Chapter 829 Excursion to the East]

Thinking of winning here, I want to see if I can find Xiang Yu and Liu Bang.

It’s just so easy to see who these people are and what kind of people they are. After they die, they can usurp the world of winning politics.

This is definitely something to take a look at for winning politics.

When there was no soul passing through before, then naturally there was no chance to see it, but now there is a chance to see it.

Then you must take a good look.

Especially for people like Xiao He, winning politics absolutely must be promoted.

After all, Xiao He, as one of the three outstanding masters in the early Han Dynasty, there is absolutely no problem.

By the way, there is Han Xin, but I don’t know what Han Xin is doing now.

There is also Zhang Liang.

It can be said that Zhang Liang is the person who wants to win the government the most, but the nobleman of Han country seems to have resentment because of the destruction of Han country by Da Qin.

It is estimated that if you want Zhang Liang to help yourself, that is basically impossible, so for Ying Zhenglai 733, it is best to be able to handle these things properly.

As for Zhang Liang, I don’t have to think about it. After all, how can I say it, you can’t help your enemy.

Winning politics on this point is very clear.

Therefore, winning politics can only be thought about.

Thinking of winning here, I also said to Zhao Gao: “Zhao Gao, your proposal is not bad, and it would be a good thing for the microservices to go on tour.”

“At least when I am away, who will take care of this state affairs?” Yingzheng asked.

“This” Zhao Gao couldn’t tell for a while.

Indeed, this national event is very big, but not everyone can do it.

Let’s not say anything about rebellion or rebellion, just say what some state affairs should be done after mastering the power of agency.

What to do when you encounter urgent things? These things need to be done.

If it can’t be done, then it will have no meaning for winning politics.

And now, winning politics is half a year, not once, or going outside for half a year every year, and half a year in the palace.

This matter is a bit difficult to handle, after all, if this is the case.

Then you must find one that you can manage.

But such a thing is not easy to talk about.

Although Li Si usually has a lot of ghost ideas, but after encountering such a thing.

There is no way. After all, such a thing, who really knows what it looks like.

So, for Li Si, there is nothing he can do about it.

Seeing that there was no way for the two of them, winning the government also knew that the person here was afraid that he had no ideas, so he had to say: “Okay, two Aiqings.”

“I am tired now, so go down. Zhao Gao informed the imperial dining room that I am going to eat dinner.” Ying Zheng said.

“Yes.” Li Si and Zhao Gao retired at the same time.

How can we be able to hold the power, but don’t let the power go by?

This question is really complicated and difficult to figure out.

After all, Yingzheng himself knows very well that if aibd ministers are in power, then this power can be recovered.

But you can’t hold back what moth comes out in the middle.

But now Yingzheng has no children.

Moreover, the time to win the government is faster than the estimated time to eliminate the six countries, I don’t know how much, so now there is no shadow of Fusu or anything.

Now it is a bit difficult to win the government.

“I knew it would come in chronological order anyway, and it would be almost the same after Fusu became an adult.” Ying Zheng said to himself.

But that’s what to say, and winning politics also knows that this is impossible.

After Daqin won the government and took the throne, the development of governance has reached such a scale, the unification of the six countries is already a certainty.

There is absolutely no other way.

So it’s just a matter of time.

Winning politics can be up to one or two years late, but it will not help the overall situation.

So I want to wait until Fusu comes out, I’m afraid it’s a fantasy.

Thinking of winning here, there is no way in my heart.

At this moment, Zhao Gao had notified the people in the imperial dining room to bring up the dinner.

Yingzheng was still thinking about this while eating.

“Your Majesty, are you still worrying about the tour?”

“Why should your Majesty be worried? After all, there is no clone technique in the world. If there is a clone technique, then it will naturally be solved.” Zhao Gao said.

“Huh!” After hearing what Zhao Gao said, Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Gao for a long time.

Zhao Gao felt a little hairy in his heart when Yingzheng looked at it this way, asking whether he had said something wrong.

Suddenly, I saw Zhao Gao knelt down and said: “Your Majesty, Zhao Gao just made a mistake in his mouth and asks your Majesty to punish him.”

“You knelt down and did what you were doing. I didn’t say to punish you. I just heard what you said. I suddenly felt that what you said seemed reasonable.

“You are right. If there is a clone technique, then it will be easier to handle.” After Ying Zheng heard what Zhao Gao said, he also had a good idea in his heart.

Yes, it is the avatar technique!.

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