forward, and then bent down to face Yingzheng and knocked three heads unexpectedly.

Yes, you can’t see other actions to win politics. This action to win politics is true.

This action to win politics is very familiar.

What is this for?

Yingzheng was a little bit reluctant to be forced by the sea snake’s performance, how come he has to kowtow to himself?

Could it be that this sea snake was conquered by the overlord aura of the emperor’s Conferred God technique?

In fact, don’t say anything, it seems that this is really the case.

At least until now, the sea snake was really conquered by the victory of the government.

Although Ying Zheng looked at the Sea Snake with some curiosity, he decided to observe and make a final conclusion.

Because Shengzheng now doesn’t know what the attitude of this sea snake is, if he rashly attacks this guy to anger.

It’s okay to say on land, but on the river, in fact, there is not much certainty that this guy can really be defeated by winning the government.

So to speak of winning politics is a bit of a bully.

At this moment, I saw that after the sea snake had finished making donations to Yingzheng, it turned out to open his mouth again and let out a huge roar.

In the next second, the people who had fallen into the water just now were all carried by the tail and body of the sea snake.

When Ying Zheng saw such a scene, he still didn’t understand.

I saw Yingzheng turned his head to compare the test and shouted Shu’er: “Bi Shi, Shu’er come and rescue these people who fell into the water with me, maybe there is still a rescue, 々.”

Indeed, it has only been more than ten minutes since the appearance of the sea snake.

If the ship is rescued at this time and then rescued, many people will definitely survive.

After Bi Shi and Shu’er heard the words of Win Zheng, the two quickly flew over, and then saw the three of them in the next second. It was saved on a specific ship.

Before long, after saving the people, Yingzheng turned his head and said to the sea snake: “Little guy, it seems that your heart is not bad. Don’t attack the ships here in the future.

“These are innocent ordinary people. If you think this place is small, you should swim eastward to the East China Sea, where the world is vast.

“Enough for you to live there.” Ying Zheng said, looking at the sea snake cheerfully.


Still making a low humming sound, his head nodded.

Then, in the next second, the sea snake went directly into the bottom of the river, just showing its head, and then really, according to Ying Zheng’s statement, swam towards the East China Sea.

All this happened in the eyes of everyone.

At this time everyone was also convinced by the winning government.

Especially the ship owner ran over and said, “God, you are the legendary god of Mount Jiuhua.” ”

“God, please be worshipped by the villain.

Seeing the boat owner like this, Ying Zheng also helped the boat owner and said: “I am not a god, I am just a passerby.”

“You don’t have to be like this.

“I can’t read it wrong. I have been running on this river for so many years and have seen so many people. You can tell that you are a rich man at a glance. You can’t go wrong.” The boat owner was cheerful. Said.

Although Yingzheng didn’t know what kind of standard this guy used to judge the so-called rich.

(Zhao Zhao’s)

But Ying Zheng knew that this guy should really be photographing his horse.

At this time, I just listened to someone on the deck shouting: “What should I do, these people are no longer possible, I am afraid that they are already dead.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve been in the water for so long, I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive.”

Hearing these people’s words, Ying Zheng also immediately felt on the deck of the ship.

These people are just drowning, and they have not been drowning for a long time, and they will not be able to die for the time being.

It’s just that in Daqin’s era, there must be no obstacles to rescue measures.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng said to everyone: “Every one of you puts a person on the ground, man to man, woman to woman.”.

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